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Everything posted by shaftbass

  1. Thanks Chris. Yea, I didn't tell too many people. I only want pity on the internet, not real life Just kidding.. Anyways, hopefully I'll be back sometime next week. In the meantime, I'll be thinking about all of y'all at work while I'm chillin in the recliner
  2. A weird story, but back when TGO was just getting started, I had this weird dream and in it there was a wrecker service with your username called Hornet Handler's Wrecker Service
  3. Mine is my prized possession: a reef blue 93 Mustang LX coupe - www.lxcoupe.com
  4. Hollow points are designed to expand and come apart inside a target, so chances are they will not pass through. This is a reason police departments use hollow points, and intelligent armed citizens. Not that hollow is the only choice.. there is the Pow'r Ball ammo, but full metal jacketed ammo is NOT a smart choice in your carry gun for anything other than shooting targets.
  5. Carry is prohibited where alcohol is served for consumption. Carry is NOT prohibited where it's merely sold (grocery store, convenience store), but it was prohibited there years ago when the permits were first issued. There's no federal law regarding carry in liquor stores. Any instructor worth his salt should know all this..... how long ago was it when you took your class? Basic questions on TN carry law can be answered here: http://www.packing.org/state/tennessee/ Read the entire Tennessee page and if you have any other carry questions, get back to us! P.S. - Caps lock is seen as "yelling" on the internet. Nice sig.. I'm a huge CDB fan.
  6. Carry gun has changed, but still using Hydrashoks in my Glock 36 .45 ACP.
  7. I finally snapped a few (dark) pics:
  8. Thanks all. RN I will respond to you tomorrow, just read it but am a bit drugged and tired.
  9. Just some added info, it was the L5/S1 nerve root. Here's a picture from the MRI. The disc is freakin HUGE. www.lxcoupe.com/images/mri.jpg As an added bonus, a guy at work who had back surgery a year ago swore up and down that I wouldn't be able to go to a cookout today, so much that he bet me $5. Well, I'm $5 richer
  10. Thanks everyone for the kind words.
  11. "So we decided to steal them anyway." Maybe the charges should be dropped because of that
  12. Did they just find the guns or did they find the people who stole them?
  13. Well as some of you knew, I had back surgery yesterday the 27th. Basically, I had a huge herniated disc in my lower back that was pressing against my right sciatic nerve which runs from your spine down to your toes. It was causing moderate to severe pain all the way down the back of my leg, from the top of my butt to my toes. It had been going on since November. After physical therapy and a series of epidural injections (which helped, but only for a short period of time), the pain returned and my doctor and I decided surgery was the best option. I was very confident in him, and that confidence was justified because I had surgery yesterday, and I have no leg pain at all now. The procedure was a microdiscectomy which trims off the protruding disc piece. The incision is only about 1" long. I felt very good about him from the first visit on.. My back hurts at the injection site which is to be expected, but I feel good enough to go to a cookout at my friend's house right down the road tonight. I can't drive of course since I can't twist my body, and the pain killers I am on prevent my from driving, too. Anyways, I'm doing a ton better. Surgery is weird.. give you an injection, the next thing you know you are waking up in recovery. Everything went fine yesterday, and I am feeling good today. Thanks for all the well wishes. I want to get back out to the range soon.
  14. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=878
  15. Tell me how you create the torn edge on your screenshots plx.
  16. Wouldn't that be Little Nigeria
  17. Thanks y'all.
  18. I hate a damn thief.
  19. subscribing..
  20. Sure man.. it might be a couple weeks since I am going to have back surgery for a herniated disc this Friday. I hope to be back on the range within a few weeks.
  21. Hell yea man.. come on out to Gallatin with me some day. I understand your skeptacism. It's really not that difficult with the Kimber. Once you shoot at it a few times to see exactly where you have to hold, the shot is not too difficult to repeat. My XD-45 was another story.. bullet impact locations were not at all consistent after about 25 yards.
  22. I played for a year. It was very fun. I was the catcher and never wore a cup.. that is until the ball bounced right under me and hit the ump's cup and made a loud KNOCK! Yea, after that, I wore a cup
  23. It smacks 1x2' steel plates @ 100 yards offhand pretty easily.
  24. It's a place with a horrible range and high prices.


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