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Everything posted by RobertNashville
I wouldn't expect it to help him yet...in TN as I would expect it it in FL, the protection against civil suites kicks in once the shoot had been ruled to be justified. I'm not sure how Trayvon's parents got the home owner's association to fork over big bucks given that the trial hadn't even started yet...I'd consider it a bit of poetic justice if the HoA seeks restitution from Trayvon's parents if Zimmerman is found not guilty. ;)
I suspect that there are more than a few people who carry a firearm who have never truly considered the potential "costs" associated with using it; even if they are completely justified in doing so. Thankfully, in Tennessee we do have pretty good protection against civil suits if a shooting is determined to be justified but that doesn't mean you won't go through hell until that decision is made. One thing that is clear to me is that this case is hardly typical - you have a press falling all over themselves to paint this as a white man killing a sweet little black boy even to the point of describing Zimmerman as a "white-Hispanic", the Sharpton/Jackson circus coming to town, the DA shopping (after the original DA didn't see a case against Zimmerman), deciding not to go the the GJ that they had already booked (apparently ih fear of getting a no bill)...Zimmerman has been railroaded almost from the very beginning. I would hope that most of use would not have to face the kind of lynch mob Zimmerman has had to but we should probably be as prepared for it as we can.
Was there some part of "Several of us have asked you to back up your comments because they don't appear to be factual but you choose to ignore us" that wasn't clear? This is hardly the first thread or the only subject where posters, myself and others, have asked you to back up your statements only to be ignored or attacked even for asking the question.
Really, DAVES? I read your posts where you denigrated other forum posters, even insinuated that because you are such a "highly trained professional LEO" (or game warden/firefighter/EMT or whatever and even bragging about your government salary) and they aren't; that others should just bow to your greatness! :screwy: I've read posts where you argued Ohio law when you wouldn't believe the ORC said what it said even when it was quoted and placed in front of you. You ignore questions posed to you or you lash out at the questioner then come back with your famous "I'm out of here/leaving the thread" (only to come back a few hours later; apparently thinking people will forget your "I'm leaving" statement). Your unwavering bias against Zimmerman, your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, is so obvious that why would anyone bother to address your questions when all you are really looking for is an opportunity to take a swipe at Zimmerman (or the poster you are asking the question of)???
It's not my job (or any one's elses job) to back up the assertions you make. You are the one that made the assertion (and in a way that was clearly intended to be an insult/denigrate Zimmerman) and it was an assertion I've never head anyone else make...that's why I asked you to back up your claim. If you can't or won't or don't have time or whatever; fine...but an assertion made with nothing to support it isn't worth the electrons it takes to make it.
10,000 bottles of Chicken Cock stolen
RobertNashville replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in General Chat
Police are on the lookout for a Black and Gold TransAm leading a Semi-truck with a large mural painted on the side of the trailor. ;) -
What evidence makes you think that Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter? If Zimmerman was justified in using deadly force to defend himself against Martin's attack then he isn't guilty of either murder or manslaughter as I understand the law. By the way; you haven't answered my prior question...Where did that "one-man neighborhood watch" Bovine Scatology come from? Do you know for a fact that the neighborhood watch in that neighborhood is just Zimmerman and no one else or did you just pull that out of your behind?
Well, you can be as angry about rights being violated as you want...but so what? It's up to the people who's rights were actually (allegedly) violated to do something about which seems to make DaveTN's question pertinent doesn't it??? What do you want done to these officers? Have any of those people filed suit against the police/city/etc for violation of their rights (I haven't heard of any...have you)? If these people's rights were violated and if they do nothing about it then they deserve the situation they have.
DAVES; Let me see if I understand...you don't care whether Zimmerman followed Martin but you took the time to post in this thread to asked Andrew's opinion on that very question...have i got that right??? Moving on, what you think a "captain of a one-man neighborhood watch" should or shouldn't know is immaterial wouldn't you say?. I've lived in my neighborhood for almost 10 years and I haven't driven or walked every street let alone know the street names by memory and I happen to be part of my neighborhood watch program. By the way, where does this "one-man neighborhood watch" Bovine Scatology come from, anyway??? Do you know for a fact that the neighborhood watch in that neighborhood is just Zimmerman and no one else or did you just pull that out of your behind??? And if the "neighborhood watch" was really just Zimmerman; how the hell did sweet little Trayvon's money grubbing parents win/settle a 7 figure civil lawsuit against the neighborhood's homeowner's association??? I find it rather difficult to believe the homeowner's association had any responsibility anyway but certainly they had no responsibility if Zimmerman as just a guy pretending to be part of a neighborhood watch program that didn't even exist. ROTFLMAO You seem to love to claim this "makes no difference to me at all, doesn't take the fuzz off my peaches one way or the other" then you make incredibly biased statements like "one-man neighborhood watch" captain...your bias against Zimmerman seems to be just as think as the drive-by media's.
I look forward to Andrew's answer. That said, what difference does it make if Zimmerman "followed" Martin or not? Andrew already dealt with that issue earlier and the bottom line is, following somoene is neither illegal in FL (or TN for that matter) and following someone is not justification for Martin go attack and assault Zimmerman unless Zimmerman did sometning significant enough to cross the bar of a reasonable man believing his life was in danger. If there are no street signs on that street I suppose that well explains why Zimmerman didn't know what street he was on and why he couldn't find a street sign to give to the dispatcher.
Stuck with it? I'd say there are any number of threads, probably dozens or many dozens being discussed on TGO for you to spend time in and comment on if you wanted to so I don't see how you are anyone is "stuck" with the topic. You said in post 3 of this thread... And in post 14 you said... You seem to indicate that you are tired of beating the horse yet you've been beating that horse as much as anyone...if you don't want to read a synopsis of each day's events at the trial no one is going to force you to do so.
There you go "believing" and "chasing" again...other than your desire to make it so, there is ZERO facts to support that Zimmerman "chased" anyone down and calling Martin a "kid" is a stretch; he may have been a kid mentally but that's where the similarity ends. Once you have to start "believing" or "not believing" something you've clearly left the world of facts behind.
Father's day is not a happy time for me...I lost my Dad on June 16, 2001...that was the Saturday night before Father's Day that year. Ironically, this year I lost my Mom just before Mother's Day. That said, I appreciate my parents a great deal and for those of you who take on the responsibility of being a "Dad"; thank you. Robert
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What is it with you and this case DaveTN??? For someone who is just "armchair quarterbacking" you certainly seem unusually and steadfastly unwilling to to accept any possibility that Zimmerman might actually be innocent - you seem to take every opportunity presented to paint Zimmerman is as bad a light as possible. And "investigators" lying...withheld information...incompetence"...surely those aren't foreign concepts to you are they? It looks to me as if Corey has been far more interested in keeping some people "happy" than she is interested in seeking the truth...I wouldn't be surprised if she and some others on the prosecution side don't wind up like Mike Nifong.
I re-red your post...I can't see that you said anything that could have reasonably be interrupted as his opinions not being welcome on this forum. In fact, it seemed to me as if you clearly complimented him as being one of the people who has already "seen through the disinformation and propaganda". There seem to be several who, for whatever reason, seem to want to assume Zimmerman was the "bad guy" here...words like "following" become "chasing" and someone looking out for the safety of his neighborhood becomes "playing security guard" or they "can't buy" that Zimmerman couldn't have pushed this "kid" off of him and avoided discharging his weapon. :shrug: I truly don't know if ZImmerman was justified in using his weapon that night or not...but I certainly don't see how that facts I have read/herd can cause some to have such an iron-clad, unwavering opinion that Zimmerman is guilty.
Maybe you never listened to PMSMBC or any of the other "news' outlets but they've had people on there almost from day one screaming about how Zimmerman was "ordered" to stop following Trayvon and "disobeyed". Moving on, how many of the great unwashed massed in this country even understand the difference between a police "order" and a simple request the a person has no responsibility to follow.