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Everything posted by mikegideon

  1. It's pretty simple to me. There are folks that have turned into bear food with an 1895 in their hands. That won't happen with a .458 AR unless you're just a natural born bed wetter. Serious firepower.
  2. I don't know how far I'm gonna go with the .458. It definately took the 45-70 lever gun off my wish list.
  3. There is an abundance of bullets for the socom. I have six different types loaded right now. Just really depends on if you want your gun to hit like an AK, or a 45-70.
  4. SOCOM! It really depends on what you want it to do. They both have strong points.
  5. mikegideon

    M&P 9

    You got a point. That would be a shame.
  6. More brilliance from elected officials.
  7. No doubt that a .243 is a better caliber for deer. I brought up a .223 because a 30/30 was "too much gun" for the kid. My .243 has recoil, and my .223's don't. An accurate shot from a .223 is better than a flinchy kid with a .243. He should at least shoot that caliber before he owns it.
  8. Sigh. Just when I thought you had come around
  9. Did you notice what a sorry shot Dad is with a pistol? It wasn't the 1911 he built, because daughter was nailing the target with it at the end of the show.
  10. I saw an episode last night. Real feeble stuff.
  11. There's that "most' word again :-)
  12. mikegideon

    M&P 9

    The DCEAK will get rid of the grit. It's caused by the trigger bar dragging across the square edge of the firing pin safety plunger. The replacement plunger from Apex is rounded off some, and smooths it right out. The DCEAK also moves the reset point back, and really helps with keeping the gun on target. The break is lighter as well. I also installed the APEX RAM kit in mine. You will feel AND hear the reset if you install it. Not as well defined as a Glock, but definately there.
  13. Tex actually did a pretty good job on the Tosh show.
  14. I reload .223, but am plenty happy with Wolf for blowing off steam. Too much work for me, as fast as I go thru them with my carbines.
  15. I was hoping he would redeem himself, instead of stabbing himself in the face with an ice pick.
  16. Wolf at Aim Surplus. $189 for 1000 rounds
  17. View count is over 4000
  18. Agreed. Untie their hands. You could also let them off traffic duty enough to maybe chase some criminals.
  19. I'm giving Obama AND Bush a pass. If they haven't personally counted every bean in their kitchens, it's fine with me. They should have BOTH had more important things to do than personally supervise an ATF field office. You give Obama too much credit. He can't possibly make every bad decision in the government. There simply isn't time.
  20. It will never happen. Probably the closest anybody has ever come was Sliwa with the Guardian Angels. You gotta be in the hood to pull that off.
  21. The tactics came out of the ATF. I doubt that anybody above them was micromanaging it. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened under ANY administration. Not trying to give the Obama guys a pass. Just saying that it could have easily got past the Bush crowd too.
  22. It's kinda like guns. The best option usually isn't the cheapest one.
  23. Nice response Earpie, but where's the revenue? I despise them every bit as much as you, but they're not gonna let ME go on a hunt for them.


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