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Everything posted by Patton

  1. Not true, they suspend the license of the registered owner after so long. I know for a fact. I did hear of an interesting event. A woman got her ticket in the mail, went in and plead guilty, but stated she did not have the $50 to pay. Since at this point it is still considered a civil violation they decided any action to take was going to cost them far more than $50. I never heard what became of it but the last I heard they just forgot about it. That city that I worked in no longer has traffic or red light cameras.
  2. No, the magnums have a longer cylinder. Those are somewhat common, but they are still pricey and desireable. Now it is the three inch 66 that is highly sought after.
  3. I was getting ready to recommend it. It is a little stout, actually very stout, but if you need it you will not care. It actually was not as bad as I was expecting. However, I tend to like recoil, and especially like heavy recoiling pocket guns like my 45 win mag derringer.
  4. Like everyone else has said, EAA, Sig, 3rd gen Smiths, and the 1911 platforms are your options if you are anti-Glock. But here is the deal, most of those, with maybe the exception of the EAA are kind of limit you to mid power 10mm loads. The verdict is still out on how much a Sig can take. Most hard core 10mm fans lol myself tend to own a Glock 20 whether they are a Glock fan or not. It's about the only one who can take a steady diet of nuclear 10mm loads. I know where there is a 6" Para 1911 10mm for sale.
  5. I am moving this beautiful survivor to the classifieds later.
  6. The 40 Shield recoil is mild. I don't know why, but the 40 Shield recoil doesn't feel as drastic between the recoil of a Glock 26 and 27.
  7. I have owned a 40 shield, a 9mm shield, a 43, and an XDS. The only thing I found better about the XDS was the factory sights. While I preferred the Shield over the 43, I wouldn't talk someone out of the 43. I felt the finish was better on the Shield over the XDS and the 43. I also felt the Shield was built to handle more rounds during its lifetime; it felt like a combat handgun and not a pocket toy. The Shield, in both calibers, outshot the 43 and the XDS. The 43 may have been the least favorable as far as ergonomics, but honestly they all felt about the same. Three times over about three months I had the magazine come unseated in my pocket on the XDS. It only happened with the Shield twice in a two year period. I carried the 43 a couple of months and never had it happened. Basically, I just felt the magazine coming unseated because of the release getting pressed was far more likely to occur with the XDS. I preferred the Shield enough that I sold the 43, and one of my best friends loved the Shield so much he made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I am without a pocket sized 9mm, and honestly will only consider repurchasing a Shield. It's nice that the Shield is the cheapest of all of them too, and this is coming from a huge Glock fanboy.
  8. I have never heard of a complaint with the Gen 4 30. I actually think the problematic SF models you speak of were the ambidextrous 21sf.
  9. The Shield may be one of the best handling guns I have ever shot and carried, and this is coming from a Glock guy. I have owned one in 9 and 40 and not found any ammo it did not eat and shoot well.
  10. I am glad to hear you were able to differentiate between the heights. If you managed to have a few go undetected I doubt it will matter. Actually, the worst that should happen is the cylinder binding. No, not really because there is very little difference in the heat of standard primers vs magnum primers. I have chronographed both and can not tell the difference. If anything I found Federal magnum primers to be slower with 38spl. Some of the CCI magnum primers are considered hot but not enough to make huge differences. The biggest difference between magnum primers is the have a thicker cup.
  11. Yes, they can, but they are systems that are constantly down. Edit: I believe I quoted the wrong person, but yes; I agree.
  12. If it were all small primers it wouldn't matter, but the large are different. You should be able to run your finger across the rim and feel a slight bulge where it feels like the primer isn't seated all the way. Large rifle primers are taller than large pistol primers.
  13. No, it is not a substitute. The worst that will happen is you will get a citation and probably be successful in getting it dismissed. Personally, it is not a ticket I would write.
  14. When I buy lead I generally pay no more than $2 a pound. So using paid for equipment belonging to friends I can produce 50 125 gr .358 bullets for no more than $2.
  15. The 64 is the 38, but the 65 is already the magnum. The 65 is a stainless model 13.
  16. I am in Chattanooga and will pull any live rounds you need pulled. I doubt you will get that many because of the cost associated with shipping live ammo the correct way. I can give you a 45 Gap case, 45 win mag case, a 32 S&W, and maybe some others.
  17. While searching for a 3" model 60 in pawn shops, I was given an opportunity to buy a beautiful 3" k frame from a manager at a pawn shop that I have known a few years. It was not what I was looking for but I knew I would never find another as beautiful as this 1989 model 65. I had a rough old police trade in model 65 last year that I had actually experienced regrets on selling. When I bought this a few months ago it made me feel better.
  18. Exit 11 is about as safe as one can expect. I can only think of one older hotel there, a Best Western maybe, but everything else is newer.
  19. You should have stayed in contact with him. Chances are they were sent back to GT's and you have a credit.
  20. Two of my best friends have bought them. One loves his more than any 22lr semi auto he has ever tried. The other friend has a shipping label on the way because it needs to go back to S&w. The customer service representative says they have not had any complaints, but over on the S&W forums there have been a few issues with failure to feed. However, it is very few reports.
  21. I am familiar with FFDO and airports in general; I actually figured the lounge is where it happened. I know some of them have showers for pilots. The restrictions and policies for FFDO are rediculous down to the holster and how to secure it.
  22. I have a Ruger 44 Carbine, the rifle looks just like a Ruger 10/22, that kicks like you would not believe. I let a friend shoot it from the bench who is a real marksman with optic guns. After two rounds he said he couldn't take anymore and handed it back to me. He is a big guy and shoots big game rifles several times a week.
  23. I had a Kahr CW45 that was a real turd. It was finicky with ammo, the takedown pin would come out while firing, and it was just plain rough and painful.
  24. You can do that with the small primers but the depth of the large primers are different in pistol and rifle. It's actually a large enough difference in the large primers that I can actually visualize the difference between them when a large rifle is put on a pistol case.
  25. They are the only online vendor I have ever used and they are legit.


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