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Everything posted by peejman

  1. As mentioned, it's supposed to take a pretty serious whack to deploy an air bag. Just pushing or side-swiping past another car at 10 mph shouldn't set off a frontal airbag.
  2. Wow.
  3. Wait, what?!? You have to pass through metal detectors to access a public street as a normal daily thing? Really?
  4. And therein lies the rub. People who won't go to such an event because of signs or metal detectors represent such a small fraction of the total that they're of no consequence to event promoters.
  5. Nana nana nana nana Batman! It doesn't get much better than that.
  6. Colorized versions of Russian sniper photos... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4424682/Colourised-photos-Russia-s-female-snipers-WW2.html
  7. I've heard "stagecoach Mary" but never researched the story. That's good stuff!
  8. It could, but it won't happen. They're waaaay too entrenched at this point.
  9. You mean all of them? There's still a bunch on my list, but kids and life in general always seem to suck up my discretionary cash. I'd really like a nice Garand. And a 1903. And an SVT40. And an Enfield. And a Sharps. And a Trapdoor. And a Spencer. And ....
  10. Yep. An entire mower, from about 50 ft away. Because all that sheet metal certainly won't generate any shrapnel... There's a reason why the bottle says min safe distance is 100 yds per pound.
  11. Lay on the horn and floor it, forwards or backwards. Push the other cars out of the way if necessary. If he's a foot or two from the door, open the door suddenly and knock him backwards, then floor it.
  12. Interesting that the guy with the least powerful weapon is in the most exposed position.
  13. Interesting story. I don't think it would have ended well for the shop owner had that happened here since we're not allowed to use deadly force to protect property.
  14. Dood. Forget a gun, the mini is screaming for that.
  15. Punt gun at Fort Loudoun garrison weekend a few years ago... I've got video of them firing it somewhere...
  16. Ours is ok so far. We should start getting cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes within the week. The okra didn't all die this year, so that's encouraging. The chili peppers flopped. Win some, lose some.
  17. We've been next door to MB for the past week (and I have to go home tomorrow ). The local news would indicate its not much different from k-town.
  18. Unless they're wanding folks, even this guy has nothing to worry about.
  19. 93 octane is a waste of money. It'll run better on 87, but do stick with 100% gas whenever possible.
  20. peejman

    FL to TN

    https://www.tn.gov/safety/article/handgunmain The details are here.
  21. Nope, school's out...
  22. I was at work. Overheard someone saying a plane had hit a building in NY. Thought, nah, couldnt be that. Then heard more people talking and figured it was a small private plane or something. Then folks got real excited saying it was an airliner so I found someone on the internet and stood staring in disbelief at pictures over their shoulder. Within a couple minutes, all the traffic killed our internet service except for our customer line. So spent the next little while watching over the shoulder of one of our supplier reps who was from England. His connection locked up shortly thereafter as well. I distinctly remember him saying "I guess this means I'm not going home this week...". At some point I called my wife who was at home. Her grandparents, who lived 2 hrs away, were out just driving around and decided to stop by for an unannounced visit. They got to the house just before the first tower fell. I was grateful they were there and my wife didn't have to watch it alone. We left work fairly early that day and I recall standing with my wife on our deck that evening and noting how eerily quiet it was. Only the occasional car passing by and no contrails overhead.
  23. Dang. I knew they decided to quit touring recently, but I didn't know his health was that poor. They'll never catch the midnight rider.
  24. While none are perfect, I'm happy with how all of them do what I want/need them to do.


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