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Everything posted by Lumber_Jack

  1. 3.18 technically, but some courses may be a tad long or shorter due to logistical matters such as a good finish line spot.
  2. Lumber_Jack

    KHAR PM9

    What pocket holster? I've see OS's in person just checkin other options
  3. Ok after doing some calling, i found what the change is supposed to be. From what I am told they are going to remove the Wild Hog from the Big Game classification. There is no limit on most counties and season is only regulated if you hunt with dogs, otherwise it's open year round. You still cannot hunt at night or with bait, which again are the two biggest factors allowing the populations to continually increase. But alas I am a forester, no a wildlife biologist, my knowledge of the matter is limited and mostly opinion
  4. LBL and Fort Cambel play by different rules. But for the rest of the state, i have no idea. I haven't actually heard of any reg changes directly from TWRA, just through the grapevine. Time will tell. Maybe the changes were only for Units A & B, I'm not sure.
  5. Lumber_Jack

    KHAR PM9

    Front or back pocket?
  6. Yeah i know, I have talked to several game wardens and got the same lack of a good answer. I did however hear that they(TWRA ) approved the loosening of the regulations. I'm not sure to what degree though, maybe no limits. If you ask me, they should allow bait. Hogs are so nocturnal that hunting them in the day is a challenge. If we could use bait that would go along way to eliminating the high numbers. I know this poses a loophole for baiting deer, but at least allow it outside of whitetail season.
  7. Dunkin Doughnuts whole bean, fresh ground. Black
  8. Haha so true Also true, sorry, back to your previously scheduled thread
  9. Yes please, do tell. Idiocy of this magnitude needs to be spread throughout the countryside
  10. Yeah if they want them all dead, just tell TWRA to loosen the rules. Allow night hunting, no limit, no license, allow bait. They are non-native and very destructive. But they can't make money doin that now can they?
  11. Fentress, Overton, Morgan, Putnam counties have a bad problem. And no, the ones trying to get rid of the hogs are not trapping them. Over a property we manage on the fentress/overton county line The USFWS did a fly over in a helicopter last fall herding them and shooting them from a door gunner. as you can imagine that wasn't too successful as shooting a pig rom a moving helicopter is a daunting task even for a great marksman. But that's the govmint using our tax dollars wisely once again. I have spoke with al land owner that has killed over 80 hogs last year just in his field. Thats a pretty bad problem I'd say
  12. And even if he uses it in a crime, your not liable unless they can prove 1) that you sold it to him 2) that he was not legally eligible to buy a gun and you knowingly sold it anyway So as long as he didn't say " i can't buy a gun legally can I buy yours?" your fine, rest easy
  13. Big Ridge state park, in Anderson/Union counties. Frozen head is great, about 45 min drive from knoxville, maybe a little longer (construction zone 45 mph strictly enforced)
  14. I believe that, maybe it's their shooting technique, 'from the hip' is never good for accuracy
  15. Mac, and his mini 14 fan club
  16. I would try the CO-OP, Tractor Supply, or Mayo's Garden Supply. In that order. the non-box stores ususally have the non deluted stuff, unless its really powerfull in which you might need an applicators license. of course you can buy without a license just dont tell anyone what your spraying.
  17. You can broadcast for dove fields, the key is to cover with at least 1" of soil. This will prevent birds from stealing seeds as well as allow seeds to germinate properly. If you had a corn planter, that would be ideal because you could set spacing and depth, but most hunters don't have these. You might need to use a herbicide for broad leaf competition depending on what was growing there before discing. Also I would consider fertilizer, this will help them mature properly. Hope this helps
  18. Probably renowned as the best holster money can buy. You have to order early in the month, they only take some many. And the wait is pretty lengthy but I believe would be well worth it.
  19. I sent you a message but will post here as well. I carry about 85% of the time in a DM Bullard Bodygaurd. Bodyguard Holster - D.M. Bullard Leather Mfg. It has been great, I like the 4 o'clock carry, conceals well, and is comfortable. Its high ride design definelty demands a good belt, i have one from The Beltman, but Bullard makes a good belt as well.
  20. Hell, I'd give it a shot, I can swim. I aint scared
  21. Simplyhired.com is the best job search engine on the web, ,hands down. I just saw a posting for Carrier Enterprises in Kingsport, now it's a sales job, but due to the nature of the product they like Industrial Engineers. One of my good friends worked for them in Denver with and IE from UT. Also I saw some postings at Corning in Erwin, as well as Bell Helicopters. Check those out and good luck.
  22. Bump, of no answer I'm gonna just test the waters
  23. Lumber_Jack


    This is my every day carry. I love it. It has ran flawlessly for thousands of rounds. I like the weight for shooting, it gets a little cumbersome for carry sometimes but a good holster an belt have helped tremendously. I really don't think you would be disappointed with any of the choices on the list. All would serve you well, I don't have much use for the laser grips, especially if your not going to use for self defense. They just add unnecessary cost. My list in order 1) Kimber Eclipse 2) Springfield Champion 3) Kimber Pro Carry
  24. You really think those pics help your case? Neither are credible sources and cannot verify they werent taken in Asia for that matter. I'm not on a side here, but grainy digital photos are easily debunked.
  25. My company is in the process of leasing hunting land for one of our clients. Would posting that here be a violation of forum rules. I have a benifactor status but would technically be representing my company, American Forest Management, not myself. Just want to follow the rule. Thanks


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