I went on a first date with a girl today and I couldn't believe what she suggested we do. She wanted to go shooting:love:. I met her down at Coal Creek today and she said she wanted to rent a gun. She told me her favorite was the Desert Eagle. I thought she was kidding until she walked into the range area practically dragging that thing behind her. Must say though, she shot it like a champ.
We also shot a Sig p229 I think it was. She was a hell of a shot. Next date is this weekend TO THE GUN SHOW!!! her idea:D. She wants me to help her pick out a gun for her.
Did I mention she also wants her carry permit?
So, on that note. I need some suggestions on what kind of gun she should get. Obviously caliber isn't a factor, but I need some suggestions here. She liked the Kahr pm9 but I don't think she wants to spend that much. Thanks guys.