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Everything posted by M1_Garand

  1. Unless I plan on drinking, I have and continue to carry in people's homes. Concealed means concealed.   For me its not so much as I think I need the gun in my friends home (I try not to associate with folks like that) so much as I can't control what happens during the car ride over, and my gun is at a higher risk of being stolen if its left in my car.
  2. On the subject of signs, if you see a sign that doesn't meet the legal requirements, please don't point it out to the buildings management. Its not our job to inform businesses that their signs are deficient, and "help" them make the proper posting.   Same thing goes for businesses that you may not be sure if they are posted or not. Asking management about whether or not carry is legal will just get the business to post a proper sign.   Welcome to the forum.
  3. Glad they caught them. Same thing happened to me two years ago, and I've never heard a peep about any of my guns (I had a list of all the serial numbers).
  4. I pocket carry a lot with either a Sig P938 or a Ruger LCP. I have a Glock 27, but I find it too large to pocket carry most days, unless I'm wearing cargo shorts. Most of the time I'm in a suit I have the Sig, but a couple of suits have really shallow pockets and I have to stick with the LCP when I wear those.
  5. I went to West High School back in the late 90's. Third Creek was where folks used to go and work out their "differences" after hours when they didn't want to get caught by the administrators. Sutherland was pretty run down back then, but it seems to be undergoing a a bit of a metamorphosis these days.    I'm interested to hear about the alleged motive. Pretty much shows the need for park carry, though.
  6. I've got an ex-police Mossberg 590A1 18" barrel that I keep "cruiser ready" in a rack in the bedroom. I keep it fully loaded with 00 buck shot, and a side saddle with six more reloads. Like other folks have mentioned, its my hold up in the bedroom weapon in case of a home invasion.   I have a Glock 22 with a 22 round magazine locked and loaded on the night stand for "bump in the night" investigation. That 18" barrel is still pretty long to maneuver within the confines of my house. 
  7. I've got a 938 two tone that I bought at the end of last year. I've been using it for pocket carry for the the past 6 months or so with no complaints. Its only a hair bigger than the LCP it replaced, and the full size night sights are excellent.   On the whole half cock issue, I can only get mine to go into half cock if I'm riding the hammer forward, while trying to engage the safety. I can't get it to stay in half cock through "normal" handling.   The gun also has a pretty heavy trigger pull (mine measures tight at 8 pounds) for a SA weapon, so it isn't going off unless you want it to. I also always use a holster, and don't carry anything else in the pocket that I'm using to carry.
  8. Thanks for the size comparison shot. The 42 is too big for me to pocket carry (grip is too long) which would be the only reason I'd pick up a 43. I bought a Sig P938 last year anyway, so I wasn't going to get rid of it unless the Glock 43 did something better than it anyway.
  9. The M44 was the first rifle I ever owned ($50 back in the early 2000s). I don't think the recoil is too bad, but I don't tend to be that recoil sensitive. They are a hell of a lot of fun if you like fireballs and noise. Make sure you have good ear protection and extend the bayonet when you fire it.   Go pick up a cheap spam can of 7.62x54R and have some fun.
  10. I can sympathize. My dad's nightstand / go to gun for as long as I can remember is an old revolver that depending on which cylinder is installed, can shoot either .22lr or .22 magnum. For some unknown reason, he always keeps it loaded with .22lr. I've tried to convince him for years that he should "upgrade" to something a little more lethal than a .22lr revolver, but (as always) he is right and I am wrong.   Last time we went to the range (which sadly doesn't happen often enough) I Iet him try out my nightstand gun - a Glock 22. He fired off one round and looked at me like I was nuts for having this "crazy handcannon," then happily went back to his .22.
  11. As others have stated, it depends on what I'm doing and how I'm dressed. I usually carry a G22 or a G27 in a shoulder hoster, with either an LCP or a P938 in my pocket.
  12.   I didn't think it was too bad, certainly better than my LCP (which takes the cake for worst trigger out of my collection).
  13. Its because I'm a moron (this is my first Beretta 92). I was trying to take it down like my 1911s, where i grab the upper part of the slide with my left hand to pull it back so I can manipulate the take down lever with my right hand. After I made that first post, I saw I was doing it wrong and don't need to pull the slide back to do a take down. I cleaned the Beretta up last night and the rust spots came up. Looking forward to hitting the range and seeing how she shoots.
  14. I ordered one of these from PSA a couple of weeks ago and it just arrived at my FFL. The finish is probably 95% with some holster ware. It has some light surface rust where the finish is worn, but I think it should clean up with a little elbow grease and some Hoppes.   The weapon either wasn't shot very much, or it had a new recoil spring and guide rod installed. Bore and rifling are good, no pitting.   Overall, I'm pretty pleased with my purchase. This weapon is also going to break my of my bad habbit of putting my off hand over the top of the slide when I'm doing a field strip. Nearly been bit twice.
  15. I'd love to see one, especially since I was in the market for a single stack 9mm to replace my LCP for EDC purposes earlier this year. I ended up getting a Sig 938 instead after it was announced the new Glock was .380, and the R-51 turned out to be a steaming POS.
  16. I'm not sure. He was there buying groceries with his family (who weren't wearing cammo) but it could have been a run before some early morning hunting. I was more amused by the FDE hi-point, and the fact that he had found a drop leg holster to fit.
  17. I'm in the middle of putting together a 9mm AR "pistol" (will be using a Sig Sauer brace). I've finished with the lower, and I'm putting together the upper. The only thing I can't settle on is which brand of barrel to use: CMMG or Wilson.   I had settled on the CMMG 8.5" barrel, but I've noticed that the Wilson 7" is about $80-90 cheaper depending on the vendor. I've used CMMG stuff before, so I know its high quality. How about Wilson? Would it be a good substitute? Are they as well made as CMMG? Thanks.   Just in case you are interested, I built the lower off a stripped CMMG MK9 lower, used a CMMG mil spec LPK, a Magpul MOE K2 grip, and a KAK Super Sig buffer tube.
  18. I don't see too much open carriers out my way. The most amusing ones were:   1) Guy wearing huting camo from head to toe, with a flat dark earth hi-point in a drop leg holster at 12:00am at the local Wal-Mart;   2) Guy open carrying a S&W body guard (wtf? I thought the point of OC was to carry something you can't easily CC);   3) The walking stereo type: Guy wearing an NRA polo, NRA baseball cap, full size Glock in a Serpa with a double mag pouch on the opposite side of his belt.
  19. I'd personally like to see the criminal penalties for carrying past gun busters go away.
  20. Glock 27 IWB and / or an LCP in a pocket holster for spring, replacing my Glock 22 and shoulder holster that I wear in the winter.
  21. 24/7 unless headed to a courthouse, government building, or other prohibited locations. Although its not my primary carry weapon anymore, I've got to praise the LCP. If you have one (and a good pocket holster), you have no excuse for not carrying.
  22. I prefer surplus steel. They are pretty much indestructible, and they work for me every time. The prices on them are starting to come down again, so I'd pick a few up while you still can.   I have a few Tapco mags that I picked up cheap for range use. They work, but I have serious concerns about whether the lugs will wear out from repeated use since they are plastic and do not have steel reinforcement. One of the magazines I bought was severely out of spec, and Tapco replaced it for free under their lifetime warranty - so they do have that going for them.
  23. i prefer carrying a full size gun (G22 in either a Remora IWB, or a Galco shoulder holster) as well, but there are some times it just isn't practical since its so darn hard to hide (summer, carry around liberal family members, work, etc.). My G27 and LCP become my primary carry weapons at that point, because IMO its better to carry a little gun than not carry anything at all.


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