My cousin lives outside Smyrna, Ga and took me to a bunch of different Gun shops. I was talking to a sales person about my OD Glock when he said they still had new ones. I asked which ones when expecting him to say OD Glock 37's, but no he said OD Glock 22's. The next question was how much? He yelled across the room asking someone else whio replied, "There the same as the EXO ones, $559". He pulled one out and I handled it. He asked are you a GA resident? I said no but I got a FFL I use. He said no, we don't do that. My cousin said he would buy it and bring it up to transfer though. So I walked around and thought about it and thought, last time I was at my FFl he had a new OD Glock 33 that is $500 so why am I even thinking about it. So on the way back home I thought about it and decided I don't need more anyway.