Old fart story...
Back in '77 (or '78), I was a one handgun guy because of limited funds. Somebody stole my Model 19 S&W, so I headed to the gun store to replace it. At the time, all my cop buddies were still carrying revolvers, except for a couple I knew in the Illinois State Police. They were carrying the "new" Hi Cap S&W semi-autos in 9mm. I had played with the S&W single stacks, but hadn't had a chance to shoot any of the new ones.
Anyway, I went to the gun store intending to buy a 1911 (back then we just called them 45's). I got to the store and was fondling a Colt 1911 when the S&W rep (who happened to be visiting) grabbed me and sold me the Model 59 that's in my avatar. It's been with me ever since.
Fast forward 30 years or so, and I wound up buying my first 1911. I like it just fine, but wouldn't trade the 30 years with my old friend. I have a bunch of handguns now, and the Glocks are normally the ones that go with me, even though I trust every one I own. Even the old 59 runs like a top. Just don't like the added step of dealing with the safety, or the extra weight.