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Everything posted by Joseg

  1. Ok, here's my take, you want to get into the military (Army Specific) (I served 90-97 (still have friends in the fight), went in with a 11X RGV4, got bronchitis during tower week, tried to suck it up and failed the friday run, no Recycle due to my stupidity, got sent to Panama for 2 years with a round trip ticket to 82nd to get back to jump school)   - At the minimal, you want to go in with a Airborne Slot (period). Why? Because all the damn good jobs in the Army are airborne slots, 82nd, 173rd, 4/25, Rangers, 160th SOAR, SF, CAG = Airborne. - If you want a Ranger Contract (11X RGV4) - you need to find someone to square you away now, so when you get to RASP, you don't fuk up and waste a slot  - If you want a SF Contract (18X baby SF) - you need to find someone to square you away now, so when you get to selection or whatever they call it when doing this pipeline, you don't fuk up and waste a slot  - if you want Aviation find a gig that 160th needs and go for it, find someone to square you away now, so you don't bolo out and get stuck working on AC @ Ft. Campbell for 101st. - Don't join for the college money or bonuses - do it because you want to do it, if you get either it's a bonus - If you are aren't ready for grown a$$ men or women, telling what you need to do, stay the hell out, NCOs don't have time to baby sit.  - Most combat arms have veterans that have deployed several times over, they don't need some no it all kid, be the grey man, and shut your piehole and listen to what they tell you. They will take you under their wing and square you away or make you stronger, whichever comes first.   If they are going Army, they need to decide what they want to do, Infantry is a good branch and no, folks in that branch are not idiots or morons, lots of good guys that decided to step up to the plate and be on the front lines instead having a cushy job.    Yes, I am biased to Infantry, Rangers, Airborne Infantry, Special Operations, and Special Operation Aviation Assets.    Then there's the other Branches.. They have their own offerings and their own advice, I'll leave to those who served in those branches to speak their bit.. 
  2. what is this OK Corral you speak of? BTW, I went yesterday to Stones River, thinking they took plastic, so disappointed  since i had an hour between basketball games to shoot some paper.. was thinking about it today, just stayed in bed, damn weather need to quit it...
  3. Well, someone is very special, they have a micro travor..  Look at the chic rooms, shit everywhere yet the car-15 looks right at home.. This post just brings back all the images of all the HOT Izzy ladies walking around with M16s strapped to their backs..  :drool:   :tough:  :hat:
  4.   The problem is that he's cancerous right now, probably as cancerous as Lane Kiffin to any SEC program right now.. Any employer that hires him will have to deal with racist BS that will come from it, because the way we see it, is that the jury found him not guilty, yet, the public, DOJ, POTUS, and every minority on this planet found him Guilty before the trial even started, employers will have to deal with security issues, violence, vandalism, etc, etc. (you get the point)..    Dude is marked for life worse than a Mob Snitch, at least a mob snitch knows it's one of the families that's going to get him, Doughboy won't even know who will do it (unless you wanna profile)
  5. This would be great if DMX, who by the way is talking all that smack, gets his a$$ handed to him by the doughboy.. BTW, DMX needs this more than George does.. 
  6. Depends on what you really want. You can get a basic plate carrier, plate carrier w/ cummerbund, releasable armor carrier (eagle CIRAS).   check out: http://bulletproofme.com/index.shtml these guys have relly good deals every now and then: http://store.appalachiantraining.com/
  7. Well, Obviously my GSD will not release his ball unless you have another ready to throw, and if he see all those balls, he'll probably flip the damn thing and horde all of them by his front paws hoping you grab the one he just slobbered.. 
  8. Someone just called it a fad, not really. There's not a lot of key mod accessories, yet, but it's looking good for what is too come. I have jumped on it because I'm trying to build up my collection first, but I will be changing over to rails after all my ARs are built.
  9. Joseg

    Tail gating.

    DaveTN, great reply..        Hey, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.. 
  10.     FFL Transfer for handguns
  11. Well, second lower LPKs in, KKA pistol buffer tube in.. Just need 10-11.5 upper, SIG SB-15 brace, and a magpul miad grip.. Then after I have fun with this configure that way I'll got do the tax stamp.. 
  12. Joseg

    Tail gating.

      BTW, I can mention one incident, where I was profiled and had an LEO roll up on me, really close, and then to top it off, I turn to go to the grocery store and the guy lights me up (not even 1/2 a mile from my house). Since I had light tinted windows, I rolled down all my windows, turned off the car, turned on the lights, and wait for the officer while he waited for backup, so he approaches and asks for the usual info, spends like 30-45 minutes going over my stuff and discussing what to do with the other officer, he comes back as states that he stopped me because I didn't have my seat belt on, keep in mind he was a good 5-6 cars lengths away when I turned on to the major roadway and before he decided to speed up to tailgate me and when he got to the car he saw me with my belt on and having to remove it to get to my glove box.. And he wanted to argue about it, even stated he had it on camera, let's just say, he lost that argument and issued me a warning for a seat belt, Let's just say that city has really bad history with not doing the right things and was thinking about having to dissolve itself and letting the county take over.    The other is getting lit up by a high illum flashlight (well at the time it was a high illum, now there's even better ones), because I had to park down the road because the whole shift decides to block this road to the house my kids were visiting, because some one called in stating some kids were breaking into a house, when they weren't..    But hey, like I stated, there's good, bad, and douches, just like in the military.. 
  13. Joseg

    Tail gating.

    Okay, I'm curious of those have responded are LEOs? Because this is an interesting question. If you rear end someone, you get written up for following too close automatically. Call it break checking or whatever you wanna call it, If someone has to suddenly slow down be it, child, pet, pothole, whatever, if they get rear ended irregardless of whom it is, same laws should apply. BTW, I know of one case when someone barely touched rear ended a car, both cars continued to school, reported to their SRO, and one driver got wrote for driving too close.   Fellas, about the Lights and sirens, I've seen several emergency reasons for no lights but speeding, but I've also seen the no real reason for speeding with no lights, hopefully this doesn't turn into a LEOs witch hunt.. It's like the military, you good & bad guys, and then you have douches..  And it's those douches that mess it up for the rest.. 
  14. Damn, hurd guys are everywhere.. Sup brother.. AATW.
  15.     Trust me I was told that GEN3 mags won't work in my Gen4 19, till I popped in some Gen 3 17 and gen 3 22 mags in it.. BTW, 40 mags will work in the 9mm, the feed lips are just a tid bit wide, but do still work in them.. 
  16.   No, if you keep the mag release stock on the left side, you can run all Gen Mags thru it, if you change it over, only Gen 4 mags will work.. 
  17. You said it was a Gen4 23? as long as you don't change the mag release to the other side, you can run safely gen3 mags.. 
  18. Tricky Nicky, ask yourself this, when more companies do it and the LEOs have no option but to press their overlords to loosen up on the stupidity, I see that as a win. applying pressure from within is a good thing..  BTW, I don't see Barrett losing any money from this.. Nor do I see other companies that have elected to not sell to states that have restricted civilians from having he same tools as LEOS (BCM comes to mind)    But to be honest, I could care less about California, even though I have family there.. In can fall of the face of the map or turn into an island and I wouldn't give a damn about them.. 
  19. Look, give it to him, that was Jimmy John's Fast!!  But it's a race gun with a red dot.. If he can't put rounds on target, then he needs to rezero his red dot..  Now, I don't doubt he can shoot.. 
  20. I'm just curious what were you looking for when you found that because that would just make me cringe from reading the title.. 
  21. Streaming sports, you can do a search and find a few sources, some are great some are not. I've cut the cable cord a while back, I still have a few channels comcast sends over their wire for free, nothing to write home about but still free. I have roku (but stopped using it, started channel surfing), prime, and netflix (bout to cancel them), crackle on chrome, amd a few sites I use to stream sports..    I'm happy that I did cut it.. 
  22. My Experience with D&T was excellent (TGO Lowers), I went back to pick up a ar wrench and talked a bit with them (300 blk and that 1911 that is calling me).. great conversation, best part they didn't try to sell me anything.. Once I get out of this AR hole I'm in, I will be back to D&T to get that 1911.. 
  23. All I can say is I can't wait to the remixed video.. Should be excellent.. 
  24. I got both (harbor freight ones) they are ok.. Where are you located? I'm downtown at the moment across from the Frist center.. 


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