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Everything posted by Patton

  1. I dont see anything wrong with a PK 380 but understand there are 9mm out there that are smaller and more easily carried. More importantly a 9mm/40 are a lot cheaper to feed.
  2. I just got my Anniversary kit. I'm pretty pleased with everything. The Scale may be the disappointing part but I new better than to expect a lot from the primer tool. I was going to gat a Lee Automatic Primer but they were out. I just can't seem to get the scale perfectly balnaced to even start with but I think it's close enough. I plan on getting a full set of powder dippers to help. I' m only set up for 38spl at this point and my cost looks to be around $7.25/per 50 so I don't know that 9mm would be much worth it for me. These prices are based on buying everything off the shelf at Sportsmans.
  3. Patton

    FN 5.7

    I've been on a range with some but I didn't get to shoot them. If your looking for a advantage over 9mm+p/40/357/45 all I can say is capacity. It is a accurate shooter with mild recoil. It has found its way into the Secret Service's arsenal and is poping up on a few police agencies.
  4. I also like a Glock 26 as much as a Glock 19. Just get the one you like the best.
  5. Patton


    Doi yourself a favor and spend ~$150 more and get a Ruger 44mag Redhawk or Blackhawk.
  6. Nothing wrong with a 9mm as your only handgun. You cant go wrong with a Bersa either if it fits you and your wifes needs.
  7. Well I'm not a 1911 fan but one of my good friends lives for them. I asked him one time the same question and didn't get too specific of an answer. I remember him saying the Taurus 1911's are impressive to be Taurus'. Some Rock Islands are good and some are not. Springfields have made a lot of people happy and so have the S&W's. I remember him saying stay away from the imports with the exception of one made in the Philipens that isn't too common. These are mostly all in your price range. I also remember him saying Kimbers are pretty and then smiling, thats about the only thing good he says about them.
  8. It's at the Armory and I will not be going. They all suck.
  9. Dude isn't it ugly enough the way it is. Missing my Glock 24.
  10. Patton

    M60 or LCR

    Well I have a whole safe full of revolvers and of those the wifes LCR may be the most accurate, the lightest, and have the smoothest trigger. My Smith's all have nastalgia and appeal. A LCR 38 weighs 13oz and is almost half the weight as some revolvers the same size. Draw backs of the LCR is they don't recommend lead bullets, as well as holster and grip selections are few.
  11. No Vanderbilt has it's own PD. I'm sure there are a few Metro officers that are moonlighting there as they are at most colleges.
  12. Honestly when I was in college most as in 90% would have had too much alcohol in their system to carry a firearm.
  13. GT's does there 19, 17, 26 and equivalent for $ 451.xx OTD for TN residents. If you are a certified officer with a letter it is $421 ish.
  14. A Gen 4 23 will be my next purchase. I may have had too big of expectations for the compensated. http://glocktalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1343620
  15. I prefer outer waistband and something that rides high and close to the body. Everyone is different though.
  16. I think I could tell that the recoil was tamed with the Gen4 over the Gen3 but it was awefully close. Like I said I don't think the average shooter can tell a difference in in a Gen 3 vs Gen 4 vs Compensated. I don't have a problem with a Compensated, I just don't see an improvement. I have never heard anyone say it about Glocks but a Revolver that is Compensated or ported is normally a little less accurate around 50 feet. Just what people say. I didn't find any truth to that with a Glock though.
  17. NO! Quit assuming the turd had brains in his head!
  18. No matter what caliber it's where it lands that counts. Trooper Mark Hunter Coates, South Carolina Highway Patrol, South Carolina
  19. No the 40SW was designed for those that were too sissy to handle the 10mm. I can't count the number of times I have heard someone say I got out of 40's and went to just 9mm and 45acp because I didn't like the recoil.
  20. From the begining I thought it was a good idea. The pistol grips should only be fired from the hip in my opinion.
  21. I think I can tell a difference between a gen3 and gen4 19, but I haven't shot a gen4 40 yet. I will say with the 23C I shot I did not see the flash so don't worry about the old wise tail. I don't recall any debris or grime coming back my direction though.
  22. My favorite is the "Baby Glock on Board"
  23. The average shooter will never feel the difference in shooting those three. The Compensated will blacken the front sight after just a few rounds. It's a wiast of money in my opinion.
  24. You never know, the first homicide I ever worked was a single shot from a 22lr. I have also went to the ER to talk with a shooting victim and he was talking to me plain as day with a 44mag round in his shoulder, alcohol and guns don't mix.
  25. Normally you don't hear of too many bad Taurus Revolvers. I'd take a used beat up Smith, Colt, or Ruger over a new Taurus any day. I also agree with you on the Sig 250's though, theres just something missing with them.


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