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Everything posted by peejman

  1. Money ain't everything. Do what you like and be happy.
  2. Right vs Privilege being the operative difference. Gun ownership is a right, driving a car is a privilege. What if a slander conviction resulted in losing your right to free speech for a year? What if having a fake ID resulted in losing your right to vote for a year? Even felons in prison still get to vote.
  3. It's a very light duty truck, an SUV or minivan without the enclosed cargo area. Honestly, the vast majority of truck owners who very rarely ever use their truck like a truck would be well served by a Ridgeline.
  4. Best I recall, there's 2 different types of slide/extractor. If yours doesn't have the "frankenbolt" then it would need a new slide. I'd call Keltec and see what they say about fixing it.
  5. I think the issue is adjacent property. How am I supposed to know if the next guy over is baiting? If I'm on the edge of my property with my back to the property line, there could be bait 50 yards behind me and I'd have no way of knowing that.
  6. Minimum wage was never intended to be a career.
  7. You have good taste.
  8. Send it in to Keltec, they'll fix it. Otherwise, the problems are pretty well known and relatively easily fixed. Keltec sells parts really cheap. From what you said, I'd guess it needs a new extractor and a little loctite on the frankenbolt.
  9. The "2 for" and "biscuit" were probably already there. They just changed which biscuit was the special.
  10. Sounds like a swell guy and the result of some fantastic parenting. Kinda like the idiots that point weapon-mounted lasers all around the gun store. If he's an ROTC cadet, find out where and have a talk with his commanding officer.
  11. I assume you mean this? http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/09/25/stunning-update-seventh-grade-students-suspended-until-june-for-playing-with-airsoft-guns-on-private-property/ Add that to the list of reasons why my kids can't have airsoft guns. Buy them baseball gloves instead. I'm sure the "history of behavior issues" played into that, and I'm also sure any lawyer worth his salt could've gotten that overturned, though it certainly shouldn't have to come to lawyers. Sounds like the neighbors didn't like those kids and were looking for an excuse.
  12. Lots of good advice here.... Good belt, good holster, and RELAX. It's like a women constantly fidgeting with a strapless dress. All it does is draw attention.
  13. Dales is just bottled saltwater with a little caramel coloring for appearance. Allegro is darn good stuff. The hot and spicy is my favorite.
  14. The whole premise of IDPA is(was) to practice with your carry rig.. But competition being what it is, the rules have gotten almost as complicated as TN hunting regulations.
  15. What he said. You can do what you want on your own property, just don't be stupid about it.
  16. Dang. Such a tremendous talent. RIP.
  17. Rule #4: Know your target and what's beyond. If you're not sure, don't shoot it. Binoculars are handy for that.
  18. As I said in the other thread, I have both the P3AT and LCP Custom, though technically the Ruger is hers. Both wear hogue grips, which I think make a significant difference. The Keltec has a slip-on grip that I cut to fit and the LCP has the big over-molded grip. I bought both at friendly prices from nice folks here. I'd be surprised if your range didn't have a least one of those as rentals.
  19. It blew really hard and poured here but we didn't lose power. The storm cell seemed to materialize directly over my house. My wife said downtown Maryville got a downburst, had some damage to buildings, and lost both power and water for a few hours. I'm sure the grid here is just as outdated as anywhere else. I have noticed that they do appear to do a lot more tree trimming in the fall than they used to. Guess they decided that's cheaper than fixing lines when everything is covered in ice.
  20. Spots would be a great guy to learn from. I'd like to too.... A friend took a class or two from these folks (I think) and is in the process of setting up his own forge. https://m.facebook.com/IronMountainMetalCraft/ This one looks good too. http://www.3creeksfarm.com/classes-and-workshops/tennessee-blacksmithing-classes-and-workshops/
  21. How can the 709 be a clone of the Shield when it was released 2 years before the Shield? And yes, clearly all Taurus guns are junk because yours had a problem. The Shield certainly didn't get recalled and no glock has ever failed in the history of the world. Especially not something exceedingly stupid like the slide flying off when the trigger is pulled.
  22. If you don't have one in the chamber just carry a pistol sized rock, it's cheaper to throw at people. I have both a P3AT and an LCP. The LCP isn't called the "little copy pistol" for nothing. The fit and finish are better on the Ruger, but it's almost exactly the same as the Keltec. Ruger has a "custom" version with a slightly better trigger and much better sights, that's what I have. Accuracy is similar. I don't shoot them much past 10yds and I'm "minute of paper plate" accurate with either. I also don't shoot them for fun, because they're not super fun to shoot. Both are pretty snappy. The Keltec required the "fluff and buff" and a new extractor to run, but it's run fine ever since. The Ruger was good out of the box. The Keltec lives in a desantis and the ruger lives in a custom leather pocket holter. The Keltec is fractionally smaller.
  23. I'd suggest you find a good welder and have them do all of them. Plug welds and thin sheet metal are fairly advanced techniques.
  24. Worst football venue ever. The closest seats are 200 ft from the sideline. Front row seats will be like being in the upper deck at any other stadium, and half-way up will be like watching ants play football.


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