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Everything posted by Patton

  1. Yes, that is great news. Do we know of any veterans that feel they have been descriminated against previously from WalMart?
  2. I may be wrong, but I think to order new ammo they will be paying a substantial price that they may not be willing to do. The reason is they think prices will fall in 60 days. I have seen gas stations refuse to order gasoline because they know when the price comes down they will be stuck with it.
  3. According to the Chattanoogan the brothers were arrested for felon in possession of a firearm.
  4. Patton

    Benton Shooters

    I have had some bad experiences with Volunteer Ordinance Works. It wasn't anything too bad. All I am going to say on here is that if you are looking for an item that they dont have they will make you feel like crap. However, I have heard from some police officers I know up that way that police and military are not really welcome. They won't ask you to leave, they will just ignore you or make you feel unwelcome. I have bought guns at just about everywhere in town. Sportsmans and Academy just have the big box store experience but are pretty reliable in being priced correctly. I have bought the best deals at GT Distributors and Fugates though. I think the days of $300 Glocks at GT's have long passed though.
  5. When I lived in Hawaii from 2002-2008 it was near impossible for me to find 10rd magazines, especially after the Clinton era ban was lifted. I expect 10rd magazines will be hard to come by for a while.
  6. I believe it has been answered, but if you pawn a firearm at the time that you pick it up a TICS check is in order. I'm sure someone has thought they owned a clear gun before and pawned it just to pay it off and have it come back hot. That would suck.
  7. Patton

    help picking 45

    Yes, they are very impressive.
  8. I just started with Unique 1 year ago and it is as clean as about anything I have ever used. Supposedly it's a lot cleaner than what it used to be.
  9. Patton

    help picking 45

    Wgat was the ammo that you were using. Some of the steel case stuff is notorious for weak strikes.
  10. No that is how Dawson got the light that was already on him cranked up to full wattage. The gun used to kill the Sgt was bought on a 4473 only 45 days prior by Dawson at a pawn shop. I was told by a ATF agent the intent to make a profit is what really makes it a crime. Felons with firearms and NFA items are what the ATF really focus on but sometimes without even trying these guys fall in their laps. All four of these guys were idiots, Dawson the biggest.
  11. Since I have seen the evidence from that case, how a jury failed to to convict is beyond me. More less for the fact the brothers stories cannot be supported by the evidence at all. It's been a while but I seam to recall a hung jury on one and they were both found guilty in a civil trial(multi millions).
  12. Patton

    Benton Shooters

    Go to Fugates. I have always had great experiences there and a few days into the New Year I stopped in and prices were right where they should be and were 6 months ago.
  13. Correct but I believe this started in 2010. Wow that has been 3 years.
  14. You can get a factory 19 barrel for under $200 from Glock or most anyone. Most don't value a factory barrel any different than a aftermarket. My opinion is just shoot lead but clean it frequently.
  15. You can buy cast bullets.
  16. Unique is probably the best. Supposedly it used to be dirty but I bought 1lbs last year that I have just about used up that burns as clean as any factory ammo I have ever used. W231, bullseye, and 2400 are very common pistol powders. Yes, and Titegroup.
  17. At a Walmart this morning some guy that looked like Charlie Daniels was itching about the lack of .45 ammo saying, "All they ever order .40 ammo and no one buys it".
  18. Really there is so many, I like Unique, Universal, and Power Pistol in the Alliant brand. I have been recommended Accurate No. 5 because it meters well though. My recommendation is to use the One you can find the most info and load data for. Truthfully most any powder can be used in handguns and shotguns.
  19. As a LEO, I really don't care if people carry illegally as I just assume everyone I come in contact with has a weapon anyway. But there is one huge problem with this: the way a jury persieves you carrying without a permit when you supposedly acted in self defense.
  20. Patton

    help picking 45

    Old, small, and weak hands has me worried that a auto could be challenging. My FIL has a Glock that he can longer load the magazine on and he has a hard time racking the slide but it is doable. Don't feel bad because I also know a athletic female that can't rack most slides without the use of a hard object. If this isn't a carry gun then a Glock 21 would be good option, it weighs so much it may recoil less than most all othe center fire autos. Of course 1911's with their weight recoil smoothly.
  21. In the 9mm flavor I have a Shield(40) and it is the smoothest handling pocket pistol I have ever handled. The recoil is so mild even with the .40 I am anxious to see if a 9 handles better. I have not shot a compact or fullsize M&P but S&W did a outstanding job on the Shield.
  22. In 2012 it was reported that DHS purchased 450 million rounds of .40s&w. The LE shortages as more .45 than .40 though.
  23. I have for years been trying to find a .45 that I could enjoy. The M&P 45 particularly a compact really catches my eye. M&P's can have triggers inconsistent from one to another though. All the H&K's in .45 are just too big and expensive. I have shot a Sig 220 and I can tell you it's still a little large but just a pleasure to shoot. A Bersa .45 is actually a interesting gun if you ever get a chance to feel one. What works for one doesn't work for another. You need to handle as many guns as you can before making a purchase.
  24. I have for years been trying to find a .45 that I could enjoy. The M&P 45 particularly a compact really catches my eye. M&P's can have triggers inconsistent from one to another though. All the H&K's in .45 are just too big and expensive. I have shot a Sig 220 and I can tell you it's still a little large but just a pleasure to shoot. A Bersa .45 is actually a interesting gun if you ever get a chance to feel one. What works for one doesn't work for another. You need to handle as many guns as you can before making a purchase.
  25. Amazing how the two undefeated giants did not beat a SEC team in 2012. Alabama, Georgia and Texas A&M lost to SEC teams. Once again the BCS bowl system...


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