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Everything posted by LngRngShtr

  1. I am thinking using this to seal up kids is the best place to develop it for use...more of an infection fighting tool to close the open wound... "Keep this open wound clean for 6-8 weeks ....don't even sweat in it.." for a kid is nearly impossible.. I had a hard time doing it and I was 39 And a lot of the pain I had was after the removal of the skin ( full thickness burn) when the nerves got exposed to the outside world during bandage changes...this would if it works eliminate most of that..while the skin buds formed and grew back.. John
  2. LngRngShtr


    Was digging through the safe the other day and brought out a '61 Colt Det.Spl. got me wondering how many folks around here use or collect the old 2" .38's Colt,S&W,Ruger old or new lets hear it for small and concealable revolvers was also thinking of getting a Tyler T-grip adapter for it since the Pre'71 grips are a different size (longer) and grips seem harder to find.. John Hmmm a S&W 640 is looking like a possible purchase since the old Colt is too nice to carry.
  3. nicemac,... the 2-3 thou crimp I use and suggested was for lead bullets,.. sorry I didn't specify I would think the Jacketed would need more to grip the slippery copper just add a half thou to a thou and press the loaded round against the bench bullet first until it won't set back, I don't shoot much jacketed ammo but could see a 3-4 thou crimp will check with some of my reloading buddies and get a general consensus and get back to you..BTW we ran an experiment on crimp back in the 90's velocity does go up but not as much as you think and accuracy falls way off due to distortion of the projectile so unless you are running "redline" loads your accuracy will show the excessive crimp before pressure/velocity does You will find, if you want to sacrifice a few shell casings, that you have a narrow window of crimp before it starts to "crinkle" casings making them unusable take one and load a dummy,..no primer/powder and crimp with your current setup.. then tighten a thousandth,then another,then another then crinkle sets in..now if you have a puller pull the bullet, you will see a dent where the casing was on plated bullets you can actually cut the plating which is bad as they can possibly separate during firing leading to a bore obstruction If you have the shorter 1911's their springs tend to be stronger so you may have to come up on powder charge closer to a ball equivalent I had an old colt officers model (3.5" barrel) and it would only run the warmer stuff reliably , mid-range ammo would short cycle or stovepipe.. this is the joys of reloading,so many combinations .. John
  4. If it works as advertised I am all for it,.. last July due to a "work related incident" I got to experience the Vanderbilt Burn Clinic, 6 weeks of visits and narrowly avoiding a skin graft I would have to say two things,.. 1. Vanderbilt Burn Clinic ROCKS ! 2. Waiting 6 weeks to see if you get infected or not due to an open wound SUCKS ! ( all healed now,no infection ) John
  5. I own a Kindle 2 and have blackjack,poker, word shuffle and Chess and about 75 books.. Oberon makes some killer covers Folks, if you go E-reader you can get into "Calibre" which is a neat free program for managing and converting e-books to your e-readers format lots of free old books and PDF files out there....sort of looks like I-Tunes John
  6. LR 300 Kits for an AR that doesn't use the buffer and springs,.. called a DGIS or delayed gas impingement system ..Para Ordnance Ltd. now has the design in their Para Tactical Target Rifle I used to live in Mass. and Al Zitta would bring one of these to USPSA matches back in the mid/late 90's kind of odd to not hear a buffer spring..and suppressed,..now that's just a ride.. John
  7. One way to look at it is : without a barrel it is worth nothing ... you have nothing invested in it.. so 150-200 or so for a barrel isn't too bad to get a working unit.. 1000+ NEW, USED AND OBSOLETESHOTGUN BARRELS FOR SALE which wouldn't be a bad idea if it will be a hunting gun or a kid/new shooters first shotgun since comparable 20 ga. run about..2 times that for an 870 youth. G5659-REMINGTON Model 870™ Express® Youth Synthetic Combo 20Ga 21" Rem™ Choke & 20" Fully Rifled Barrels you probably wouldn't make much if your looking to "fix & flip" it but for a nice 20 pump I would think about a buying a barrel.. John 'Virtus Junxit Mors Non Seperabit'
  8. Saw a video where someone put a round through one,.. and it still functioned... so yeah I want to see what it takes to damage beyond use a P-mag.. and here is a trick to make the covers work easier PMAG IMPACT COVER LANYARD MOD: Rev. (A) My "lanyards" are about half as long,..only go down to first rib on back of mag easier especially with gloves or cold weather
  9. I have 2 .22LR pistols a Browning Medalist and an older 1978 MK 1 heavy taper.. The Medalist has been detail stripped 3 times in 20 years, ( barrel and slide removed grips off etc.) due to the 1 piece target grips they came with.. a swab/brush down the bore once due to a bit of hard fouling from some crap ammo I know of another that is 40 years old only had rod down barrel 4 times they both still out shoot anyone who gets behind them....They were both shot 3 nights a week 30 rounds a night for 15 (8 month) seasons... We used a rag to clean the crown, breech and bolt face lightly lube the rails wiped down exterior and run it...we did however detail clean the magazines every season... The Ruger has been apart once to touch up the trigger when I bought it second hand.. replaced springs with new ones and thats it.. My point is that with most guns and for that matter machinery in general we tear down and clean them more than they need it... when was the last time you detail stripped your lawnmower ? your kids go kart ? John
  10. And the setback to owning one is,.. those "in the know" know its you not the pistol that chucked the shot ! LOL back to topic though,.. OP remember to follow up on this with pics of ammo and targets !
  11. My Dad bought an H&K 91 back in the late 80's early 90's it has poly rifling scary easy to clean and still accurate some 20 years later... I know it is a .308 and it is recoil operated but the rifling is the same so the characteristics should be similar hope this helps I am also looking at building an upper for an AR also and was looking into poly barrels but that project has stalled due to economy.. John
  12. Taiwan,.where Maxpedition is made... LOL but don't buy Condor they are made 3 doors over LMAO I was a sailmaker,canvas top builder and upholsteer for 10 years I can say that Gregintenn makes some good looking gear from what I have seen and I have seen a lot of stitches in my days.. John
  13. Just realized someone reading that might go cross eyed.. remember we are measuring OD of a resized casing..somewhere in the .467" area the ID for a casing I have on hand is .452 after resizing..final crimp OD is somewhere around .465" the projectile will cause some spring back and you might get some "coke bottling" effect a thinner area below the projectile above the web base where the brass is thick.. ie: cartridge looks wasp waisted and you may see if the lighting is just right a ring at the case mouth about 1/16th " or so..that's the crimp I wish I could take a pic to demonstrate these effects,.. the COAL for my 230 LRN are 1.270" but that's where my gun ( Series 70 Gold Cup top end) likes them Since this is all relative to the sizing die you will want to take your own measurements,..in the end you can also take the barrel out of your pistol and "drop check" them to see if they fit without hesitation. then if they hang up you know the "why" is somewhere else, magazines,extractor tension etc.
  14. empty case...used this method for IPSC/USPSA feeds slick.. remember TAPER crimp a roll crimp is different.. heavy magnums don't creep either.. my S&W M-52 is different but then again it is a S&W M-52 very mild crimp..will have to check notes.. John
  15. back 10 years ago when I lived in Fla. I used to hunt "Palmetto Bugs" ( 2 1/2" cockroaches) in this dive of an apartment I used to live in... on weekends we would sit outside and "hunt" oranges for practice you can get pretty good with them,.more of an instinctive shooting since no sights.. would probably need constant practice to get good enough for squirrels though and as one poster stated some poison might be an idea.. John
  16. the .45ACP is a great place to start reloading a short straight walled casing with easy to handle components Having loaded thousands of them I can say it is an easy one to "experiment" with due to the many powder/bullet combinations from small game hunting to plinking to serious target work.. Don't let anyone tell you it isn't an accurate cartridge it can shoot one hole groups at 50ft. and 2" groups at 50 yds. with the right load/gun/shooter combination. get used to your ammo outshooting you once you get the hang of proper procedures... Some General Reloading Tips: Powder Measures: When setting scale up cycle measure a few times to get powder and measure "settled in" just dump those charges back in don't bother to weigh them.. then adjust to proper grs. per your recipe and, as a check I like to throw 5 charges into the scale pan, reweigh that charge and divide by 5 you should get the same or close to your charge weight.. keeps you from making a mistake that can cause some wreckage of witch you will have to share pics here Crimping: Always seems to get folks riled up I treat everything handgun to a taper crimp... resize a casing, measure with your calipers... set taper crimp so you are at resized or slightly under a thou. or 2 ( expanding die bell is removed) you will feed better and accuracy will be excellent as you haven't over crimped by "turning die down "x" turns" or "to the shell plate and back off a turn" Keep in mind that over time you will form your own crimp thoughts.. Mine have been formed over 25 years of reloading and competition, Bullseye and IPSC where accuracy and reliability are KING. Reloading will make any round a "precision" round once you find a magic combination the gun and shooter can use which brings me to a .... Notebook: RECORD everything you load through that machine.. settings etc. you don't want to have the "AhhhhCrapp" moment when you realize that load you just shot up at the range cause it was "perfect" is lost,..never trust your memory... Oh yeah,.. only 1 set of components on the bench AT A TIME you don't want to load up 500 rounds for a match and then have the sinking feeling of "was that HS-6 or WW231 powder ? ?" one works the other is possibly a recipe for Kaboom-itis and we don't want scrap metal do we ? John USPSA L-926
  17. Was thinking the other day,.. according to most folks Zombies come from a virus infection.... what if we are wrong,.. what if we are missing an aspect of zombies that are ,for some, right before our eyes... I present my evidence... self inflicted zombie-ism they are everywhere and everyone knows this is a growing EPIDEMIC Meth Heads Before and After Gallery open sores...check lost look in eyes,...check shuffling,stagger/walk....check they get organized,..we are in for a rough ride... John
  18. for 60 rounds I will just go with a FIREBIRD Pmag coupler or a Redi-Mag setup... if I (civilian) ever need 100 rounds continuous,.. it would be a bad day indeed... I'll practice my reload skills until I get as smooth as possible... Yep my vote is a solution for a rare to non-existent problem for me now if I were to go Class III maybe occasionally using it for fun this would be a wild ride I must admit...
  19. Heat shield handy if you are a fan of the "Carlock Shuffle"
  20. For those interested in Home brewing beer,.. you can make a Dead Guy Clone for less than store bought and yes,...it does taste better and yes it ferments right between my safe...and ammo cans which provide those 2 most necessary things for a successful brew climate control and darkness.. Zombies,... a fun diversion and a way for folks to discuss SHTF/Survival/Disaster prep. (without freekin out folks who don't want to even consider that their internet/Ipod/life as they know it could one day be affected/drastically change..) and not sound like a whacko militia/Survivalist form the Y2K scare or an 80's throwback... John
  21. These in your library will be good reference.. An older Boy Scout Handbook say from the 60's or so..I have my Dads from 1956 more outdoors than my version from the '80s "SAS Survival Handbook, Revised Edition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation" John 'lofty' Wiseman; Paperback "How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times" James Wesley Rawles; Paperback "U S Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76" Paperback "Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills, Third Edition" Abigail R. Gehring; Hardcover "Emergency Food Storage & Survival Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Family Safe in a Crisis" Peggy Layton; Paperback and then go out and practice in your area.... Enjoy "getting lost" John
  22. I have always been of the opinion to have 2 scales as accurate as possible and to double check the work, chances of you setting 2 scales wrong are almost negated... when I was younger I mis-weighed and loaded some .45ACP for a family friend,.. 2 things I avoid now, loading for someone else and only 1 scale.. and yes a Detonics Combat Master is a strong pistol and I only owed him a set of Pachmayr grips.. in my case the scales are an RCBS 5-0-5 and an older Ohaus beam scale both calibrated with a set of check weights,.. cheap insurance...RCBS Standard Scale Check Weights 60.5 Grains - MidwayUSA you don't want a 1.5 gr. variance if you load anywhere near your cartridges max... 1.5 could take it to a place you don't want to go.. Kboom Land John
  23. used to be brass back in the day now most use some sort of ferrous alloy with a brass wash.. the old ACTIV hulls were total plastic with a steel ring to hold the primer.. you hunt waterfowl the front better be magnetic too.. John
  24. I believe you are thinking of not chamber pressure but "port" pressure where the gas is bled off to cycle the rifle,..using the newer hunting stuff tends to bend operating rods..due to a longer peak pressure curve throughout the firing cycle as opposed to the curve of the powder it was designed around, "IMR-4895" the aftermarket plug has gotten some good reviews once set up properly... I just roll my own using the appropriate powders. The Reloader's Bench sometimes has bandoleers on the floor just inside the door to the left..sometimes you can get lucky and score a "spam can" too.. John
  25. heres the chart by Louis Awerbuck THE Louis Awerbuck for 2 handed shooting http://www.neshooters.com/awerbuck.pdf just like single hand it is trigger control/finger placement and/or shot anticipation.. also dry fire with snap caps and make every movement in the sequence as perfect as possible let the front sight tell you whats happening... also learning to "call" your shots will help get you in tune with hand &eyes co-ordination ..( feels solid hit=solid hit vs. feels solid hit = where did it go ?) I shoot mostly Isosceles when shooting 2 handed fast as it is more neutral and I tend to not over torque the gun with my support hand more of a push in than front to back with the first joint of the support hand joining up with the second joint of the strong hand getting as much grip contact as possible.. However I will revert to Weaver sometimes on long or methodical shots where time isn't as much a factor as accuracy using my bicep as a stock weld like a rifle...say a long shot on a steel plate or a tight 60 ft. no shoot in a USPSA match... 2 handed vs. 1 handed is about balance,.. try this next time.. shoot a few 1 handed to warm up then add your support hand with no tension at all, shoot a few then slowly increase "support" with your support hand until the shots wander then back off a bit and see where the tension is I used to toss them wide right every once and awhile ...found out it was my support side thumb against the frame a "thumb flinch" if you will... tried leaving enough air between my thumb and the frame for JMB's ghost and they went away... Good luck and if I can help shoot me a PM John Bullseye shooter 24 years USPSA 18 years B class tried IDPA, just wasn't for me.. Reloading 21 years loving this addiction, almost all my life...


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