Ive read over this post and want to start out by saying that I have had at one time a Glock 32, Glock 23, and a Glock 19. I can tell little recoil difference in the three and the backyard penetration test I have done doesn't make me think 357sig is any different than a 9/40/45 If I was in your boat I would have no problem carrying a Glock 32 over the PF-9 when possible. I wouldn't even mess with the 40 barrel because you will have to shoot over a thousand rounds to make the cost offset. A 9mm barrel would pay for itself faster. I have had some specialized training on the 357sig round and I like it for reasons other than its a "fast" or "hot" round. It's a extremely flat shooting, reliable feeding round that is built on a casing that can allow for a projectille that can penetrate light armor or one that can strike with a lot of inertia. I have seen shelves at stores be completely empty of all pistol ammunition except 357sig.