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Everything posted by Lumber_Jack

  1. The biggest reason people get lost for long periods is often they walk in circles and don't know it. Beaman park isn't big enough to be lost for more than one day. I can see getting dark and loosing your bearings but when daylight rises you should walk outta there. Any cardinal direction would put you at a home or road within a few hours of steady pace. Now its heavily wooded and can seem intimidating to just bushwhack straight cardinal direction but that's what needed to be done to get out. The biggest fault is what you perceive is "north" even after looking at a compass can be deceiving when you have ridges and valleys and creeks. You have to pick a spot in the distance go to that spot and then use the compass again to pick a new spot. I often wonder how folks get off trail so easily. Pay attention and if the trail goes faint, turn around and retrace your steps. This is akin to being situationally aware for safety at Walmart. You can't day dream and know where you are in the woods.
  2. We've been dealing with these issues for years in knox county. many neighborhood pets been taken. There are rules about hunting within certain distances of homes, so that may limit your ability to shoot them. Of course you can shoot, shovel and STFU. Have you talked to TWRA? What part of the county do you live in? Coyote hunting his open year round with no limit. You can hunt at night but cannot use predator calls or center fire ammunition. So you can used a shotgun or 22mag if you can locate them
  3. This bottle is really nice. Just picked one up 2 weeks ago and find it really tasty!
  4. I’m not sure how this would work with current NFA legislation. It’s different than other guns cause they do have a list of who owns them and where you live. Can’t lose them in a boating accident
  5. Mmm plays video on my end. Not sure what’s up with that
  6. Only negative about an OTF is that if the blade hits an obstruction it won’t fully deploy. Not an issue for most uses but if self defense is in mind, something to consider
  7. It’s what I would describe as moderate. Enough to prevent accidental deployment but easy enough to not be a pain. I had a microtech ultratech and it was very hard to deploy in both directions. So much that under distress I’m not sure I could confidently say I could get it out. This one definitely lighter but the button still needs to be slid all the way for the blade to deploy. I carry it confidently in the same pocket as my phone. F95B4428-B656-422D-A4E9-803B53EC85FA.MOV
  8. Yeah for sure. Lots of great knives a prices that would get me divorced quickly
  9. So I lost my small Protech strider pocket knife and although I loved that knife I wanted to try something different. I’ve owned a microtech in the past and was pleased so started browsing The Hollow Grind YouTube reviews to see what was new or intriguing and came across this Heretic Manticore S. It’s a small smooth body aluminum OTF dagger point. I’ve only had it for about 2 hours but already very happy. Action is easy and smooth but not too easy to work about pocket carry. Great oversized pocket clip with deep carry and glass breaker on the end. Knife is sharp but not Protech-sharp. Just wanted to show it off 39969F24-CE92-4FDD-9F9D-A0EBA7CE6375.MOV
  10. For some reason, I was under the impression it was illegal to shoot those. I know Albino deer are illegal, maybe just assumed on the turkey side was the same
  11. yeah, I can see that. I would buy one at retail without batting an eye. I love the flavor and mouthfeel, Its excellent. Let me know if you're ever interested in doing some sample swaps. I'd trade a good dram for a couple oz of that
  12. Man, that 4R 130 and Glendronach 18 have me drooling. Did you find the 4R at retail?
  13. Haha, indeed. But corrected anyway
  14. So life has been crazy busy this last year with my wife starting her fellowship at Vanderbilt Medical Center and the birth of our first child. What a wirlwind, so I have t been near as active here, but through all that my wife passed her board certification and is now a Board Certified Pathologist. She interviewed and has a contract with a physician group in Knoxville. Those of you that know me know we lived in Knoxville for many years, and as we have loved the past few years in Nashville we are excited to be heading back. We have a contract pending on our house here and currently searching on Knoxville. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we embark on yet another adventure and look forward to being an East Tennesean again.
  15. I personally have zero desire to carry a gun in the state capital. Now those that work there deserve better but I'm not going to let that decision be the litmus test for Lee's future agenda. Lee states he believes in "less government", we'll see
  16. Absolutely! I like whiskey before maybe while waiting or after the meal but hard to beat wine with dinner.
  17. You’ll know peat when you taste or smell it. These highland malts don’t have any peat smoke. I’ll have to give this one a try. With scotch since it’s typically reused casks, time in the Barrel makes a huge difference. Hence why you love the 18 and think the 10 is swill
  18. Never had this one. I've had the 12 and 18. Report your thoughts when you crack it open.
  19. I don't shop at Toddy's, haven't since college. But in his defense he is right. Facebook groups have driven demand to the point of lunacy. If a store employee puts a hard-to-find bottle on the shelf, 2 million people know about it within 15 mins. Then someone who doesn't know the difference in Weller SR and Makers Mark drives 45 mins just to grab the bottle because they think its the holy grail, making it hard for his regular drop-in customers to get what they want. Now that's no excuse to rant at you for that, all you did was drop in a buy a bottle of bourbon. I prefer the Old Weller Antique 107 to the Special Reserve but WSR is definitely worth $29
  20. The Old Forester 1920 is the best release in recent history. Very good. If the proof is too high just add a bit of water. That goes for anything listed below that's barrel proof or cask strength. don't let the high proof scare you, it's easy to add water. I use a proof calculator to get it exact. Other things to try, EHT Taylor Small Batch, (don't pay over $45) Any Old Forester Whiskey Row options High West Bourbon 4Roses Single Barrel Barrel Strength Old Ezra 7yr Barrel Strength 1792 Single Barrel or Full Proof Belle Meade Reserve Cask Strength Bookers Russells Reserve (single barrel or 10year) Michters Single Barrel If you like Rye Pikesville Willet 4yr Sazerac Rye EH Taylor Straight Rye MIchters Single Barrel Straight Rye
  21. MTV Unplugged was such a great series.
  22. Ive spent $100 on worse. I really love the 15 year. Thanks to @Mike.357 I paid that for the whole bottle. That was over 4 years ago. Even harder to find now
  23. As good as any. I bought a bottle of Old Grand Dad bottled-in-bond. 100 proof pokes through the slurry.
  24. Anybody get anything good during the bourbon "hunting" season?
  25. I saw a news story on this last night. The cops apparently gave several orders for the Security guard to drop the weapon. He did not. Now maybe he feared if dropping the weapon would actually endanger his life from the guy on the ground, I don't know. But I know this. If you are armed and holding someone at gunpoint, you better have a plan to lay that gun down when the cops show up or you could easily suffer the fate of this gentleman. There were witnesses who felt the cops reactions were way too severe and premature. I hate to put blame on the officer without knowing more details but to me, it seems that's where it belongs right now.


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