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Everything posted by tnhawk

  1. Congrats on the new Beretta!
  2. 7.178 MHz on Icom IC-706 HF transceiver
  3. If the trigger pull isn't too heavy, the revolver may be a better choice for her.
  4. About equal to stepping in my hound's mine field.
  5. I got parts, down the street at Autozone, to do a brake job on the wife's car. Otherwise it wouldn't have been worth the trip.
  6. It may have been a relative of AGore! Next time lift one foot and look at bottom of shoe, then repeat with other foot. Then reply, "something stinks, did you step in anything outside?"
  7. Anything you do, may slow down, but won't prevent a burglar from stealing. I hope my dogs convince them to go elsewhere.
  8. Wilson Combat recommends firing 300-500 rounds before cleaning a new WC pistol, followed by cleaning every 500 rounds afterward. I'll trust that Bill Wilson and his gunsmiths are qualified to recommend this.
  9. In my younger days, I had that attitude about women.
  10. "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -lest it come to domonate our lives and interests." Patrick Henry
  11. How many thousand miles do you test drive a new car before deciding it is reliable to buy? I don't think it requires 2000 rounds without cleaning, to determine a gun is reliable.
  12. Of the few vendors selling anything I was interested in, I have found better prices locally.
  13. Welcome to TN and TGO
  14. Try cocking the hammer before racking the slide.
  15. Welcome to TGO. Thanks for your service.
  16. I'm hoping there will be a better selection of vendors than the RK shows have had lately.
  17. Autocrossed in a Buick Opal and an MG, in a former life.
  18. I still have memories of that day in Basic training!
  19. Welcome, hope things improve for you quickly.
  20. I'll start golf when I reach the point of watching people at walmart.
  21. Sometimes "new and improved" - isn't
  22. Sorry to hear it. I'm always worried something similar will happen to one of my coonhounds.
  23. I like my XD45, but shoot better with several of my 1911s.
  24. It sounds that a good cleaning should solve the problem, if the problem is with several magazines.


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