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Everything posted by mikegideon

  1. I guess I heard you the first time . I agree
  2. Oh yeah. The '86 Miami shootout. One guy shoots up a bunch of FBI agents with a Mini 14, and they blamed it on the handguns, specifically their calibers. The gov wouldn't admit that you simply don't bring a pistol to a carbine fight, and THAT's why they got shot up.
  3. That EBR outshoots my bolt guns
  4. No I don't
  5. He's more likely to post a picture of his forklift. He loves that thing, at least he did before it bit his trigger finger
  6. Peace on Earth! Merry Christmas
  7. Would the picture be small enough to make it your new avatar?
  8. Uhhh... if you didn't load your own ammo, then you deserved crappy groups
  9. Just noticed the barrel twist. It's gonna play real well at long ranges too. Gonna be a helluva gun. I would hit it :-)
  10. I hope you keep this thread going thru the entire build. I know it's gonna be a work of art when you're done. I also expect it to put a deer's eye out at 300.
  11. My AR builds usually go together in a week. Once I get the lower, I'm too impatient to collect parts over time. The bolt gun will probably take longer. It will be a paper slayer. I'm good on hunting rifles.
  12. Nice looking stuff. I'm ramping up to build a bolt gun.
  13. Could be. It would be hard to believe that a politician is lying his ass off. Maybe he should just play it like Newt... Yeah, I f****d her.
  14. That's what I'm thinkin'. Just reading some of the stuff now.
  15. Yep, the deer died because he couldn't paint himself orange. Other than that, he looked like everything else that moves.
  16. The TGO gag thread .
  17. NEVER pick your nose with your trigger finger! I read that somewhere. Probably on the internet.
  18. You know how it goes. Some changes work for the better, and some don't.
  19. It'll heal up. May even act a little better since you smacked the bejesus out of it.
  20. Last time I saw that finger on a trigger, it was on a benchrest rifle. Not sure there is a weak side. He still has 3 good ones left. You never know... the real magic could be in #2
  21. mikegideon

    Glock Gen 4

    I have a Gen 4 G 23 as well. I never could warm up to the Glock until I got my hands on a Gen 4. Love it.
  22. Right. The gun wasn't chambered. Tex taught him that trick.
  23. There is an unlimited supply of scumbag replacements. Reminds me of the picture of Jimmy Carter with the caption, "Miss me yet?"


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