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Everything posted by Lumber_Jack

  1. Here is your best bet. Go to Straightrazorplace.com and join the forum. And ask there. Plus read the extensive wealth of info on straight razor shaving. As I don't disagree with Jonnin, I will say that you should get it sharpened by a professional first, shave for six months, before buying the hones to sharpen yourself. You Want toake sure you enjoy the hobby before getting neck deep in stuff. Plus setting the bevel on a vintage razor can be laborious and if done wrong can make for a terrible shaving experience. I just sent one of mine to Idaho to be sharpened. It's cheap but you have to wait and pay for shipping. There are several adds on the classifieds/services on SRP that offer honing services.
  2. I'm experiencing the same as others and would be willing to donate a few dollars to help offset the costs if vendors are not readily available. Maybe others would so the same. Maybe wouldn't add up to enough but might be worth a shot.
  3. Just FYI I bought a case called Lifeproof for my iPhone. It's dirt, dust, snow, and waterproof. It's expensive @69.00. But to be submersible to 2 meters is worth it to me. Plus it's on 13mm vs 9.5mm naked iPhone. Very slim.
  4. I stand corrected. Good to know
  5. Also, the only reason it seems iPhone has fewer apps is because every tom dick and Harry cant build one. If you compared number of good stable useful apps, I believe iPhone would be far ahead. YMMV
  6. Yea the iPhone gps is only tower but unless you are navigating in tue woods, the inaccuracies are negligible. Still good enough for turn by turn. I like the iPhone. The apps may be fewer but they are, as said, more stable. I have a PC as a primary computer and feel I don't loose anything by not having a Mac. All you have to have is iTunes downloaded and you can access all features. iPhone is just ahead of android. The world goes crazy over a new iPhone or new iOS because it's become the standard that all others try to achieve. Now for the listed things you want 1) yes get a smartphone, otherwise Internet and facebook are not desirable. 2)either will work and you will probably be loyal to whichever you choose, simply because that's the one you learned on
  7. I do like Samuel Smith, and about anything Rouge puts out. So I'm sure Celebrator will be enjoyed. Now you got me wanting some. I'll get some for this weekend.
  8. Well in that case, I'll buy some just for business. And I like beer
  9. Mike are you a distributor? Heard you comment on the alcohol industry several times just curious.
  10. Enlighten me, who makes it, were is it available?
  11. I use Tapatalk on the iPhone but prefer the normal web page on iPad. I have Tapatalk on iPad I just don't use it much.
  12. I've heard someone lost all their contact when upgrading to IOS 5. Anyone else experience problems? I like the idea of updating and backup without a sync cable. I it works, that is.
  13. I I'm starving and I have bullets I'm gonna go kill something and ear it. However these guys clearly had a car and a gun, so they could have easily chosen a more discreet location if they truly were "just hungry". Plus if you have to break the law to survive, so be it, but don't be mad at me if I report you. Plus you get 3 squares a day in jail.
  14. No this will just fuel their fire for total banning of all firearms.
  15. Probably the 5th time
  16. I'm officially going to wait until Friday mainly because my wife is full time occupying the computer for med school(she says it's more important, I'm debating that answer). Looking forward to cloud or sure, not having to hook up to update and transfer will be nice if it works good. Tabs on iPad safari will be nice too, the screens thy have now cause the pages to reload every time you go back and forth, very annoying. Especially since TGO won't stay logged in
  17. Not worth it to me. Apple built in it's security partly for stability. I don't want to loose that. Open source is why my PC gets the blue screen if death
  18. Ohh good thanks
  19. Yeah I figured the overload would be possible, I may just wait till early tomorrow am when half the country is still asleep
  20. Haha, like! There is no 'like' button on Tapatalk so I have to do it manually
  21. Yeah just checked, maybe by 8 am pacific? I'll probably just wait till late this evening and try to update
  22. OMG seriously LET IT GO, are you just cutting and pasting your old posts?
  23. Yeah should be available today. You are correct download iTunes 10.5 first, the sometime today there will be am update available. I'd say after 8am eastern at least
  24. I understand completely, that's why bikes on sidewalks are dangerous. Plus a "kid on a bike" does not a cyclist make


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