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Everything posted by mikegideon

  1. To me, the main advantage to building one is the knowledge you gain on the platform. So, if it breaks, you can just fix it. If you buy the right parts, and assemble them correctly, it will work. All of my AR's work real well.
  2. No way. His ears are too big
  3. Here's my question. What about just getting to the point of losing consciousness and losing control of your weapon? Did he have to be in fear that the head bashing was going to kill him?
  4. Don't know. Pretty sure it wasn't a turtle.
  5. And, why are there still turtles?
  6. You're confusing me AR. I thought the Replublican line was, job creators first, citizens second. Their position doesn't surprise me.
  7. Just use a big pipe wrench
  8. Mitch McConnel evolved from a turtle. It's obvious.
  9. Several of us are familiar with this case, and have "met" Nikki here on TGO. TN seems to always be nice to their criminals. I'm just hoping this guy's new husband turns out to be big, ugly, and insatiable.
  10. Pus is always an indication of some kind of bacteria. We're just debating the type and quantity. Bloomberg is a sawed off little twerp... the little zit that could.
  11. This link was posted on Facebook by the NRA 22 hours ago... http://www.tennessea...orward-TN-House The video is dated April 11. Once again, the media is full o' crap.
  12. I think you're giving him too much credit
  13. We always have a fight on our hands. The anti's have cried wolf so many times, I'm not sure anybody hears them anymore. The only ones whining about the law are the same old gun hater's. Let 'em whine. It's what they do.
  14. It doesn't get any simpler that the core mechanism of evolution. Individuals with traits that allow them to thrive do so. Ones without those traits die off. The ones that thrive reproduce, and the traits become more common in the group. It is obvious in so many instances in the world today, that denial is the only way to believe it doesn't exist. It ain't magic, it's downright simple,
  15. I think (hope) some fairness just entered the picture. Nobody wants Zimmerman to get away with murder. It's ALL gonna come out now. I'm sure we'll quarterback the whole thing
  16. The defense won't file a motion to dismiss based on "stand your ground" until after he is arraigned. The judge can toss the whole thing at that point. Not saying he will, but it's part of the process.
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/10/opinion/dershowitz-trayvon-prosecutor-nightmare/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 More good stuff
  18. NOT a Commie is a dramatic improvement
  19. At least it's going somewhere. Bad time to dump his lawyers.


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