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Everything posted by TNMP40

  1. For use inside the house I just bought a Mossberg 500 20ga with a pistol grip. It holds 6 shots and is small. There is no need for a 12ga inside your home. Cost is only $329 off course I also have back-up of several hand guns.
  2. I had someone in a gun shop tell me that there was a tactical light holder that fit into the hollow pistol grip of a Mossberg 500 pump shot gun. I can not find anything on the web. Has any one ever seen one? Makes sense it would be a great idea because the pistol grip is hollow and has an open bottom. Thanks.
  3. XD9sc is a nice guy and I carry it but if you want something slim and not so heavy the Karr 9mm is tops and it is very accurate. But it does not hold mega rounds like the XD so aim well when you shoot.
  4. Thanks for posting this... I will try to make it.
  5. XD9sc or S&W Airweight
  6. TNMP40

    XDsc 9

    Excellent article.... thanks
  7. Since that gun has one purpose ie. self-defense I could only load it with Hornady Critical Defense ammo. If you are going to the range just remember to take it out before you shoot.
  8. I have one for my XD9c and it is comfortable. Pain to put on and get in place though but most IWB's are. Good value.
  9. I will probably will go check out the show this weekend. Mostly looking for holsters. Tired of buying them online and then not liking the fit.
  10. Unless you live out West like Arizona where open carry is legal and people are use to it I would not do it legal or not. It just freaks out too many people, myself included. On the other hand at least you know they guy has a gun and you can keep your eye on him.
  11. I agree with that... the gun and mag loader are great. You can store the rest. The XD 40 is pretty much the same as your XD 9 just different ammo. Good price would be around $400-425 for used. Hey used is still used no matter what... just like a car.
  12. TNMP40

    Dear Ruger ...

    Yah but it would have been an empty cases of beer and not enough weight there.
  13. Take a look at the Springfield XD9 compact. Nice gun but it cost about $525 new.
  14. TNMP40

    pf9 trigger

    I agree with trblmkr13 Kel tec guns are ok for a carry weapon but not much fun to shoot. I all but gave up shooting mine. I really doubt it will improve with use. Suggest you look around for another gun that is nice to shoot and or carry. I will never buy another Kel tec... I was looking for something cheap and that is what I got.
  15. Considering the intent and purpose of the S&W Airweight it is a great carry gun. Ruger just came out with one LCP that I think is even lighter. You can get low recoil ammo as well. This is they type of gun that you will probable never have to shoot (hopefully) other than range practice. Good choice I think.
  16. TNMP40

    Holster ??

    This might sound strange but you can stretch leather by heating it first. Place in a preheated 325 degree oven for about 10-15 mins. You want it to get hot but not too hot. When you take it out have your bun in a gym sock and insert it into the holster. Leave it in place over night. If you only need it stretched out a little bit that should do the trick. One other was is to soak it in warm leather place you gun in a plastic bag and into the holster over night. Leather will naturally give and loosen up... this will speed up the process.
  17. I just ordered from them today. I could not find anything that I liked at the local gun shop and being LH the selections is usually small. Will let you know how it works out.
  18. TNMP40

    40 vs the 9mm?

    I agree that the Springfield XD's are worth a look see. They make a very nice gun. I own both a Glock and and XD.
  19. TNMP40

    40 vs the 9mm?

    You should take a look at the G32 which is a .357 and it is not too bad for carry. I doubt you will carry a full size very often especially in the summer time when it is hard to conceal.
  20. Just tried it and that WORKS! Thanks guys... I knew you all would come through.... you made my day!
  21. Sounds like it is a common thing with this gun... thanks for the replies. I will play with it some today and see what works. Will also check out the Crossbreed holster... thanks for the info Garethsk.
  22. I have not fired the gun yet so that may be the case however I don't think one should have to do that.
  23. Why would you do something so stupid with a car like that????
  24. I just picked up an XD9 sc to use as a carry weapon mainly because of its size and magazine capacity however with the magazine fully loaded it is almost impossible to eject it. The force needed to push in the release button is extreme. Wondering if any one else has had this issue and if so how was it resolved? One other question looking for suggestions on a good carry holster from those who own this gun. Thanks.
  25. Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me!


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