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Everything posted by mikegideon

  1. Damn if I know. I don't dink with the fonts. I must have just done it
  2. Just received a muzzle brake for my .458 SOCOM. What seems to be typical of RRA, they left out the crush washer. I even emailed them to make sure. It's the same size as for a .308 muzzle device. Anybody know where I can get one locally? I'm in a rush, and don't want to pay overnight shipping. i especially don't want to wait 3 or 4 days for RRA to waddle to the mailbox.
  3. Yep. The workplace voilence article I saw today was a school employee. Guess what...
  4. People like her have stage 4 Libtard disease. She knows what's best for everyone, and will MAKE them comply with her plan. She needs to move to France.
  5. I have spent a LOT of time in Vegas. Since I'm not a gambler, I spent a lot of that time with nothing to do. I think they could make a killing.
  6. I'm not ready to croak yet. But, I could use some prunes right now.
  7. I think you have a lot of lurkers, and probably a lot that signed up to get one or two questions answered, and then moved on. I've hit Arfcom quite a bit, maybe even a member, but I don't hang out there. I just use it to gather info when I'm messing with my AR's. It's the same for me with several other forums.
  8. Cool idea for Vegas. I'll bet that it's a big success.
  9. Check the pic. I'm thinkin she won't be fighting off any rapists.
  10. I tried the freezer thing first. It took a padded bench vise, a brass punch, and some serious blows with a hammer.
  11. Well BK, I would say your crystal ball is working just fine
  12. i think S&W may have changed a spec in their later pistols. It was WAY too tight on the older ones.
  13. The Uniflow IS a volume based tool. The Chargemaster, and the OP's two alternatives trickle onto a scale, and stop with a preset weight.
  14. I don't think you NEED a Chargemaster if you're not shooting rifles at longer ranges. Loads for 600-1000 yards are persnickety about powder charge, so you have to trickle them onto a scale. Uniflows are great if you have the right sized cylinder for your charges. I have one with the standard size, and probably wouldn't use it for pistol charges.
  15. There's a McDonald's straw trick for the Chargemaster that helps it meter extruded powders. My loads that really need the accuracy use Varget and Reloader 15. Cut a 1" piece of straw and shove it into the trickler. Keeps the CM from dropping a clump at the end.
  16. The OP isn't talking about volumetric systems. He's talking about electric tricklers. My Chargemaster throws the same weight every time according to the scale. I was talking with Okey last night. We're going to weigh some charges from mine with his lab scale, and see how much they vary. My guess is they will all be within a tenth of a grain. To the OP. I know the Chargemaster is expensive, but there's a reason they sell so many of them. They're the best. Read lots of reviews. I have a buddy that just bought a Lyman, but he's hand trickling the final charge.
  17. Here piggy piggy...
  18. It's the perfect size. That's why I have a 19 and 23.
  19. And you would have a better chance of recovering after one of your classic come-backs
  20. Nothing wrong with a .22 if it has 20+ grains of Reloader 7 behind it.
  21. Yep. Why go to the trouble of shooting yourself when you can just let somebody else do it.
  22. Good info to know. It's pretty scary how hard you have to smack that rear sight to make it move. I got mine off without scratching it, but it was a challenge.
  23. I had to put my slide in a vise and use quite a bit of force with a punch. It wasn't an easy process..
  24. You have conservatives on both sides of the issue, even here on TGO. I'm hoping something passes.
  25. At least he admitted that the trigger was pulled.


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