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Everything posted by Joseg

  1. Yes, I have one on my AR on a Magpul CTR. 
  2.     Sorry but that's a m240 replacement and it's one heavy a$$, I'll take a m60 echo model or the mk48 (sexy) over it.. now the m249 in 300 blk with just a barrel swap, interesting indeed... Sorry having flashbacks of my days humping the saw in the jungles of panama.. 
  3. We are deeply diminished when Veterans that are harder than Woodpecker lips pass.. Kudos to his son for following in his Dad's foot steps.. 
  4. Aww the memories of a SAW Gunner.. Humped one when they had the old round bar stock, long barrel. I got to read about the Para minimi in SOF magazine when I was in Panama, right after that had to send my baby in for overhauling and got the newer plastic stock.. Tell ya what after shooting a RPK, it's a toss up on which one I would prefer.. 
  5. Nitto CrossTek  @ NTB got them on my Titan, agressive look but decent drive on the interstate. BTW, I got $100 back on them too.. 
  6. Can we just do it got GP (General Purpose) since he's looks like Frankenstein, has turned his back on Joes, has lied about his past? Thought I'd ask.. 
  7. Brothers of the Silk (Airborne) stick together. He's got my vote.. What he did in Iraq, might now have been right, but it helped him gain valuable intel and changed the tide of war in his AO. He was a ground commander and led from the front, his guys were dying and he responded. I would follow him versus some pencil dick risk assessing officer to hell and back. 
  8.     That is the funniest thing I've ever heard. let's ban parts kit, which are sold for repair and replacements in the first place.. Duh.. He must have a medicinal marijuana card..  
  9. BTW, trust me there's some Gun toting preachers. I know of one holding services Wed/Fri in Greenbrier area that is on Lf.net.. 
  10. I understand and I'm happy for the change and stated it;s a great place to go shoot, it's with in a reasonable driving distance. The Range is great and you definitely can't take that away from them.   BTW, I'm not interested in Barney, zombies, or anything like that, so please don't take it that way.
  11. Okay, I've shot there quite a bit when ammo was plentiful and cheap, all my kids have shot there and some friends as well.. There's only been one time and one time only that I decided to walk away from going there:   I was given a playing card by a RSO, was/is a Metro PD, to shoot (it was a slow day), so I shot at it, just like she did, no problem, right, another RSO (younger guy) comes in and starts to go off because of the card even after I told him the one of the RSOs had given it to me. So the TWRA officer was called in to speak to me about it, the results, I stopped going and I've been back twice once in Oct of last year and once this year. Apart from that incident everything was good till that point, great to see silhouettes for the pistol range (small but hey it's great)..   SROs there are great and yes shooters!! I brought my M1Carbine last time I went and few even talked to me about an issue with the last round in the magazine (really old magazine that needs replaced).. No complaints there or the range just that one RSO that ruined it for me..    Everyone needs rules and the rules are great at SRHEC, I just need a place to shoot while having my AR slung and run different drills/reloading/malfunctions, not just about hitting the 10 ring on paper. 
  12. Hmm, I'm probably going to go one pistol and one rifle. 300 BLK would be nice, but hard up on .223 to try to chase down another caliber.. 
  13. 2 lowers for me.
  14. Police video prior to them entering the establishment should clarify if they were being profiled, did the guy have to walk by the cruiser and say something? No he didn't. Did the driver of the cruiser pull in behind close enough to hit his car, no sir no were near close. Was the Officer in the wrong, yes, you can tell by looking at his partners reaction handling the blows.   Am I defending the police officers or the attacker, nope. Just think it goes both ways, you want respect you earn it, not demand it. Let's be honest certain races have been emboldened since 2008 to not give a damn, not just because of the POTUS, but by the current culture.. We weren't there and and we are only seeing parts of what happened, if you look at the video, there were enough threatening stances taken to get each side on their toes.. Luckily no one got shot.. 
  15. Okay, he looks like an Older Steve Carell.. Flip Flopping way to go senator.. 
  16. Man, my friends in Chicago will enjoy that a lot.. I still wouldn't live there..
  17. I believe, 1/325 was doing a Sinai Peacekeeping rotation when they got pulled to draw the line in the sand.. (My old BN when in Division)..    Oh, you think that is bad you should ask that question the Chokin Chickens or the Puking Buzzards (Which I'm unfortunately an alumni).. Yes, been there, even when not on DRF1, Haiti, I was sitting at JOTC when 504 was Haiti bound, we stopped and packed our shit, in case we got the call.  
  18. Bersaguy, DS1 1/325 AIR, 2nd Brigade, 82nd ABNDIV was boots on ground 6 days after Iraq invaded Kuwait. Trust me it can happen, just depends on the POTUS, if he has the balls or not to do it.. 
  19. Wow, I didn't know UT got rid of Dooley.. So there might be a good chance in hell that they might beat APSU and the school for Blind as well..  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
  20.   Damn that's so wrong..
  21. Where is this range? Fun toy, but speak to me about this range.. And what rules does it have?
  22. GO GATORS!!! And I'm hoping the "U" - University of Miami Hurricanes for you non-Floridians folks, can bounce back and be a contender in the ACC.   Fellas, did any of you watch the Vandy and Ole Miss game, damn they got some speed on both sides of the ball. Geez,  SEC is gonna be a fun year..
  23. unless you guys are getting the 80% lowers under 100, not really worth it anymore when PSA has blems for 100 with LPKs http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/psa-safe-fire-lower-moe-black-lower-parts-kit.html
  24.     Nope, http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/m93a1.htm this is what I was talking about. 
  25. Hmm, have anyone thought about maybe bugout in place with neighbors agreeing to cover each other? Let's be honest, radio active cloud comes your way, your fooked, chemical, your fooked unless you have decon equipment and detection devices (birds don't count).. What if you bug out and the area you were looking at it contaminated, how would you react? I don't see a FOX Chem vehicle listed as anyone's bugout vehicle nor do I see where there's any equipment to deal with NBC threats..    I would prefer to fight instead of running, especially if you know your way around the current AO, best defense is a good offense. Always will be.. 


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