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Everything posted by LngRngShtr

  1. I want to say I saw someone do this with a DCM/CMP style free float tube (thin walled) under a MOE hand guard and somehow affixed the MOE to the tube and used a low pro as block.   not sure where though    I just used a SAMSON rail via Rainier Arms  so I didn't bookmark the MOE idea   J   quick digging revealed White Oak has middy tubes and the MOE should fit over it   http://www.whiteoakarmament.com/xcart/product.php?productid=17891&cat=&page=1
  2. Some 148 HBWC have a dry lube and since they mostly are shot at mid-range velocities they shouldn't need much of a lube   what brand are they ?
  3. Some rifles care, some don't  load some and set 2 targets to compare,   Physically the internal dimensions would possibly be different changing the size of the combustion chamber  which could effect the pressure generated and/or velocity   which can change group size or point of impact   depending on range and target size this may not be that big of a deal to a competitor trying to hold 10 ring or a prairie dog shooter @ 200yds.+  = big deal   a Deer at 40 yds.  not so much..   So some more info is needed, the capabilities of the rifle as currently loaded, the shooters ability, the target size and distances to target may be more of a variable than the difference of the brass.   My M1,AR, and M1917 don't care as long as the same ammo for the session is used, I have special prepped brass for my 1903A4 but more because an old warrior like that has earned it more than being picky..   Handguns my 1911s in 10mm,.45, and .38 Super don't care but my S&W M-52 wad cutter gun will show a difference in POI and group size but only after you get out beyond 25 yds. FROM A REST  offhand as intended to be fired I am more a variable then the ammo   John
  4. as long as it hasn't been loaded to 9mm MAJOR for a USPSA shooter  you should be fine to load them again and again and again...   A-MERC excepted that stuff is best saved for the scrap man.
  5. Staples are an office supply    that is why I prefer Office Depot    :taunt:
  6. I did read it now I'm thinking of selling my YHM gas block  :rofl:   at least mine doesn't have a sling swivel on it..
  7. Properly Torked ??   http://www.petertork.com/#ae3/tumblr
  8. Yeah Lautenberg from NJ  re-submitting his bill from '03   http://www.lautenberg.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=341435
  9. never tried it in a 9 but used HS-6 (WIN 540) behind a BBI coated in my 38 Super and wasn't bad at all but it is a hotter load which may change the dynamics   lead will always be "smoky" depends on how much of a smoker you want to be
  10. T-Grips is still in business ?  heard they were in trouble awhile back,  I have a '67 Colt Det. Spl. that is crying for one   Shoes,..  check more bullseye oriented websites I have one on my Savage~Anschutz rifle think it was meant for a 1911   Gil Hebard used to sell them maybe Champions Choice ? perhaps post to the CMP forums   John   1911  http://www.djprecision.com/product/1911-products/1911-short-and-long-trigger-shoe also list for the S&W M52
  11. yeah, it's not like it is an M-1 Garand   :up:   I usually just punch the pin and pull the bolt on the AR  easier to check the whole length of the spiral tube
  12. Keep in mind if locked back without a mag it trips kind of easy and could surprise ya.
  13. Box of Remington Kleenbore 180gr. .30-06  $5.75
  14. if you reload, this cartridge is based on a .30-06 so making your own casings shouldn't be too difficult from a suitable variant (.22-250 fireformed maybe?) or   http://www.chestnutridge.com/products/brass.asp   $31.50 per 50
  15. Not quite sure I follow you,    perhaps you are after a mag well to hide the bit of 8 round mag sticking out ? http://www.egwguns.com/mag-well-msh-sets/1911-bolt-on-mag-well/flat-checkered-main-spring-housing/   or looking to pad the 7 rounder to match the look of the 8 rounders ? http://www.midwayusa.com/Product/579073/ed-brown-magazine-base-pad-1911-polymer-black-package-of-6   not sure which effect you are going for but if you go with the mag well you would need to base pad the 7 rounders   if I were to carry that setup I would go with the 7 rounder in the gun for concealment and 8's for reloads using the length of the mags as  a sort of base pad to ensure the positive seating because if I had to go for a reload I wouldn't care much for how it looks just make sure you can't over seat while in slide lock or it will get really bad really fast  one could add a small stop to the 8 rounders like Wilson does with his 10 rounders to prevent that    at least that's how I carried my old SS Colt Officers Model back in the early 90's stock with small plastic Wilson mag well and full-sized mags as reloads   nowadays it is a Glock 23 with spares being 22 mags   John
  16. I have the Rainier Arms one, 12.37" on an 18" rifle length gas system barrel works very well and has 2 anti-rotation tabs at the top fit and finish excellent. some folks posted the clamp at the bottom doesn't let you open it up as far as other rails but I don't find this an issue. http://www.rainierarms.com/?page=shop/detail&product_id=2563 John
  17. Most of my dies are RCBS, Lyman or Dillon  I run an older Dillon RL450 2with a powder measure upgrade...   I do have a set of LEE for my .223 though   may be replacing the decapping /resizer for  an RCBS or Dillon die though..   Being an "Old Timer" (reloading for almost 30 years now)  I wouldn't say LEE is no good    just "different"   the collet setup on the LEE to hold the decapping rod tends to slide on mine when decapping crimped in primers   will try a few more times before deciding on replacement   John
  18. Looks a lot like the Remington Model 30 I'd do the trade and maybe even go so far as to find an old Weaver K if I wanted to scope it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remington_Model_30 John P.S. Mine is a 10-18 Dated M1917
  19. shot 2 boxes of those through my S&W M52  shot really well   John   Used to be able to buy components and bought 1000 of those HBWCs loaded atop 2.7 of Bullseye   also shot great out of my 6" 586 and a PPC converted Revolver I had
  20. http://www.corbins.com/prrfjm.htm
  21.   Corbin makes presses and dies to turn them into .223 rifle bullets..
  22. I own because I hunt but I would be so camouflaged you wouldn't see anything but a shrub and a barrel..
  23. Every reloading press should come with a hammer puller, I know none come with one but they all should   so go buy your missing puller mine is blue you keep loading you will need it   Don't guess while at the press.   Absolutes my friend the round is either absolutely right or ABSOLUTELY effing WRONG  "guess so, should be, probably" will only damage your gear or hurt you or worse yet someone else and you would have to live with it..   FWIW the .38SPL is 17,000 to 20,000 PSI compared to a car tire of maybe 32-44 PSI I prefer to be absolute when working with that and higher (rifle) pressure.   John
  24. http://www.valvoline.com/products/brands/durablend/grease/67   Duck gun, M-1 Garand , IPSC race guns, bolt gun raceways, revolver cranes, and my AR-15    John   converted hunting buddy few seasons back, he froze his Mossberg 835 shut, my Beretta AL390 kept on killin....


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