I've been using "smart" phones for years. The first two used the Windows Mobile OS. They were buggy, but worked. Then, I went to the iPhone 3 and it was the most stable, user friendly smart phone I've ever used. My staff went with the iPhone at the same time. Unfortunately, that stuck us with the AT&T network. So, we had great phones, and sucky coverage. We finally got sick of all the dropped calls, and fired AT&T (my department only).
When we went back to Verizon, we got stuck with the Android. Even though they work better as phones (because of the better network), the OS is a little buggy. Android sticks you with a bunch of crap applications that you can't remove, is not capable of VPN connectivity with our business network (huge deal), and integration with multiple email accounts sucks. PC integration and adding applications sucks, if you can find your new app in the pile of junk apps. IMHO, the Android is a cheap knock-off of the iPhone. I don't care if it's more open. I want my phone for business.
So, yesterday my IT guy got fed up and checked into an upgrade to the iPhone. He and I jumped as soon as we found out that it would only cost us 200 bucks each to end our pain.
I will say that if I had never used an iPhone, I would probably be ticked pink with the droid. Having used both, it's a clear choice for my guys and me. FWIW, a big part of our jobs is IT work in a very large company. Can't wait for my iPhone to show up, so we can finally get a VPN connection again.