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Everything posted by mikegideon

  1. I have it. Send me the details. Already have a couple of trigger kits. I have had quickload results that were nearly dead on for pressure, and some that weren't. Good tool for wildcatting, and will give you an idea of where to start and stop your ladder.
  2. Yep. I have a copy of that somewhere
  3. I have a Marlin 917 Stainless. It's OK, and wasn't that expensive.
  4. It should. It's older than dirt.
  5. Mine doesn't do that.
  6. And when you're done, stake your castle nut. You can use a spring loaded center punch. Look for videos on the web.
  7. BTW: On the Magul Precision Rifle video, they're pushing the 308 out to a mile with a 16" target. I'm just barely though the first DVD, so that's all I know at this point.
  8. I'm a sissy. Don't feel like beating the crap out of myself. 50-100 rounds of either of those calibers would do that. It would be a different story if I was trying to drain the blood out of anything bigger than a prairie dog.
  9. 6mm Dasher with a 26-28" barrel. BTW... I'm going to try to make the haul with my 24" .223 and 82 grain (and 80.5 grain) Berger Hybids. Should do OK in low winds. Still don't expect it to stand up to the Dasher. Okey was bustin' clays with his dasher at 1000 last weekend. That thing rocks when the wind dies down.
  10. I remember that thread well. Even tried to steer him to do the right thing, and he continued to be a cocky dumbass.
  11. Some of those ORSA boys really know their stuff. It would be hard to soak it all up.
  12. I just can't picture you getting ignored
  13. Can't beat that! Good for you, David.
  14. Common story. I read a bunch just like it before I bought the RCBS
  15. Nice looking Mini!
  16. You need the Congressional budgeting program. You can spend whatever you want, and stick somebody else with the payments.
  17. Yep. I ordered a BAD lever for it too. Does that make it a lever gun? It was designed to kill Somalians, but I hear it works on pigs too. I definately plan to do some hunting. BTW; One of my favorite Rightwinger quotes about the SOCOM... "It will kill a deer dead"
  18. Yes. I don't need a tool for mine. I guess it depends on the individual weld spring, but I don't think it's as hard as a stock handguard.
  19. I think that's the deal. It just pops off, though. Real easy.
  20. I REALLY like the MOE handguard. I have one on one of my rifles. Can't beat it if you don't need/want a free float.
  21. Great advice!
  22. I figured you might. Almost called you. Stick it in your pocket and we'll figure out how to hook up. I'll just replace it when I place my next parts order.
  23. You don't know my luck with muzzle devices. It will wind up pointing straight down. It's like barrel nuts. Mine always land so I gotta approach hernia levels to get the hole to line up.


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