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Everything posted by owejia
Traded for a Winchester all matching numbers mfg. 1944, just did not appeal to me, sold it for 8 $100 dollar bills about 15 years ago. Never cared for the 30-06 cartridge myself. Traded a pristine Remington shotgun for it. Only had $300 in the shotgun.
Listening to car radio yesterday Paducah station , a ball field was advertising come see eclipse at ball field for $15 a head. CAPATLISM AT ITS BEST.
New silencer/suppressor rules passed for TN?
owejia replied to tnlegendracer's topic in General Chat
Red333 ,you might need a flame thrower permit when you fired that thing off. -
Omega sending you a pm about lead.
Soft pure lead is usually worth more than unknown alloyed lead. Price of pure lead at the scrap dealer locally runs about 60 to 80 cents a lb. IF in ingot form and stamped by the mfg. should be worth a mim. of $1.00 lb. Usually local scrap pay .25/lb. then sell for .40/lb for dirty lead. I bought a sailboat keel 98% pb,1.29sb. that weighed 0ver 1600 lbs a few years ago. I melted it and poured 7 to 8 lb ingots. Used a chain hoist to hang it up and a Harbor Freight propane weed burner to melt it down into a large pot and ladled it into ingots. Chain saw also works to cut large pieces. Put a tarp down to catch shavings. Pure lead can be scratched with your fingernail, about 8 bhn hard. A lot of hard work to smelt and flux to remove impurities.
Looking for some 357 Max fired brass to make pest [snake shot] loads for my 357 mag service six.
Fortyfive sent you a PM about bee killer loads.
Asked and answered. Thanks
Does evaporust liquid remove bluing from firearms?
Little slow this year with the cool and rain. Have shot less than a 100 so far. Eighty degree temp will bring them out big time. Happy hunting.
Had my left shoulder tear and bone spur removed the 13 Jan. Took sling off when stitches removed. Doing pt now to get full motion in arm and shoulder. Let mine go for a year and a half before surgery lost a lot of muscle use, pain with the pt now but could not elevate arm enough to shoot long guns. Being an old grunt you will do fine with the pain and surgery. Best of luck.
Welcome to the maze of Tn. gun laws. Written by lawyers to keep everyone confused.
History of the right to carry in Tennessee
owejia replied to quickbiscuit's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
If memory serves me right when carry permits were first issued you had to carry the weapon that you qualified with no exceptions. Before permits the legal way people carried was to get a special deputy or auxillary deputy badge from your local sheriff, most folks just carried unlawfully without either a badge or permit. -
My experience was to talk to the adjoining land owners before erecting a new fence if there was not an old fence already there. Can save a lot of problems later on.
Now if they would just get the rest of their act together and start production of the PPK at Ft. Smith!!!
What WestwindMike said about replacing galvanized with plastic is right on. Is the well casing galvanized also or is it plastic? In my area most household wells are drilled 120ft deep and are 4in plastic casings with 1 1/2 in plastic pipe. I use a 2hp 220volt pump in mine and can still pull them by hand if necessary. Had 4 0f them on power at one time, watering livestock at different locations, always something to fix or replace on them. Plastic is easy to pull as long as you keep an arc in it to keep from crimping and breaking it. Last year had to replace a pump and used a 10 foot ladder to stand on and get a nice arc in the pipe. If you use plastic pipe, use electrical tape to tape the wires to the pipe every five feet or so in case the pipe breaks or comes unglued you can still pull the pump and pipe using the wires. We have high water table here so most pumps are only 60 t0 100 ft deep in the wells
Went to a political rally for my state rep. Andy Holt last week, asked Andy about Constutional carry and was told that Speaker Harwell is the problem . Andy said anything to do with guns was a no-no for her. Exactly what is her problem with the Constution? Andy also said he thought we could get Constutional carry through the House next year, if Harwell didn't fight it. Do we need to lobby Harwell to support it? Maybe do an e-mail campaign as TGO members state wide to lobby Harwell to support it. Comments or suggestions. Thanks
Received a flyer from Alexander Auctions and Real Estate sales that his annual Gun and Knife auction will be Sat. 22 starting at 9 am in Martin,Tn if anyone is interested in going.
Rossi 92 ss in 357 mag, haven't got to shoot it yet. Need to load some up to shoot in it.
Bill 's Gunshop 1490 Hill Rd. Paris,Tn. 731-924-2241, 731-363-9018. Haven't had any gunsmithing work done but Mr. Nall works on a lot of guns. He does all my transfers.
Gave all my bowhunting equipment to my granddaughter and her boyfriend yesterday at a family get together. Compound bow, crossbow and recurve long bow. Her boyfriend likes to bowfish and she was needing a bow to use to bowfish with him.Too old to bowhunt , better enjoy bow hunting while you are young and physically able, old age happens quick.
Breaded, deep fried with biscuits and gravy.
To the original op question, What do you think about strangers packed together at gun shows conceal carrying, you pay your fees and take your chances, that is just part of living life, can't control what some one else will do. Just have to be aware of what's happening around you at all times.
First Timer Questions: Hornady Custom Grade Dies
owejia replied to ReeferMac's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Glad you have things working for you. Patience and experience and you can make very good ammo. -
What's in your pocket most often?
owejia replied to Handsome Rob's topic in Knives, Lights, EDC Gear
Old Tree Brand Boker congress for about the last 10 years, right side pocket and money clip in left side pocket. The only skinning I've done with it is to cut the net wrap or strings on rolls of hay.