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Everything posted by ExMachina

  1. Nice! I'll give them a call. A rental option sounds perfect
  2. Thank you! > It'll be interesting to see how quickly accessories for it come about Agreed. There are videos already out showing that at least some light bearing holsters already work with it!
  3. Hi guys. Anyone know of any dealers within a 100miles of Nashville that have a Daniel Defense H9 in the store? Really would like to see how this one feels in the hand. Thanks! ExM
  4.   Wow!  They actually asked to inspect your ammo?!   I can understand them (verbally) asking you to confirm that you didn't have any tracer/AP/explosive ammo...but they actually wanted to see it? Just wow. Did you argue with them about the claim that Tula has a "steel core"?
  5. I was holding out for a decent membership deal but no dice. If you have a weird job (or no job) then the base rate looks great.  But honestly, I can't see how I could ever make the 4pm M-F checking deadline--it's simply not workable.   Best of luck to them, but with those prices and decentralized location I'll likely never be tempted to set foot in there.  
  6.   Of course people are paying.  Just like people are paying for those new $10k/month apartments on Music Row.   For good or ill, boutique shooting ranges are here to stay.   
  7.   Sigh.  Yeah, too rich for my blood too,  But then again I am not their target demographic (and I'm guessing most of us here aren't either).     They're competing for the younger, less experienced folks who seem to be flocking to Nashville's condos and have surplus money to spend.  That demographic will pay for the comfortable environment and added amenities offered by places like the Nashville Armory and now,the Royal Range.  And, in as much as it might encourage more novices to take up shooting, it should be a good thing.   Heck, I see the appeal myself. I simply can't justify the expense.
  8.   Thanks. Any knowledge as to whether they planning on offering memberships?    EDIT:  they say they ARE going to offer memberships but have no idea as to cost. won't happen until all the ranges are completed
  9.   This is very true but then again no one likes to complain.  And complaints are not always met with very well--it only take a couple of antagonist rebuffs to convince most people that it's better to simply move on without saying a word. 
  10. Any word on pricing?  That'll be the make-or-break test for me.  Already feel like Nashville Armory is overpriced and hope Royal is not the same way.   FWIW, I went to an amazing range over Christmas which had a 100yard range and unlimited range access if you commit to a $35/month membership.  It really put the Nahsville Armory to shame both in terms of facilities and pricing.   EDIT: just called them.  $25 per hour on the tactical range.  others are not open yet. 
  11. You had better also ditch your iPhone   ;)  :)
  12. Just wanted to say that I joined CHMR today.  This place is quite nice and the people were really friendly.  Met Charlie (brielfy) and I could tell that this was a place where I would feel right at home.   It's not even as far as I thought it was--took me 30 minutes on the button to get to from Nashville.  
  13.   That's a good option that I hadn't known about.
  14.   That's what I thought at first but then I spent some time up in Sumner County--plenty rural and an easy 15-20 min drive.  I've even thought of just buying some land up there to use as a range.   I like the Stones River place but it's only open on Fridays and weekends and can get completely filled up, even on a Friday morning
  15. I greatly appreciate the offer!  If others at CHMR are even half as accommodating as you, I'm sure I'll fee right at home there.   Since it looks like CHMR is my best (and only) option for outdoor shooting during the week, I might venture down there sometime soon.
  16. So how crowded does CHMR get?  Do you guys who go there semi-regularly ever find that you have trouble getting a spot on the line?
  17.   Didn't know that.  If it was closer I'm sure I'd have been shooting there already.   Really seems like there might be a market for a private outdoor range that's w/in 30 min of Nashville... 
  18. Are there any outdoor ranges in the Nashville area where I can shoot blackpowder at long-ish (100yards) ranges?     Within about a 45 minute drive of Nashville, I know of the Cheatham WMA Firing Range,  Stones River Hunter Education Center, Montgomery County Shooting Complex, and the Charlie Haffner Memorial Range.  Are there any others that are less well known?     I'm leaning toward just joining the CHMR but the distance is far enough that I know I won't get the use out if that I'd like (for the $90 fee).   Thanks
  19. FYI, Bellshire Hardware on Dickerson does this.  Great people too.
  20.   Exactly.  Now imagine that no one is there to figure it out.  Yes indeed--drove all the way out to the Customer Counter (as required per UPS regulations) and I ended up leaving 45 minutes later, WITH my package. 
  21. Used to use Guns and Leather but they say that they no longer will send a customer's gun out to another FFL   Any recommendations for an FFL dealer who does this?  I thought they all would (for a fee)   Thanks.  Trying to get this one out of here and am tired of the UPS run around    
  22.   Good tip on the Armory.  New place that I haven't been to yet.
  23. Looking to open up the chokes on a double barrel shotgun (SxS) and have the barrels back bored.   Is there anyone local that specializes in this kind of work?   Thanks for any recommendations!      
  24. Went to Percy Priest for opening day--get a good draw and took what is usually a great spot on the main field. Ha. Not today! Saw quite a few doves but they were out of range and moving in weird directions; one of the "side" fields had all the action today. The TWA guys said they'd never seen anything like it. In all, I fired a total of 8(!!!) shells.


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