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Everything posted by RobD

  1. I think its just a revenue grab by the state, and like most retards in government "service" it just happens to mess with us so they like it even more....
  2. Thats cuz most military vote conservative.....cant have that under dear leader.....
  3. I see all this lunacy and all I can think is that it will create a black market for goods and services.
  4. Ya'll are killing me. First off lets be clear in our intent and language. While I can't spell worth a damn I try to be readable. When I read arguments in broken gramar and broken english on a board it makes me want to dismiss what you are saying. Now I am sick and tired of Nazi being associated with conservatisim. NAZI-ism is by definition and by actions in pre-WWII Germany socialist. Spend 5 minutes of your life and look it up. On to another point, just by watching the news story I would have had no profe that these people are Neo-Nazis. I have know way of knowing what is in someones mind other than by seeing their actions. So enough baiting the trolls for the day.....I'm gonna go try to find a Mossberg 500 that isnt $400.
  5. I think they pointed to "reasonable" as things like convitcted felons owning guns and the like. Not restricting movement. Not sure though. I can't imagine they ment that my god given right to self defence had limits of where I happend to be. Not sure how one goes about checking thier rights at the door. lol
  6. I was just thinking about this in the fact that it was ruled that out and out gun bans are unconstitutional does this mean the cities guns in parks bans are now null and void?
  7. I work for a company with the same type of policies, I knew a guy that worked there and had a gun in the car. His car was broken into on company property. When the company got a copy of the police report and noticed the gun on there he was promptly fired.
  8. Wow, they got the NRA, wonder what bribes and blackmail they used
  9. It amazes me that we have no way to stop people like this from voting...... The more I see the more I am realy starting to realize that the Republic is well and truly lost.....ohwell it was a fun 200+ years.
  10. I’m curious as to what kind of entertainment we can expect from Daley if they shoot down the Chicago handgun ban. Would probably just give him his "excuse" to declare martial law in the city and take the guns away.
  11. Um might wanna check your facts on that one....The DOJ is suing the state of Montana over their new gun laws, which are very similar to the ones in TN and TX.
  12. I think you did the right thing. Besides who wants to have to post a guard all night just in case someone decided to come back and start some trouble?
  13. all pistol mags are gone.....errr
  14. That was so amazing I had to watch it twice in a row, wish i could find the rest of the video
  15. I have the XD45 4" I carry in a crossbread supper tuck and havnt had an accedental OWB moment yet.
  16. This is all just proof of what happens when we have a weakling as POTUS. Sadly this is what happens in the world (see Jimmy Carter) when the wolves realize the sheepdog has no teeth. What scares me most is the Israelies are playing into the Senior Obama's hands and escalating the violance (as they should). Dumbama will use it as an excuse to fully remove all support and intelegence we give them. Iran has played this hand perfectly against us. Unfortunatly Israel is in the way. As to Turkey...They see the writing on the wall and know that Iran will be the power house in the region, they see these actions as a way to pay fielty to the new king of the region.
  17. Heres a wild idea. Let's get a state constitutional amendment though that says all laws must be written like an Opp Order! 5 paragraphs in plain friggen language....... Oh wait we keep electing lawyers who still think they get paid by the word and know if they leave the wording confusing enough most of they're buddies will make fortunes in court getting "clarity" to what could have been written in plain english in the first place. Ok done with rant, carry on.
  18. I'm writing in Elvis, just like I did in the presidential election.
  19. That's for criminal court.......
  20. I don't show it, the point of it was so that no one knows I am carrying, why would I give away that advantage (even to a clerk)?
  21. AMEN, I wish we could get the same laws passed here as they have down in Florida....
  22. Worriedman, thanks. I got the order backwards, thought it was done in the house and on the way to the senate.
  23. so is this a done deal now? when does it go into effect?


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