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Everything posted by peejman

  1. I have a sister so I have some idea, but it's been a while since we were teenagers. It's mostly the intimidation thing I don't get. Why not be silly or ridiculous instead of angry and threatening?
  2. At least 2... http://www.cbsnews.com/news/tarra-and-bella-elephant-loses-mans-best-friend/ My kids have this book... http://www.amazon.com/Tarra-Bella-Elephant-Became-Friends/dp/0147510635
  3. Maybe it's because I have boys, but I just don't get all the teenage daughter shaming and intimidation stuff.
  4. VW Jetta or Passat wagon diesel. 50 mpg out of either.
  5. Sportsmans Guide, AIM Surplus, Midway USA, SG Ammo, AmmoToGo, Lucky Gunner, ....
  6. Got this the other day and thought it was applicable here.  Gives some options I hadn't thought of.   http://www.luckygunner.com/lounge/whats-wrong-grip/
  7. Nice looking belts!
  8. Is the ceiling under it accessible? You might try listening there and looking or feeling for movement while someone walks. Is there plumbing or significant wiring in that floor? Could be more movement than usual due to holes drilled in the joists for pipe or wire passage.
  9. Indeed. Last of the modern day gladiators. 190mph through cities in the rain. Last form of racing that hasn't been sanitized by the safety nazis. Awesome beyond words. Pure insanity. I like it when they out run the helicopter across the top of the mountains. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LU-ynRoqDEs
  10. Which is all they're really intended to be. As we saw in that thread a couple weeks ago, even a well designed safe is far from impenetrable.
  11. Racism isn't the correct word, as it's got nothing to do with race. Bigotry is the operative word. And yes, instances of children going against the religion they were born into is exceedingly rare. Some religions accept the notion of secular pluralism, some tacitly ignore it, and some vehemently oppose it. The vehement/violent opposition is where the problems arise.
  12. A fine underfolder. I'd like to have one.
  13. Her holding a Glock. :)
  14. Have one of the leather guys here make you one.
  15. And these are the reasons why the standard answer to the much asked question of... "what carry gun should I get?" is always ... "The one you shoot the best."
  16. Had the 262 been deployed as an attack aircraft in any numbers with trained pilots and reliable engines, it would have dominated the skies. But with none of those being reality, it was too little, too late. The P-51 vs the 190 was a pretty even match, performance wise. The edge was with the American pilots who typically had much more experience and will to fight. This is a really good book that gives considerable insight into the Luftwaffe toward the end of the war..... http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0425255735/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1457050706&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=a+higher+call+by+adam+makos&dpPl=1&dpID=51YHGJz%2BQlL&ref=plSrch
  17. Much as we might like to believe it, the ISIS leaders aren't stupid. Would they care that tens of thousands of their own died? Not a lick. Would they blame it all on the west? You bet your ass they would. "Look at how the monument of the west collapses and murders our innocent women, children, and infirm..." And it would only get worse from there. In addition to being the worst disaster of its sort, it would also be the biggest propaganda coup of all time.
  18. Why? So innocent people will die and ISIS can celebrate it as a failing of western society?
  19.     The P-40 was a low and slow plane like the BF-109.  Speed is life in a dogfight and the  P-51 had a good 100 mph advantage as well as 10k ft ceiling advantage.  The 30mm cannon on the German planes was devastating and outgunned the Allied planes, but the speed and altitude advantage of the P-51 was too much to overcome. 
  20. I don't mind mowing and like my yard to look nice.  But, I've learned over the years that if your neighbor's yard has weeds, yours will too.  There's simply no way around that, other than paying the chemical people to come spray it regularly.  I've also learned that the weed/feed fertilizer just makes the weeds grow faster.  Mine is green and it grows and that's all I really care about.
  21. 30x30?  No grass.  Make a flowerbed.  Plant low maintenance, shade tolerant perennials such as hosta, ferns, bleeding heart, coleus, spirea, astilbe,  etc.  They'll fill in and choke out the weeds in a few years.  Mulch it in the spring before everything comes out and it's pretty with essentially zero maintenance all summer. 
  22. Check out these collections of photos from WWII.  http://www.theatlantic.com/photo/categories/world-war-ii/   The Atlantic has a ton of great photo collections.  http://www.theatlantic.com/photo/categories/


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