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Everything posted by Pain103

  1. Pain103

    Micro Draco

    Anybody had any experience with the Micro Draco? I've heard good things about the other models but this one has caught my eye.
  2.  SKS first. Or even better get an AK. 7.62 is a fun round to shoot and there is plenty of aftermarket accessories made for those guns. When did they change it to any centerfire versus the caliber size? I haven't hunted in years I hadn't heard of the change.
  3. The examiners are non sworn personnel of the Department of Safety. Just wearing a badge isn't going to be illegal it would take an act that makes people believe she is a LEO or she does something reserved to a LEO. Sounds like a clown and probably does it to make people think she is the police because she is scared of her own shadow. Makes no sense to me. When I'm off duty I don't want a single person to know what I do.
  4. It's gotten better over the years. I get all my work gear and uniforms there. Tom the owner remembers names and can look at you and give exact size for uniforms. Some items are little pricey but you can walk out with it versus ordering it.
  5.  If you take I40 to Knoxville then I81 through Virginia to I66 to Baltimore that limits the amount of states traveled through. I believe Virginia will honor your HCP so the only issue is Maryland. Don't know the laws up there so you might want to search them yourself.
  6.    That would make sense so it doesn't happen. The only issue that could pop up is with people taking a diversion plea deal it goes as guilty after set amount of time with no problems it is dismissed. It's a good opportunity for some to handle their case but I could see the judgements getting screwed up when sent in.
  7. It wont open through safari here recently. If you use the maps app button it works fine.
  8.  Every nation should be actually enforcing it's borders. Too bad our gov practically wants to just give everyone a bus pass to come on in.
  9.    It should. Some of us that can only basically change tires, batteries, and oil need some guidance.    As far the check gauge light it goes off when I give it gas and the oil pressure goes back up. I'll get it checked out. I roughly drive 20 to 30 miles a month anyway so as long as it works.
  10.  I'm going to piggyback on this because I have a question. Oil pressure drops when idling causing the check gauges light to come on. When driving or moving moves back into the regular range. I've seen this happen before on a vehicle with several miles on it and never saw it drop that low when idling. Should I be concerned?
  11. The only way to avoid the word game is to say all city, county, or state owned or operated property.
  12. You don't get a DUI on a vessel instead it's a BUI. They don't count against each other for convictions.
  13. I'm too clumsy to be a ninja so I won't have any questions.
  14.  At least you weren't sending dirty pictures.
  15.  More people looking for attention.
  16.   He is trying to become a ninja.
  17.   That part I bolded was added a few years ago and it allows vertical mounting on motorcycles. There could be a reason for disarming him but nothing in that video would make me as an officer disarm that person. But problem with it is you only see the view from the rider.
  18.  Doubt that would even come close to entrapment. Until they make it carry legal with no exceptions you are going to have these crazy opinions and certain people trying to skirt the law.
  19.  As soon as I saw Michigan I closed it.
  20. A multi tool. Good list so far.
  21.  Sounds like you're getting lied to. Legally someone else can get the guns and then sell them as stated above. I'm sure he would have to sign a property release of some sort releasing them to you.
  22. If he is on probation in Sumner County chances are he will get some time. I would go ahead and get a order of protection or restraining order along with the judge orderinghim no contact or stay away. Judge Hunter doesn't like people disobeying a court order.
  23. Don't know what the law is there but would have been misuse of 911 here.
  24. Sounds like a good day.


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