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Everything posted by tnhawk

  1. It received a favorable rating in "Gun Tests" magazine during March 2018.
  2. If they have enough soccer fans to fill a stadium, let them pay for it.
  3. Darwin was right!
  4. Won't be long until it gets cold on Montana.
  5. Breathing may hurt after a hit to the vest, but it's better than the other options.
  6. Several years ago I bought a Beretta in the Spring Hill area on this forum. The drive from West TN was worth it for the transaction. I haven't list or sold a gun on the forum yet. Over the years I've purchased several guns from online sources and gun shows. As I travel across the state frequently I've found a few shops where most of my purchases occur. Although I live in southwest TN, most of my purchases have been in the Nashville area. I've seen several items that interested me on TGO but hesitated too long and they were sold.
  7. When I'm in GA I go to HRO in Atlanta. Haven't been to Gigaparts yet.
  8. welcome to TGO!
  9. welcome!
  10. see:" TGO Trading Post Notices and FAQs" for explanation on how to post in classified section
  11. tnhawk

    Glock 36

    My preference is for the Shield. Both the 45acp and 9mm are good pistols.
  12. I would like to have a local dealer to do business with but the nearest dealer to me is Atlanta. My first 2M was a Yaesu VX-7R and it is one of my best radios.
  13. After having several Dan Wesson pistols in 45 acp and 10mm I added a second valor in 9mm to the group today. I had several 9mm pistols but the only full size 1911 was a Rock Island. after a few hour drive getting home it's too late for a range trip today. However in the morning it expect it to fire a few hundred rounds without a failure as all the other DW pistols have done.
  14. This is well worth your time and expense to attend. AK4SZ
  15. Congrats on a nice pistol!
  16. A fact every journalist understands - Too much information will ruin a good story
  17. I've owned a few Gerber knives, MK1, MK2, folding blade models, but never an auto. My preference for an auto would be Protech and then Benchmade.
  18. I won't say it's affordable, but I enjoy shooting a Henry .357. After I stop working I'll have the time to start reloading again.
  19. Only if you have an HCP badge!
  20. Any plans to add a phone to it?
  21. During many trips thru gun shows and stores last year I wasn't seeing anything that got my interest. Then in several weeks time I found three that I had to have.
  22. Radio Amateur Club of Knoxville has classes and testing available. www.w4bbb.org AK4SZ
  23. There are about a dozen VHF/UHF repeaters in the Knoxville area.
  24. It's difficult to claim self defense after shooting an unarmed person.
  25. Sierra has been a favorite of mine as well. Hope their quality doesn't suffer.


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