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Everything posted by Pain103

  1. My understanding a Presidential Pardon only applies to federal, military, and superior court of DC. So I guess he and his attorney should have done some more reading prior to doing all that paperwork.
  2. I use the peltor 6s and love them. You can hunt around for them online should be able to them for close to $60. The only negative thing about them to me is it can be a booger changing batteries.
  3. The background should show arrests and disposition as in conviction or dismissed. You would probably need to check your local court clerk's office for sentence information (public record also).
  4.   I find it funny his vest says customer service.
  5. LOL. Too bad you weren't getting it back in the day when it took about 6 months. That was waiting.
  6. Where is your residence? Are you originally from another state but stationed at Campbell?
  7. Sounds like DOE transport agents initially but could be Fed Reserve.
  8. Guns, McDonalds, and a Gator sounds like...'Merica!
  9. I really cold care less about what they think. I pay for cable and internet. Both of which I'm happy with and don't plan on canceling.
  10. A 38 special revolver isn't a bad choice. Some times in the summer I may grab one and throw it in the cargo pocket for a quick trip to the gas station.
  11. Maybe the Russians and North Koreans are coming for our guns.
  12. Jernigan is a fool. Never have liked him. Big time democrat and a lobbyist prior to leaving Metro Council for the House.
  13.   Just found this song earlier and love it figured some of you may like it and it speaks the truth about family firearms being passed down.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdQkpm3VH3E  
  14. I've seen this kind of stuff happen live in court before. Man it always cracks me up.
  15. First Daron Hall is a huge Democrat and word is maybe the next mayor of Nashville. Second he has no law enforcement power along with his deputies so they really don't have a force so to say that could do anything. But this gun ban confiscation hype is all at the federal level locals have nothing to do with that. They could ban pistols federally but until it is outlawed at the state level locals can't arrest you in Tennessee.
  16.   In the more populated counties like Davidson and Shelby there are several judges per General Sessions and Criminal Court but in Sumner County they have only 1 judge in General Sessions and 1 judge in Criminal Court so they are definately full time.
  17.  Not against court rules for the judge to ask questions. I know how the Sumner Co. judges are they don't play but was it a criminal trial or a civil matter? Anyway here is the link to the TN Courts Board of Judiciary Conduct there is a link to the rules for judges and how to file a complaint if you read any rules he may have broke. http://www.tncourts.gov/court-judiciary
  18. Tennessee doesn't require insurance to register a vehicle and there is no way to check the status of insurance via our computers. We basically have to take it at face value. Some states link insurance information to the vehicle and it will return along with the registration if ran.
  19.   Luckily I've been carrying my own AR-15 for years. I like it for two reasons because I know the condition and cleanliness of it and nobody can mess with my sights. Actually every gun I carry on duty is mine pistols, shotgun, and rifle.
  20. Besa mi culo.   This isn't the first time they are stickin their nose in American business. They were trying to get more of the AZ immigration law thrown out through the 9th Circuit.
  21.  Atleast one senator made some sense.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Psgcbqb4vU8
  22. 4th Amendment wouldn't apply to a business or private person. It only applies to government and its agents.
  23. I see the problem of people not moving out of the way for emergency vehicles has been around forever. Atleast they didn't have audio of the driver's comments..lol I know I have some funny narrated videos in my car.


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