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Everything posted by peejman

  1. Could the one flap cover both the tool and pepper spray?
  2. Building & fire safety codes typically require at least 2 exits for any "occupied" space. Two doors, door + window, etc. Doors should also have "panic hardware" that bypasses the lock from the inside. You could avoid that by classifying the room as a closet, but I don't know all the details of that.
  3. I'd kinda hoped you might chime in... This is the closest thing I've found so far. http://skinthsolutions.com/product/l-shield/
  4. I have a friend who carries while he bow hunts (on his own property) due to issues with coyotes. He explained why to the game warden and the warden said "good thinking, just don't shoot the deer."
  5. Thanks, but that's much larger than what I have in mind.
  6. Welcome neighbor!
  7. I want a new multi-tool pouch. I have a Leatherman wave and the original pouch is worn out. I'd also like to free up some pocket space by getting a pouch that will hold the wave plus pepper spray and a single AAA flashlight. Plus maybe a little pry bar or one of those universal wrench doodads. The leatherman 934810 looks like an option, but I don't like that the side pockets are open bottomed. I'm also not sure they'll hold a pepper spray. I've also looked at the various Skinth offerings. They look nice, but I don't want to have to get a giant one just to have a spot for the spray. And their delivery and customer service seems a tad flakey. I'm not an especially big person so I'd prefer the smallest/slimmest thing that'll do the job. I'm not keen on these things that look like you're carrying a tablet on your belt. Suggestions?
  8. All those vague and conflicting answers implies there's been no significant case law to provide clear interpretation, which further implies there's been no prosecution of alleged violations, which yet further implies either there haven't been any citations issued, or there were plenty of other issues available for prosecution so they didn't bother with this.
  9. If you intend for it to be a storm shelter/panic room, think through the idea of using a vault door with a fancy lock. As you'd expect, they're not terribly conducive to quick open/close under stress.
  10. Depends on what you intend to put inside it, for what reason, and how long you expect to be in there. There's several pre-fab storm shelters available. http://familysafeshelters.com/ Otherwise a small room with filled and rebarred block walls with a structural metal frame for a vault door shouldn't be all that difficult or expensive.
  11. One of each, two of many, three of some, ...
  12. Heh, we used to have "Hawaiian shirt fridays" where I worked, mostly to annoy our bosses. Technically it was still a button down, collared shirt.
  13. High quality, highly detailed vinyl trail maps.... http://www.natgeomaps.com/trail-maps/trails-illustrated-maps
  14. I agree, and I don't make a great effort to look since signs are supposed to be "prominently displayed". But there's more than a couple posts above where openly state they knowingly carry past signs.
  15. Oh yeah... also took a garbage bag full of kiddie clothes to the church clothes closet. Our closets could use a little thinning as well.
  16. Maps are much more useful with a compass.
  17. When I used to travel to Detroit regularly for work, I'd visit the Cabelas near Ann Arbor. It makes Bass Pro stores look like a Dollar General. I got a fair bit of Cabelas brand stuff there, typically on clearance. It all seemed good value so I've since ordered more stuff online and been happy with it. I've gotten a lot less from Bass Pro, but most of it was fine too. I'm not much of a fisherman and even though the Cabelas is 500 miles away, it was more convienent than the Bass Pro that's an hour away.
  18. About a month ago I got our boys to go through their toy boxes (yes, plural ) and pick out stuff that was in decent shape that they haven't played with in a while. We ended up with 3 copy paper boxes of toys plus another box of duplo legos. We took them to East TN Children's hospital the week before Christmas. I pulled in behind the Marines unloading their Toys for Tots stash and ended up helping carry a few big boxes. Now that their Christmas haul is cluttering up the house, I quickly determined the initial purge was woefully inadequate. There will be a round 2 before long.
  19. Just bear in mind that you're admitting to willfully breaking the law in an open forum.
  20. My Christmas present from my wife.... I think it'll be getting this paint job in the near future.
  21. Crown is good, but there's a whole 'nother world out there.
  22. peejman


    My wife would love it.
  23. Haven't heard of him... good stuff!
  24. Gary Hoey has some good rockin Christmas songs too ...
  25. I'm no expert either. From what I can tell, the 7.62 designation is on the strap around the wrist, which doesn't appear to be present on this gun. Seems odd they wouldn't mark the caliber on the barrel, but look like they don't. And yes, the "England" would be a pretty good hint, if I'd noticed that at first.


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