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Everything posted by shaftbass

  1. I picked mine up an hour after receiving the call it had arrived today. http://bellshireguns.com/ $20 + $10.
  2. My bastard, Ray Finkle:
  3. Either way, I bought a Sig Sauer M400 Enhanced today.
  4. I am watching it. I like what I see so far. I just hope they don't go all "Lost" with the story and make it absurd.
  5. I wonder if it was http://www.###.com/ I'm only throwing that out there because Craigslist and its users quickly flag stuff that is prohibited for sale. If a gun ad was placed on CL, it wouldn't last very long. My prayers go out to the family affected by this. I am always on edge while making a CL transaction. Meeting in a public place is a must. These guys did just that.. that shopping center is bumping on a Saturday night with all the restaurants and stores there, but crime occurs anywhere. As far as buying/selling used guns, I'm to the point that unless it's a friend or someone off TGO who has been a contributing member for a while, I'd rather pass on the transaction.
  6. I'd pay to be able to spectate that exchange.
  7. Also, 300 LED's that cost a few thousand dollars sets the real unmarked cars apart from some guy who has an Impala and a single LED strip he got from JC Whitney and is out impersonating the po-lees.
  8. I saw a salesman at Best Buy selling a guy Monster HDMI cables the other day. 4' cable for $50. The guy was buying the BS hook, line, and sinker. I almost waited until he was away from the salesman to tell him that you can get a 4' HDMI cable of the same quality at http://www.monoprice.com or from Amazon, or any number of sites for about $2. But I decided that the world needs these kinds of people to make it go around. If you don't do your own research, you get screwed no matter what you're doing.
  9. Yes. Unfortunately, they do.
  10. Bama.
  11. Guns for Sale - Online Gun Auction - Buy Guns at GunBroker.com
  12. Very cool. I have the Sig version of that gun's twin.
  13. Nice setup, nice family!
  14. That sums it up pretty well. It's just another form of life insurance.
  15. 2-3 years ago he was flying over the West End area. I was at work and heard the drone.. went outside and was really surprised to see him circling around above Vanderbilt. Turns out a friend of his is a professor at Vanderbilt, and had the guy fly over as part of his WWII lesson. Well, the pilot flew on the wrong day, so he came back the next day and I enjoyed it just as much as the day before! It's spectacular. Polished aluminum/blue.
  16. Buy one used. If you don't like it, you can sell it for what you paid.
  17. I guess the Santa thing could be seen as a life lesson to teach kids to think for themselves. Something isn't right, things don't add up, and think something isn't real even though you've been led to believe he/she/it is? You're probably right.
  18. I'm glad my parents let me be an American kid and enjoy the excitement of Santa Claus on Christmas. Christmas movies, pictures with Santa, looking out the window trying to find him, milk and cookies, the endless lists. I guess if you want to technically look at it, it's a lie. I told my mom as much when I was 6 and found out he wasn't real. But looking at a lot of things technically can make them seem bad, even when they're not. Of course, I was heartbroken when my brother showed me presents that were to us from Santa a week before Christmas that were hidden under the bed, but it's fun to think back about when you found out Santa wasn't real. Just about everyone has that story, except the Jehova Witness kids. I don't want my kids to be like Jehova Witness kids. Santa lives. Here's some food for thought for those who ban Santa and the representation thereof in your home. Do you also ban the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and/or God in your home?
  19. I'd rather not hunt than mess around with a WMA. Worse than public gun ranges.
  20. I like listening to Savage. He has good points on some things, but it's mainly for entertainment. A few nights ago he went off saying it was crazy for doctors to tell patients to do intense exercise for better health. Ooooooooo kkkkkkkkk.
  21. That's fantastic. I love Amazon Prime.
  22. Yup. Right up there with an "accidental discharge." It CANNOT happen and WILL NOT happen to a gun under my control. It just can't.
  23. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. I think you are, but I could be wrong.
  24. I'll admit that I haven't seen a ton of John Wayne movies. The last one I watched was The Shootist. That was pretty good.
  25. I thought The Happening was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The only thing that would have made it worse would have been John Cusak.


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