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Everything posted by mikegideon

  1. I'm not feeling soory at all. My money sez Rand was looking for that fight.
  2. Dang Earpie. I just read that other thread. I'll have some comments if David reopens it. For now, I'm just gonna suggest that you come off your high horse a little.
  3. Pistole IS an a$$, on most occasions.
  4. You will see him exercise those options too. He hates the TSA, which is one of the things that makes me like him.
  5. 911 was what they said. You really CAN melt a steel structure with enough Diesel fuel JFK and Bobby were both after the mob. I've always figured they popped both of them. Yes, we went to the moon.
  6. They can tap your phone without any entry too. Get a warrant. It ain't that hard with a little evidence.
  7. A LOT of them have that. Almost got me locked up in Dallas. I came real close to decking the little twerp.
  8. That's what I've read too. Don't want to deprive them of finding their first bomb.
  9. If private sales weren't included, then background checks were already required, correct? Doesn't that just leave dealers? Maybe they need a double special law to replace the regular law that's alredy there.
  10. I wanna see Newt inflict another ass whippin' on somebody. Don't really care who
  11. There's a lot of blow hard crap on the show. But, the gunsmith brought up the SOCOM in the first meeting as an existing caliber. Sure, you can buy a SOCOM upper from RIA (I did), but it doesn't have an integral supressor. They have the tools to build the rifle, and it looks like they got it done. I'm guessing they may have bought the bolt, but again, they have the tools. The SOCOM bolt is just a modified .223 bolt. Not defending all the sensationalism. Just sayin', they built a rifle that I would like to have. I would even swap my RRA for it.
  12. I think that one was whipped up by the Vatican
  13. Life isn't fair. Sometimes you luck up and get the fires of hell.
  14. I think it's a good thing. Congress funds that useless bunch. Maybe this will kick off some sane conversations about the effectiveness of the TSA.
  15. I hate waiting for ANYTHING to dry. Baking stuff I'm not going to eat falls on the hate list too. Can't argue with the quality.
  16. I know. That's why I'll wind up with a few.
  17. I use walnut and Nu Finish in a Hornady tumbler. I'm wrestling with the stainless steel solution. If it wasn't a wet process, I would already be on it.
  18. We ARE in Tennessee. No shortage of booger diggers in some parts.
  19. I keep saying... I'm not gonna let you guys suck me into the knife thing. I'll probably wind up losing that battle.
  20. I didn't find it that biased. I found it lacking in information. I know he's limited by available column inches. I guess I expected more than the opinions of idiots, with the Rabbi's rebuttal. I felt the other side was given more weight. No biggie. I figure the anti's will eventually give up and move to France.
  21. Don't forget that planet with the big blue folks and the unobtanium.


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