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Everything posted by crossfire

  1. I'm leaning toward another shotgun also. I have a 1897 pump riot gun and was thinking of a 500 with a pistol-grip. But the more I think about it I like the sxs coach gun better. Who puts out a good one that won't break the bank?
  2. Glad I could help with the Unicorn, but I think you should know the funds  from the Sub went toward a new Glock 26. Good luck on the pre-Newtown priced Glock, you may have a better chance of finding a real Unicorn. :cheers:
  3. I'm not sure I buy into the "Hide it under the counter and make them beg for it" way of selling ammo. Makes it way to easy to sell it to only a select group of friends or relatives while everyone else only sees the empty ammo case. Just my :2cents: But I have to admit I'm on a first name basis with all 3 of the sporting goods clerks at our WM.
  4. My order will be delivered Friday
  5. 12ga should be no problem AS has plenty and I don't think there is a 1 bx limit on shotgun shells . Also 00 buck starting to show up at WM more often. I found 5 rd Mil grade and Win. 15 rd packs last week at two different WM.
  6. I have to agree with BigK. You did quite well. There are 5 or 6 EZ9s on Gun Broker right now if your looking to replace it. You could buy 2 for what the Springer is worth.   I don't understand what your friend was doing with that gun to beat it up that bad, or why he would sign over a gun worth twice as much your EZ instead of offering to replace it. I take it he's not the brightest bulb on the string.   As for me loaning a gun to anyone, it's never happened, and it will never will happen.
  7. There is nothing wrong with a guy buying 3 boxes, or his wife buying 3 boxes. But letting him come back in and buying 3 more is wrong by WM's limit of 3 boxes per person per day. I found that if you call 1-800-WAL-MART and make a complaint about a store and the way they are selling ammo you will get a call back from the store manager.  It worked for me anyway. As far as "What are you going to do with 5000 .22s?" I used to go thru a brick per trip to the range and I was going to the range 2 times a month. Plus I shoot .22 in my back yard with the Grandkids, your 2 bricks wouldn't of lasted a weekend with them. Get a Smith M&P 15-22 and see how fast you can go thru 500 rounds. :)
  8. I call BS. 40 boxes of 5,56 in stock for over a week at WM. I think we have a TROLL sighting.
  9. If it shoots as good as my 19 I'll be happy. Lucky score on the 9mm they got a couple of cases in. Wish some bricks of 22 would show up. I've had a case of winchester 22lr 555 bricks on order for 2 months and don't know if they will ever show up.
  10. I  have a 1960 Polish milled receiver AK47 from CIA that is one fine gun. But I have heard that CIA did not do the build on these, just the import. Just luck of the draw I guess.
  11. I wish. My bad, forgot where I was. Can we move this to the hand guns?
  12. Yesterday found 3 boxes Winchester 9mm / 100rd at Walmart Then picked up my new Glock 26 gen3  yesterday afternoon. Going to the range on Thursday and break it in.  :rock:
  13. So who or what is this rant in reference to? :shrug: 
  14. I have one and the only problem I had was trying to find one at a good price. Mine shoots better then I do and eats anything I feed it. They pop up in the classifieds every now and then, but don't last long. Good luck
  15. Look up Rossi Rio Grande. They are fun to shoot but 410 is not cheap. http://www.rossiusa.com/product-list.cfm?category=16 The mares leg is the Trail Judge and I don't think that is in the cards for Rossi .
  16. I went the other way. I reproduced my center fire platforms with 22s so I could practice at my home range and save on ammo. M&P 15-22, GSG 1911-22, & Savage Mark ll. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Hope your not holding your breath on the CCIs.
  17. Well the next time you feel the urge, :poop: me a brick of .22lr  :lol:
  18. Not hard to go through a couple of bricks in an afternoon with those. Enjoy your good luck.
  19. I agree with you about not buying from the resellers. But not everyone at WM or AS at 7am is a reseller. . 
  20. Poor_Dog Makes no difference how you scored these, in the eyes of some of these guys, you are a Hoarder or a Reseller or you should be. Also since you didn't leave any for the next guy you should be very ashamed of yourself and feel very guilty every time you reload a round. :screwy: All kidding aside, there are a few people posting on the Ammo & Reloading forum that need to lighten up. It is what it is, and you can't change it by ranting on someone because he got lucky and bought a case of 9mm and a couple of bricks of 22s. Just my :2cents:
  21. Perfect example of "No good deed goes unpunished."
  22. Looks like your todays winner. Can anyone beat this score?


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