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Everything posted by M1_Garand

  1. Sig Sauer P938 in a DeSantis Superfly Holster in warm weather, CZ75 SP01 or CZ75 SP01 Compact in a Kirkpatrick Leather shoulder holster when it gets cold (I use a hoodie or vest for cover). When I'm running, I carry the Sig in a 5.11 holster shirt.
  2. After coming up dry at my usual LGS on Friday, I put in an order for one of these new CZ compacts from Buds: https://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/2084_21_82/products_id/719010903/CZ+75+COMPACT+9MM+RAIL+STEEL+FRAME+MANUAL+SAFE I've been looking for a P01 Omega to complement my SP01, but this will do nicely. Anyone else on here have one? Heard they are a one off, and they don't appear in the online catalog.
  3. Thanks guys. I'll try some hotter ammo before I start tinkering.
  4. I took my latest 9mm AR to the range yesterday and kept having doublefeed and stovepipe issues: My initial thought is to polish the feed ramp and check the extractor - any other items I should check? The build is: CMMG MK9 lower PSA 10.5 upper & ramped bolt KAK tube, PSA 9mm buffer weight, milspec carbine buffer spring CMMG Milspec LPK Colt style 32 round SMG magazines (unsure of MFG - one is labled "Brownells", the other "Palmetto State Armory.") I was able to repeat the malfunction with both magazines. I was also only loading 5-10 rounds per magazine. I was using bulk Remington UMC 115gr 9mm FMJ ammo. The ammo was giving my Sig Sauer P938 some extraction issues (the extractor failed to grab 2 out of approximately 100 or so rounds I fired at the same time, my CZ75 SP01 ate all of it without issue) and the Sig will normally eat anything. I can't see the ammo causing the double feed issues, however. Thanks in advance.
  5. I have one on a CMMG MK9 lower and I can state that combo works fine as well.
  6. I went to the fair last year and conceal carried my normal setup through the front gate past the KPD guard. I honestly didn't see any posting on the way in, and assumed the city had changed their mind and decided to follow the law. It was a non-event.
  7. Isn't a "tap, rack, bang" the equivalent?
  8. I guess I'm an odd ball - I like the way it looks. Must have watched too much Star Trek growing up. I really wanted one, but picked up a P938 after the initial reviews were less than stellar. I really ended up liking the Sig, and honestly between that gun and all the other single stack 9mms that have come out recently, I'm not too interested in the relaunch.
  9. Aside from the whole "who gets shot first argument," the more likely scenario is that his Glock chokes up after a few rounds - at least thats what my G27 does at the range when I use my 22 round magazine in it.
  10. I ordered three of them from the Kukri House as wedding gifts about five years ago (one for my best man, one for my wife, and one to keep for myself) and they are pretty nice knives. I bought them as collector pieces more than anything (I haven't chopped down any trees with them) but they were razor sharp and seem to be well made. I don't have any regrets about the purchase.
  11. One time when I was at the range, I borrowed my buddies Glock 30S and shot it back to back with my Glock 22 (and 27). The recoil on the 30S seemed to just go straight back into my hand, while on the 22 it seemed to flip the muzzle up more (with the 27s recoil being more severe). I was definitely faster getting back on target with the 30S and was more accurate with it. I was pretty surprised given the fact the 22 was bigger and heavier. Maybe there is something with the recoil spring configuration that makes a difference, but I chalked it up to the ammo. I noticed the same thing when I first got into 1911s from Glocks, but I thought it was just something about the two different platforms. Anyway, thats just me.
  12. I just don't like .40. I've found for me its recoil snaps the muzzle around a lot and slows my ability for quick follow-up shots. I'll take a .45 over a .40, as the recoil isn't as snappy. I started out a .40 Glock guy (I have a G22,23, and a 27) and I'm in the process of transitioning over to 9mm DA/SA (CZ 75s specifically with and odd ball Sig P938 thrown in) because I've found I'm more accurate with them than I am with my .40 Glocks.
  13. I had a Maverick 88 (it was stolen a few years ago) and it worked great.
  14. I had a Maverick 88 (it was stolen a few years ago) and it worked great.
  15. I haven't heard any news reports of violence / shootings / streets running red with blood so far. Hopefully it stays that way and shuts up the bed wetters.
  16. Now you've jinxed it.
  17. There aren't any legal requirements. Just try and use some common sense and use a quality retention holster when you do open carry. Also, you didn't ask this but since you indicated you are new to the area, I thought I'd post this general warning. You must have a permit to carry a handgun in this state whether open or concealed. Also, the permit only permits you to carry a handgun, not a long gun. There is no constitutional carry in Tennessee (despite old news stories or Facebook posts to the contrary). Welcome to Tennessee.
  18. I had this on my short list and picked up a P938 instead when all the bad reviews started coming in. It would have to be pretty spectacular to make we want to trade my Sig at this point.
  19. You have something small to pocket carry? That is what I have done before.   Had a Ruger LCP in the right front pocket of my tux pants the day I got married.   Can't help you on whether or not Cafe de Brazil is posted.
  20.   He had three excerpts taken from what was obviously a longer interview. About all I could gather from it was that he doesn't like the design, thinks its click bait, and questions the wisdom of financially backing it. The rest of the piece, was respectfully, pulled together in the editing room with a lot of spin from the reporter. Nothing there indicates he thinks the gun should be banned, or he is anti 2nd amendment.   I don't know that I've ever seen his show, but that wasn't implicated in the original post.
  21.   Go back and re watch the clip. The reporter says "Jim Scoutten says there is no need for a gun that looks like a cell phone," cut to Scoutten saying "its a dumb idea." He never actually says it, nor do they give his reasons why he thinks its a dumb idea.   The way the media manipulates information, I'm not going to crucify the guy unless it actually come out of his mouth.  
  22.   i don't know that I really heard anything anti-gun come out of his mouth, except he thinks he is dumb and "internet click bait." I also heard a quick blurb about carrying NFA paperwork, which presumably dealt with if the ideal conceal is classified as a AOW by the ATF. The interview was cut up enough that you couldn't tell what the actual question was that he was responding to.   I personally don't get the ideal conceal either - there are plenty of pocket pistols the same size that are better options, and there are two shot derringers that are much smaller. It doesn't look like it would be that quick to draw either, since you have to fold the grip down before firing. I am curious to see the production model in real life.   The "safety" concerns are overblown though. Try reaching for just your cell phone during a traffic stop and see what happens.
  23. I can fit an LCP / P938 in my back pocket and have more than 2 rounds, and present it faster than it would take with one of those.
  24. M1_Garand

    PSA 9mm AR

    I'm using one of their uppers, but put on top of a CMMG MK9 lower (pistol build). No issues with it, its a fun little plinker.


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