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Everything posted by peejman

  1. We went Sunday and had a good time.  First airshow for the kiddos.  The F-16 turnin' and burnin' scared my little one a bit, but I really enjoyed the show.  I heard stories that traffic/parking was a trainwreck on Saturday with people sitting in traffic for hours before giving up and going home.  We didn't have any problems Sunday, got there about 10:30 and drove right in.  I wish there had been more warbirds there, I miss the show with the bombing runs and the pyro.  I can't remember the last time I saw a Corsair fly, love that plane.  I took a bunch of pics, I'll try to sort through them and put up a few in the next few days. 
  2. Depends on the type of malfunction. The only ammo related malfunctions I've ever experienced were with some very old and somewhat corroded Lake City .45 in a very dirty gun. Other stuff cycled fine but got several failure to return to battery with the LC. I also had fail to fire with some S&B 9mm. Normal primer strike, just didn't go off the first or 2nd time.
  3. Gotta keep a close eye on those things, they're quick...
  4. The North Hollywood thing was in 1997?  19 years ago?    :dropjaw:    I would've guessed 10 at the most.  Crap I'm old. 
  5.     I agree on the skill level.  However, last year most of the early races were boring (this year isn't much different so far).  The same 4 bikes spend the majority of the race just riding around.  The TV coverage doesn't show the action in the back of the pack.  It got more interesting toward the end of the season.    Seen this?  It's friggin' awesome.  After watching it, I have a little more respect for the smurf.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEMmKyR11yM
  6.   .38 revolvers are no match for high powered, magazine fed rifles.  Fire fights happen really fast, and it takes a while for a person to bleed out. 
  7. What they said, not a bad afternoon project.  Rip the whole thing off and replace it all.  Don't think you'd need more than a circular saw and a screw gun.  Good excuse to buy one of each if you don't already have them.    Dig out under the landing, couple inches of gravel, block, and then water barrier (plastic sheet, tyvex, ...) between the blocks and the stringers.   Use the pre-cut stringers, they're way easier even if you have to move the landing a bit, and attach them at deck level with joist hangers, not down below like they are now.   To prevent the above coating disaster, wait for the wood to dry thoroughly (like a year) before putting any sort of stain or coating on it.
  8. What kind of smoker?
  9. His tee shot was just a very inopportune oops.  He missed it in the one place you can't miss it.  I think the 2nd ball in the water was just brain overload resulting from the tee shot.  Consolidating his feces and continuing on for remaining holes to finish 2nd borders on miraculous, given the situation.   He may blow it off publicly like he's moved past it quickly, but I guarantee it'll burn his ass for a long time to come. 
  10. FTFY. And yes, love the show.
  11. Indeed. I slipped on some ice and landed on my pistol a number of years ago. It hurt. A lot.
  12. Nice work gents! Careful wearing that across your back. If you fall, it'll hurt. A lot.
  13. It's an AK, you just need a bigger hammer. ;) Hope it's resolved to your satisfaction.
  14. When I click the video it says... "An error occurred, please try again later." Prophetic? :rofl:
  15.     That's a darn good price.
  16. oh.... It would appear they don't sell the sight I have anymore, at least I can't find it at the moment.... I think it's their original 3 MOA reddot on a cantilever mount. I bought it very lightly used from someone here.
  17.     I think it's this one.  And I think I paid about half that for it... http://palmettostatearmory.com/bushnell-trs-25-hirise-ar-optic-ar731306.html
  18.     My wife's AR has a TRS-25, with the standard AR riser.  It was a package deal from PSA a year or two ago.  It's absolute co-witness and seems to be fine.  The PA red dot on my AR is lower 1/3 cowitness, which I like better.  The PA also has a bit better optics.  The view and dot are both more crisp.  Both rifles have flip-up rear sights with standard front sights. 
  19.   My wife's has the manual safety and I agree that it's too small to reliably disengage.  So we leave it disengaged and so far haven't ever found it to have spontaneously engaged.          :rolleyes:
  20. I got one for my wife.  She likes it and so do I.  Softest shooting small-ish 9mm I've ever shot.  Took a little time for the trigger to break in, but it's pretty good now.  I'm told Apex bits will make it even better.
  21. Phoney baloney jobs, even back then.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uTmfwklFM-M
  22. Constable instead of combat?
  23.     Indeed.  :rofl:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6MCjp4FyME  


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