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Major Kong

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Everything posted by Major Kong

  1. Maybe you can drive it to Blade and meet up for drinks and debauchery...so to speak.
  2. I was kinda thinking that myself. Nicely done.
  3. Only at Fox?? Must be a right wing conspiracy...
  4. If the cop is lying (which I happen to believe he is) I hope the victim owns a precinct and the cop is unemployed by the time he's done with his lawsuit.
  5. Man, that's a beauty. And a great story to go along with it. Congrats!
  6. Very, very nice. It looks a little bit like a Busse Mr Mojo.
  7. You should read the book. It's well worth the time. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I will.
  8. Mac I somehow missed where you mentioned the Eskabar initially. That one looks like the best of both worlds, but I haven't had the chance to handle one.
  9. Neil, I've got an ESEE Izula that I think would be hard to beat for a good all around neck knife. I'll let you borrow it to try if you like, just let me know.
  10. That's one hell of a first shotgun. Congrats.
  11. So sorry to hear this. Prayers coming your way...
  12. I've ordered with them several times and have never had anything but good service. With that said, I've never ordered anything that had to be shipped to an FFL. Good luck with it.
  13. Woo hoo, we're making progress. As of yesterday my package is now 200 miles south of me rather than 550 miles north of me. So, this package is going to end up traveling at least 1050 miles and take a minimum of 6 days to make it's original 450 mile trip. If I didn't mention it before, screw the Post Office.
  14. Rant on. I paid $20 to have a package delivered- priority mail, insured, signature confirmation from Northern Ohio to East Tennessee. Total distance about 450 miles. The package shipped on the 23rd. As of the 25th the package had made it a grand total of 100 miles- in the wrong direction. My package is now further away than it was when it started. How many freaking extra services do I have to buy to guarantee that they do their job correctly? Rant off.
  15. Congrats Ben. I really like that Ranmandu too.
  16. ORSA (Oak Ridge Sportsman Association) is a private range that only costs $120 a year. It has multiple ranges and is well worth the cost of membership. Google them to see more details...
  17. Really nice one. I haven't handled a Chris Reeve that wasn't top quality. Where did you pick this one up?
  18. Welcome Ben, enjoy the addiction. We'll have you on Ash-1s soon, then Fusion Battle Mistresses and MOABS. Surrender your checking account and enjoy...
  19. Here are a few of mine. I use 550 cord, usually gutted. I learned a lot of my knots from TIAT's page on YouTube. Also, the Ashley Book of Knots is a great resource.
  20. That's funny Steve, I had copied the exact same link to post here. The service at Knifeart can't be beaten. The last time I ordered from them I had a shipping confirmation 15 minutes later and had the knife in hand two days later.
  21. Very nice. I've been carrying mine for a few months now and love it. Congrats.
  22. That's a beauty. I love those scales!
  23. They're at Blade every year. They do the Hog induction ceremony at their Saturday night dinner. I can send you info if you're interested.
  24. Niiice! Skunk is really quick with the shipping isn't he? Glad you like it.
  25. Beauty Steve, love the translucent green. Did you request S35VN or has Rick switched over for all of his blades?


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