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Everything posted by JimFromTN

  1. Most of the lakes in TN and some rivers have resident populations and are hunt-able depending on the regulations for the body of water. If you have a boat, it makes it allot easier to scout for them. Sod fields are also a good option if you can get permission to hunt the sod field or the land next to the sod field.
  2. I have a rem 700 adl in 30-06, blued with synthetic stock that I would sell for $450
  3. I finally got my suppressor. 5 weeks to get silencer shop to do their part while the fed approved in 2 days. I do have another question. I can get a compensator end cap for my new suppressor. I have been thinking about getting one to hunt with but not for use as a compensator as much as a way to redirect the sound off to the side rather than forward. My thought is to direct the sound away from the game I am shooting at. Does that make sense? I am not shooting subsonic loads.
  4. Thats what my LGS told me. Everyone is ordering them now because the wait time has been reduced so much. Thats why I broke down and ordered one. The suppressor itself is another issue. I wanted either a dead air nomad 30 or a dead air sandman L. All the dead air silencers were backordered. I had not done any research on any others so I had no idea what to choose. The guy at my LGS recommended JK Armament JK 155 RCX 30 because he had several people order them who liked them allot. I had nothing else to go on so I went with that. I went home and researched and found some bad reviews on them which made me a little ill. There are some good reviews so I have no idea how good it is. I have never owned a suppressor so if its louder than others, I will have no idea. Ignorance is my only saving grace. I am putting it on a bolt action 308 for hunting deer and hogs. Also, shooting steel off the back porch without rattling the neighbors house.
  5. The ATF is saying Form 3 filed electronically is averaging 2 days. That was Sept 1. The silencer shop is saying 4 days. I sent the silencer shop an email asking for some kind of eta. They responded that Form 3 was approved recently and they would be shipping it out soon. I will be curious to see how long before my LGS gets it.
  6. The suppressor is at the silencer shop in TX. They have not shipped to my LGS who has one of their kiosks. My LGS says they are backlogged with orders and are taking forever to send out suppressors.
  7. I started the process a month ago and they still have not submitted a form 3 yet. I called the dealer and he said the silencer shop is the new hold up. The ATF is the fast part of the process now. How ironic.
  8. I would think a 2 inch group at 100yds would be an excellent grouping. I would expect a 3 to 4 inch group average with steel cased ammo.
  9. I have a rem 700 sps in 270. It is far more accurate that I am with cheap factory rounds back when they were cheap. I have been hunting with 150gr core-lokts for years. If you plan on hunting much out past 250yds, use premium ammo and practice.
  10. I am a fan of AGM. I have the TC35-384 clip on. I am very happy with it. ATN has gotten a bad reputation over the years. I don't care for the built in battery. If your battery goes bad, you are without until you get it back from being repaired. AGM uses cr123's, both rechargeable and non-rechargeable. Just something to consider.
  11. I have one. Aftermarket magazines work but you may have to dremel the catch on the magazines so they will click into the rifle. Russian ammo can be sticky. Chinese works much better in mine. I bought some brass ammo to see if it made a difference. I have not tried it yet.
  12. I like Pflueger supreme spinning reels and Lews Speed Spool and Tournament casting reels. I use shimano cumara casting rods and daiwa spinning rods for the most part. With rods, you really need to pick it up and feel it. Not something I would buy online unless I was familiar with them and knew what I was buying. I have bought allot of discontinued rods and reels on ebay for killer prices.
  13. I 2nd solid core doors for workbenches. You can cut them down to whatever size you need. You don't have to worry about the flex and everything falling over when you are resizing. I have built several work benches out of them. I am in the process of designing something in my head a little prettier for in the office. I have a solid core door that I could use but I think it would not look as nice. I have been contemplating glueing 2x4's together side by side for the top. I would be roughly 3.5 inches thick minus whatever I plane off of it. I was thinking 30 inches deep by 60 inches long. I am thinking stain it and put some polyurethane on it. I was thinking untreated 4x4's for the legs which I would stain also, possibly a darker color than the top. After that I plan on building cabinets with doors to hide everything. Hopefully it all won't look like a train wreck.
  14. I have been hunting strictly with O/U's for small game and waterfowl for 25 years. I wouldn't use anything else. If you don't hit them with the first 2 shots, you are not going to hit them with the 3rd. Its probably paid for itself with the money I saved on not taking wasted 3rd shots with duck hunting alone.
  15. There is an IGA store not far from me that sells it. I decided to buy a pound. I think it was $5 to $6 a pound. They were strips. They were relatively tasteless. Even more so than a tilapia so its real easy to over season. If I caught some, I would consider trying to fillet it and eat it. If nothing else, bury it in your garden for fertilizer.
  16. A friend of mine's son used to work for metro and had the same thing happen to him a few years ago. He said the blue lights are drunk magnets. Apparently, its not uncommon.
  17. One thing to remember when you buy a thermal is that with each increase in magnification you cut the resolution in half so I doubt most people ever crank up the magnification much past the first increase in magnification on a 320 resolution. I have a bering optics hogster 25mm with 384 resolution. I keep it on the lowest power. Just jumping one level of magnification, the animals just turn into blobs. I am looking into the AGM rattler TC35-384 clip on. Just waiting for more reviews.
  18. Salt, mineral blocks, and feeders are no longer legal in Henry county. Apparently, it is transmitted by the deer feeding too close together or something like that. TWRA does not want you submitting the lymph nodes yourself. They don't trust you to do it yourself. They want you to take the head cut off right below the white spot under their chin to a drop off freezer, taxidermist, or processor and have them send it in. Not a problem if its a doe but I do euro mounts on most if not all the bucks I kill. There is a processor who will charge you $5 if you want the head back. They can't prove its transmittable to humans but they have proven it can be transmitted to monkeys. There was an unintentional study in New York back in 2005 when someone fed a bunch of people deer meat and then found out later that it had cwd. The watched the people who were willing to be in the study for 6 years and they never showed symptoms. It sounds like mad cow disease which can take up to 10 years to kill a human. CWD kills a deer in 2 years which means the does that was found to have it probably got it close to 2 years ago which means its here so get your deer checked,
  19. I am really wanting to do a fall planting of a rye mixture. I was planning on getting a soil sample for my big plot for the fall planting. I am trying to get 2 small areas done in the next few days before it gets too hot and won't have time for a soil test.
  20. I have a list of questions. I don't have a tractor and if I did, I don't think I could get it into the area that I am trying to put a food plot in. I have a 2007 4010 kawasaki mule which unfortunately has a 1.25 trailer hitch and not a 2 inch. The area that I am clearing is a clearcut with about 5 years of growth. Lots of briars, blackberries, wild rose, privot, black locust, and lots of scars from clearing it. 1. I was planning on going some of the no plow stuff from whitetail institute because I am not sure what to plant otherwise and I figured I might not be able to really break up the soil very well. Any better options? 2. What is a good implement that I can use with my mule to break up the soil? Are the aggressive chain harrows any good for breaking up the soil? The ones with the spikes, not just the chain link fence style like they use on baseball fields. 3. Lime and fertilizer. The instruction on the throw and grow recommends that if you aren't getting your soil tested then use a ton of lime per acre and 400lbs of fertilizer per acre. I am looking at probably about an acre or so this year. Thats allot of lime and fertilizer for an acre. What will it cost? I guess I need to seriously invest in a good broadcast spreader. Any recommendations? 4. If I do annuals like rye, does that mean I have to go through this all over again next years or will it reseed itself? I know thats a probably a really ignorant question but I have never done this before. Trying to get a couple small patches going now before it gets too late. The main area will be a fall planting. Also thinking about planting persimmon trees around the edges
  21. MuzzleLoader Season 11/13 Gun Season 11/24
  22. This ^^. You will get more money. Most people who are interested in the rifle will put their own scope on it so they won't be willing to give you the value of the rifle and the scope together. You have to throw in the scope for free because they are going to put it up on a shelf and put a swaro, kahles, or nightforce on it. I am not sure where you got the $2500 from but the rifle is listing brand new on the weatherby website for $1999 and are listed on gunbroker for as low as $1750. Maybe I am looking at the wrong model. I would try and get $1500 for the rifle. List it either on gunbroker or perhaps another hunting website that people who hunt out west use like the long range hunting website. List the scope on here or some other shooting/hunting forum for $350 maybe $400 or even better list on ebay with a starting bid of $350 and see how high it goes.
  23. I don't understand the statement "I told him if they had anything we wouldn't be able to buy it". If they had it, why wouldn't you be able to buy it? My statement would have been "they probably won't have anything and if they do, it will be overpriced". In my opinion the prices don't have as much to do with election day as the pandemic and all the rioting nonsense. I don't believe prices will drop just because Trump gets re-elected because it was not the election that started it. If Biden wins, people will panic and prices will go up even more and may last a while longer than it would under Trump. The panic will wear off and prices will go back down until the next reason to panic. When the prices go back down, go out and buy a couple of cases of ammo and then sell them at the next panic. You make enough to buy some cool stuff when that panic is over. Sorry to be so positive but this has been going on since the early 90's.
  24. You toss your tools to the ground in the dirt?


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