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About kcevans

  • Birthday 05/26/1967

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  • Location
    Mount Juliet, Tennessee
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Beretta PX4 Storm Compact
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Kahr CW9

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  1. Are you sitting in a bean bag chair in your under wear eating cheetos
  2. Wow, it amazes me that considering we are all suppose to be adults, this kind of #&it continues to go on. There are a lot of choices for shooters now a days so if one doesn't like a particular club or personnel they can go some where else. This continued hashing up issues on a public forum is childish and seems to be rather one sided as the other party has keep these disagreements out of public view, I have to agree with DBTN this is another useless tread initiated by nothing more than dislike and hate.
  3. WOW   Let’s think about this language concern:  I have been to many matches, local and sanctioned, where I have been exposed to questionable language, heck I have been guilty of a poor choice of words myself from time to time.   The reshoot:  we all have experienced a call we didn't agree with but let’s not forget it is still a game and what one person sees can be interpreted differently by another.   The lesson here is don't wear your feelings on your shoulder, expect you might get your feelings hurt and sometimes the calls won’t be fair, that’s just life.   Now for the scary part of this situation: Discrimination:   Why this shooter? Why Now? Was there an under lying factor? Maybe Personal reasons? Why was this shooter held to a different standard than others?  If language was one of the contributing factors in this IDPA ruling, they have now set a defined standard and will be required to discipline all shooters who exhibit this type of behavior equally.   The Reshoot concern: Does the sport really need the headquarters involved with these types of concerns?  Seems like in today’s society if we don't like what we hear the general behavior is to complaint to Big Government or in this case headquarters that we had our feelings hurt in the hope that the law / ruling will be changed.   Honestly let’s think about it, what if this shooter pursues legal action due to the potential discrimination he / she has experienced. There will always be an attorney that will take this type of case, and really does IDPA and the shooting community need this possible media publicity that could come from this.   My humble opinion cowboy up and put your big girl panties on, expect to hear bad language at times, not get your way on some calls and understand there will be a difference of opinions at matches.   AND JUST IN CASE THIS OFFENDS ANYBODY PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT IDPA AND HAVE MY MEMBERSHIP TERMINATED.
  4. I have been concealing mine during the summer months under a t-shirt in a Galco Summer Classic without and problems. It's all in how you approach your choice in a carry firearm and concealing it.
  5. I have one that I use as my CCW everyday, I have been using the PX4 platform for years and couldn't be happier. All of my PX4's have been 100% reliable.
  6. WOW, The last time I was on the NTPS side it looked like a Pig Pen. That side needed the special attention that Hognut will give it with cleaning all of the trash and clutter up which will turn it into a really  nice range.
  7. kcevans

    Kahr CW9

    I'm looking at picking up a 2nd CW9, would are the thoughts about swapping a LCR 38 special  for the LIKE NEW CW9.
  8. Great looking holster but they don't list a solution for most of the pistols I have.  
  9. kcevans

    Kahr CW9

    WOW the reviews have convinced me it would benefit me to keep it. The trigger does take a little getting use to.
  10. kcevans

    Kahr CW9

    So far I do have to say the Kahr is much easier to CCW than my normal CCW Beretta PX4
  11. kcevans

    Kahr CW9

  12. kcevans

    Kahr CW9

    I just picked up on of these, what can anybody tell me about these. Keeper or  Not ????
  13. Beretta's ROCK.
  14. kcevans

    Thank You

    I want to say THANK YOU to one of my BEST FRIENDS who will remain nameless. He basically gave me a free Glock 19 today, I can't wait until it comes in so I can see if I like it more than my Beretta's. I usually don't keep to many pistols but this one I will keep for good due to it being a gift from a friend.   THANK YOU to my Bro for the Glock


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