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Everything posted by mikegideon

  1. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/2nd-amendment-issues/68160-anti-gun-protest-starbucks-valentines-day.html
  2. Those plastic lowers work too. That's the real beauty of the AR platform. All of mine are different, but they can share a lot of the parts.
  3. Yep. That's why I got used to the overhand method. Not so much about strength either. If your hands are a little sweaty, there's just not enough surface area.
  4. I suck at it. I have tried a few times, and then Magpul showed up . We have some masters though. Could be a good thread!
  5. <SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript src="http://ads.revsci.net/adserver/ako?activate&csid=j06575"></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript src="http://pix04.revsci.net/J06575/a4/0/0/pcx.js?csid=J06575"></SCRIPT>Now, THAT'S how you do it! A recent study found that mayors belonging to Bloomberg’s group have been arrested at a much higher rate than Tennessee handgun-carry permit holders, for crimes ranging from perjury and embezzlement to child sexual assault. But there’s no background check for politicians
  6. Are you sure it's dead? Sometimes they just smell like it.
  7. They don't have the luxury of being idiots. Has the TSA EVER stopped a valid threat? Useless waste of time, money and dignity.
  8. I watched it happen on TV. I was in Tupelo
  9. Yep. I figure they'll wear out several ban hammers in the first week.
  10. That's the down side. They're only open on Fri, Sat, and Sun. It's real close to my house, so I just turn around an go home when it's too crowded.
  11. You made LOTS of great choices. Good job!
  12. No. They have shooting benches. You can shoot from the bench or stand. The RSO's are good people. They're all shooters. It's just probably the busiest range in the state, so they have to keep their arms around things. I'm on my third annual membership, and they've never pissed me off. You can't beat the facilities.
  13. Great facilities. Rules are pretty strict, so you will most likely survive your visit :-). They only allow slugs with shotguns, so you don't tear up the target stands.
  14. There is no cure. Yes, it contagious
  15. I would just get the inside delivery option. I've moved a lot of radio broadcast transmitters over the years, some a little over 2000 lbs. I've even used safe jacks to move them, since it's real similar. Now I just hire the pros. Saves a lot of dents in the gear, floor, walls, and me.
  16. Nothing wrong with leaving all of them in a pile if they keep coming.
  17. Right down the road in Memphis, and he'll do it by mail. Good guy too. Stegall Law Firm
  18. Yep. We call it the "shoot the thug" game.
  19. Dang, you're good. Looks like Rob has been erased
  20. Glocks don't require much at all. A punch or two, and a small hammer. I suggest you watch a few of the gun smithing videos, and let them guide you. Here's a recent thread... http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/gunsmithing-troubleshooting/66927-gunsmith-tool-sets.html
  21. The best comment... I say we give all of the mealy mouth, touchy feely, pretentious, self deluded liberals all of the problems they think they can solve with more government, more laws, more love, and more tolerance and send them to one side of the country. Then, those of us with a brain could live on the other side free of their constant stupidity, whining, rape of our civil rights, omniscient interference in our daily lives, anal retentive control methods, and theft of our resources attempting to create their psychotic idea of Utopia. It's time for a revolution folks.
  22. I actually eat at Krystal more than White Castle. I only go to WC when I need some real sliders.
  23. That's just wrong. Everbody knows Krystal is a knock-off. Or to quote my midwestern girlfriend. "WTF is with the mustard anyway?"


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