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Everything posted by peejman

  1. One sample (a double shot essentially) of three different whiskys. I'm not aware that I can choose what they send. This one is 2 out of 3. "A" was Breckinridge, which was good. "B" was a rye that I can't recall the maker that was ok. "C" was a single malt scotch that was ... terrible. I don't know how they made scotch taste that bad. Bitter, biting, sour, nasty aftertaste, .... The first sip gave me that cold medicine full body shiver.
  2. Why were the doors unlocked? A locked commercial door with a push bar is easy to open from the inside when it's locked. It's against fire code to have doors that won't let someone out when they're locked.
  3. Sorry, a "please check in at the front desk before you walk through any of the unlocked doors" policy doesn't qualify as "so many security measures". Sounds just like the arguments for gun free zones... unenforceable "policies" that make people feel good instead of fixed requirements that cannot be avoided or bypassed.
  4. My 4th grader brought home a fairly thorough and (IMO) age appropriate study guide for his test on the Revolutionary War. It covered the high points fairly well. The only thing we didn't care for was the characterization of Paul Revere's ride, which has been reasonably proven to not have occurred as portrayed by Longfellow. The nitty gritty details of such things can wait until high school or college.
  5. Probably not. I might stick my head out the window and yell MOO! at some cows though.
  6. My wife got me this for VD. Seems there's s "whisky of the month" club like the beer of the month. The one I've tried so far was pretty good.
  7. Be sure to yell "FORE!" at the top of your lungs as well. We love that.
  8. It's a daily struggle.
  9. Nope. I was in high school at the time. My 3 iron 2nd shot into the 18th hole (parallel to the road) got away from me. The ball must have gone through the tree line without hitting much (yeah, the only time that ever happens). I wasn't sure if it hit the car, but the guy turned around and came back to track me down. The ball hit the hood and bounced off the windshield. I wish it had hit the windshield first as they're cheaper to replace than pulling a dent and repainting a hood.
  10. Speaking as someone who has hit a car while it was driving down the road, it's not nearly as fun as you'd think.
  11. Yep. It just takes that one great shot to keep you coming back. I don't get to play nearly as much as I'd like. It gets expensive and life gets in the way a lot. My kids show occasional interest so time will tell where that goes. What Hozzie said... get some basic instruction now. There's 100 different ways to do it, the hard part is finding the one that works for you. You'd be surprised how much you can learn with a pitching wedge in your backyard and a putter on the hallway rug. Drive for show, putt for dough. You can't make a birdie with a driver, but you can darn sure make a bogey.
  12. When are we going to get serious about school security? If children are our most precious resource, why do we box them up and leave them largely unprotected? Walmart has better security than a lot of schools. It's pitiful. Would a police car sitting in front of the building have sent him somewhere else? Would someone monitoring security cameras be able to call in the cavalry in enough time to catch it before it started? How did someone with no business being there even get within shouting distance of the building?
  13. Doesn't matter either way. They all work fine once you pack them full of Wilson Combat parts.
  14. Prayers for guidance for him and peace for you and your family.
  15. Welcome!
  16. Tons of great info from Kathy Jackson. Highly recommended.
  17. Go to a range with rentals and try out everything they have. Hard to tell what someone else will or won't like. Concealed carry yoga pants are an actual thing... https://thewellarmedwoman.com/product/concealment-leggings/ But, she may want to consider a slight change in wardrobe. A good belt holster hard to beat. That said, girls seem to be able to pull of the hip/fanny pack thing better than men.
  18. If by "huge conglomerates" you mean the Cerebuses, Blackstones, and Carlyles of the world, then I agree. They exist solely to suck the marrow out of everything they acquire and throw it away when they're done.
  19. Bills Outpost. Buds in Sevierville.
  20. Not an Enfield, no metal strap around the wrist. Looks like an early Mauser rifle to me.
  21. It's been gone for years, they just won't bury it. Once a company gets into a position where being owned by the capital management hyenas seems like a good idea, its extremely difficult to recover. Even the massive surge over the past 6-8 years couldn't overcome nearly $1B in debt.
  22. Based on the specs it appears to be half way between a Shield 9 and a 9mm Compact 2.0. Grip length looks enough longer than the Shield for an easy full hand grip.
  23. I have the offset mount for mine, but I've never used it. The guy I bought the rifle from used it as a deer rifle and said it worked fine. I like the scout scope mount idea.
  24. Interestingly, among the popular youth sports, soccer typically has the highest percentage of serious injuries due to the running with no padding. Taking away face masks and reducing the shoulder pads dramatically is an option for football. The speed and power of the athletes has outgrown the current version of the game. When race cars (and motorcycles) outgrow a track, they either fix the track or don't race there anymore. What changes could be made to football fields to help reduce the head injuries?


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