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Everything posted by tnhawk

  1. tnhawk

    New 1911

    Everyone should have a few 1911s.
  2. After 15 years, for $170, I would return it to Kimber for repair. My Ultra CDP II is dependable at 20 years. Hope it continues another 20.
  3. ATF is on the internet!
  4. I hope this bill passes. I would make an effort to accidentally ignore every no firearms sign I see.
  5. Although my Kimber Ultra CDP II and Springfield EMP have been dependable with 3" barrels, a 4 or 5" barrel 1911 is usually a better choice. Ruger, RIA and Springfield offer dependable, accurate 1911s at a reasonable price.
  6. tnhawk

    1911 Information

    It should be mentioned that once you start shooting a 1911, you will likely become addicted to them. Often the result is a safe shelf filled with different calibers and sizes of the 1911. You should probably look for a full size model. It gives me pain to say it but a 9 mm is less expensive to shoot than a 45 acp or 10 mm. Colt, Rock Island, Kimber, Ruger, Dan Wesson are well built, accurate pistols. However Springfield Armory is an excellent choice due to models available and excellent customer service/warranty should they be needed. There are few bad choices in the 1911. I have several other pistols but none is more enjoyable or dependable than a good 1911.
  7. I renewed my DL last month. Now got to make another trip for this. REALBS
  8. The Range Officer Compact is a nice size. Mine has had frequent use as I've started carrying 9mm more often.
  9. It is certainly an extremely beautiful knife but I hope if I ever have that amount of gun/knife money available that I don't see a knife like that available. It would reside in the evidence room after my wife used it on me.
  10. My LCP has been 100% functional since it was purchased in 2012. If a gun fails when needed, a lifetime warranty may not be long enough.
  11. Check the store schedule and inventory before you make a trip to Aniston. It will be worth the trip!
  12. I prefer my Shield or P938 but there are times when I carry the LCP rather than have nothing.
  13. Congrats on a nice truck!
  14. I'd be happy if my Blue Tick would stop at 3 howls.
  15. It was easier for me to find a woman who could cook.
  16. tnhawk

    Glock 48?

    As much as I like my Shield, the 43x gets my attention when I see in on the shelf.
  17. It really wouldn't matter. The damage would affect everyone.
  18. A few weeks after getting a Henry .44 mag, I realized that I needed a .44 mag revolver. Now I feel better about the boxes of ammo stacked on the shelf.
  19. After getting my first Protech, I haven't bought another benchmade.
  20. The 1911 shelf in my safe has barrels from 3" to 6" in size.
  21. I prefer to carry my 9mm or 45acp Shield. However there are times I continue to carry the LCP.
  22. As said above - the lcp is not fun to shoot. I practice with mine a few times a year. It has been reliable for several years. The AMT 380 is the only gun I've had a problem with. I would never want to depend on it.
  23. I've had to cut back on the sauces as well, but I still enjoy them in smaller amounts. Looks like a trip to Aldis later today!
  24. Next time, just call Hillary.
  25. I didn't watch the game, but apparently didn't miss much.


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