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Everything posted by LngRngShtr

  1. Every reloading press should come with one....
  2. [url="http://theintelhub.com/2012/11/11/15-citizens-petition-to-secede-from-the-united-states/"]http://theintelhub.com/2012/11/11/15-citizens-petition-to-secede-from-the-united-states/[/url] since we mentioned the S word....
  3. Send this backwards inbred back to whatever small close minded town raised him up,.. and have him mounted inside his bronzed statue in the village square so their idiot will wander no more...
  4. almost finished: Aero upper and a BHW SS 3P 18" rifle gas barrel YHM scope riser black gas tube and gasblock/sight with a Cooley comp Rainier EVO rail DSA lower PWS buffer tube Magpul ACS MOE grip,TG and BAD lever CORE 15 BCG badger tac-latch still messing with optics options just some old 4x32 Tasco and Simmons RDS I had laying around
  5. Post election news report ?
  6. Dry firing is cheaper but I will agree $10.00 is almost another magazine..or almost a Maglink clamp
  7. Great thing about Krylon is it is an easy touch up and if you get the coyote Brown itch in a year or two an easy change.. nice two tone you got going on.. John
  8. Just to keep perspective .. Don't the BCM come with Forward assist and ejection port parts ? http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/Upper-Receiver-Assembly-M4-Flat-Top-demo-p/flat%20top%20-upper%20-m4%20demo.htm so comparable if you buy the door and assist from PSA also ( another $19.00 ) if I were painting it sure and unpainted a BCM either way it is a win. John
  9. blacked out my6" 586 sights, I'm still a black on black sight guy unless it has a red dot on it.. I don't have any proof that colored inserts do this for every one but for me it seemed they ,colored inserts changed my POI (or how I viewed the sights) depending on the lighting conditions... try some Birchwood Casey spray sight black and see if it works for you then it is a simple blade swap in the rear and black epoxy replacement up front.. John
  10. Emerson CQC-7 since 2001 every day
  11. http://www.brianenos...showtopic=31434 bunch of Dillon addicts there.... I have an old 450 I upgraded so...about once a year I take it down to the last pin and lube any bearing surface with wheel bearing grease (link pins and ram) keeping it away from primer area..of course.
  12. Still occasionally carry my spyderco SpyderCard handy..
  13. "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte.(1769 - 1821) As long as they are vocal they are easier to watch,track and destroy
  14. will keep my BAD Lever and my 20/30 Pmag coupled combos .
  15. Still miss him,.. and Mr. Tanner John
  16. Rev. Jesse in Racine Wis. the night of the recall election.. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/06/04/jesse_jackson_we_are_going_to_march_on_gun_shops I always found it amazing that someone who calls himslef reverend preaches such hate and intolerance, while asking for the opposite. John
  17. the only thing we have to cause concern is that they learn from this and are better prepared next time around, definitely forgot to get their ducks in a row on this one. And we have to reaffirm that we must be ever vigilant, BTW heres an interesting footnote from RACINE Wis. on that election night Take it away Jesse http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/06/04/jesse_jackson_we_are_going_to_march_on_gun_shops I always found it amazing that someone who calls himslef reverend preaches such hate and intolerance, while asking for the opposite. John
  18. Dont have calipers handy but why not just blow the .308 out straight walled and stick a .458 bullet in it.. wish I still had the dummies I made: Back in the early 90's I fired some .308s out of my Garand by accident and thought it looked like a .45-70 so I took them home and loaded a 405 gr. Lead .45-70 slug and thats where it ended..thought a .451x51 would be a great brush gun. not sure what you would get for velocity but it could be fun to play with. John
  19. only bottlenecked casings stretch,.. straight walled cases shrink mouths get thinner and then they split.. try it sometime,.. measure a case say a .357 MAG then load and shoot it say 5 times then measure it... the only pistol cases I ever trim other than making a wildcat like the .401 Herters (from either .41 MAG or .30-30 Win cases) are for my S&W M-52 ammo in .38SPL because the crimp will be affected by case length and that is the one pistol I have found that will show any variance in handloads . My IPSC guns in .38 Super and 10mm and my .45ACP Series 70 Gold Cup could care less but the 52 is heads above most any pistol in the fussy about ammo category to get it to shoot to its potential ( they were gauranteed by S&W to hold less than 3" at 50 yds. with quality ammo in a machine rest ) My S&W 586 and my K-38 also don't respond to case trimming so as long as they aren't above MAX length to where they would jam into the chamber end and cause problems with pressure just load them and shoot them you can experiment with trimming say 20 and loading them to compare with 20 un trimmed keeping them separate and shooting a few groups to see if you can have any measurable differences or if it was just a mental excersise. the joys of reloading is that you can experiment with wheter something works or doesn't work in your individual pistol to see if it is worth the effort to trim,weigh each case,trickle the powder,weigh the bullets,weigh the primers ..or just load and shoot them Most of my pistols I just load and shoot except for that one fussy one, using loads I worked up for each of them and keeping lots of notes to duplicate when I run low the 10mm and Super and Gold Cup will all hold 4" or so at 25 yds. from sandbags, the revolvers a tad tighter.. better than I can shoot these days sucks getting old... John
  20. LngRngShtr


    (~~ Activate funny bone before proceeding~~) now where did I put the 10 or 12 gauge conversion kit for one of these,.. Seriously I remember someone in the 80's mentioning these being made..not sure if they were blowing smoke (probably) but it would be fun a the skeet/trap/sporting clays range wouldn't it ? not to mention the duck blind would love to see the look on the TWRA mans face.... LOL John
  21. might also have too much belling during expanding operation the crimping die may not reach that far down.. John
  22. keep in mind that you are cycling by hand,... most 1911s are cycling at less than 1 tenth of a second (not sure where I read that but high sped cameras will show how fast it is) the bottom of the slide should hold the lower round down and out of the way for the millisecond it takes to clear when actually firing. "and they the opening of the casing catches on part of the slide 1 out of 6 times. They load fine and will eject if there isn't a round in the magazine all the time." where on the slide ? most stock 1911s will flip the case out pretty quickly causing a dent to the case mouth that is why custom guns are lowered and relieved like a Colt Gold Cup Hope this helps John
  23. also heard of this mod, but they cautioned about insulating the side of one of the batteries I believe the one closest to the cap on some scopes. John
  24. Like the scope mount but where did you get the cartridge belt ? would look great with my Lithgow John
  25. Historical Note : Whitt Collins father of the 10mm partnered with Paul Liebenberg to come up with the.40 as a competitive replacement for the .38 Super for USPSA shooting called the Centimeter it made major without having to use rifle primers and wasn't as hard on the guns.. back in 86-87 http://www.pistoldynamics.com/AH_1987_Carttridge.html I was able to spend a day at the range with Paul back when he was with S&W Performance Center at the 1991 Area 7 IPSC match ROing the try gun range got to run some of the early S&W PC .40s and a .356 TSW gun and the prototype of what later became the scandium J Frame no factory markings and 5 cylinders (.356TSW .38Super .38SPL 9mm and .357 Mag) Truly a gentleman patiently answering all the questions a 20 year old kid would ask thats what I love about the shooting community most. I remember asking him about the .40 as a defensive round his answer "It worked fine in South Africa" good enough for Paul good enough for me and my G23 I used a 10mm for USPSA open class and shot to a National B ranking. the shooter I bought it from got to A I wouldn't want to try stopping any round (9 .40 10mm .45 )and as far as the bad guy is concerned, they won't be able to tell the difference if the shot is placed properly the real question in my mind is "which caliber can you put rounds on target with the most accurately and quickly ? " John


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