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Everything posted by RobertNashville
You already directed him to Andrew's site and I'm am 99% sure all the real (meaning un-doctored) tapes that are available anywhere are available there. I agree that there is nothing wrong with helping someone find information but I believe strongly that it's each person's responsibility to find their own information through their own efforts. Maybe I'm being too much of a hard ass on this, I don't know...maybe it's just that I spend a lot of time every night running down sources for the degrees I"m working on that doesn't give me a lot of sympathy for someone who won't do their own research. :shrug:
Oh but Zimmerman should have stayed in his truck....I mean, we ALL know that his perfectly legal decision to get out of his truck is all the reason needed to put Zimmerman on trial for murder. ;) I certainly hope that those who think that Zimmerman not staying in his truck is sufficient reason to charge him with murder don't themselves ever have to use deadly force to repel an attack because I'm sure someone with an "opinion" will believe that the person should be charged for murder simply because the person who defended himself didn't have the good sense to not be wherever he was when he had to defend himself. :screwy:
From what we know of Martin at this point (rather than the image his parents tried to paint); I highly suspect that Martin was, if not already a thug was in training to be one. Of course, people can change between 17 and being an adult but I don't see any of those signs in his life up to this point, Perhaps the most damming concerning Martin's future are the people he chose to associate with such as his lovely 16/18 year old girlfriend. ;)
True but the DOMA decision doesn't allow same-sex marriages or prevents them; it just says the federal government can not play favorites with federal benefits...that is at least movement toward a level playing field but not as far as taxes (FIT) are concerned; at least I don't think so.
Well, yeah...it's probably way to late for everything...I don't know why anybody is worried bout who's president or who will run next time or voting or any of that stuff, right? I remember some pretty heated discussions about how important it was to keep Obama from a second term and prevent him changing the balance of the court...how Romney was as unfriendly toward guns as Obama and how Ron Paul was our savior if all us idiots who were not Paulbots would just get on board we could change things...how silly that we all got so hot and flustered with each other. ;) I don't have any hope that things will get better...I believe our economy will collapse and probably before I get a whole lot older but I'd still like to at least think there is a chance to change some things; getting the government out defining what is 99% a religious concept in the first place would be a start.
I understand how people feel...I started working a real job when I was 14 and that was a long time ago; everything I have is a result of my own efforts; no inheritance...no silver spoon in this mouth until I bought one myself. Still, "stuff" will never be as important as human life so I carry good insurance. If you want to thin the Free Stuff Army then keep criminals locked up...I'd bet that an overwhelming majority of the crime we see every day would disappear if we just kept convicted criminals locked up where they belong. How often do we hear of a break in or violent assault, etc that the thug hasn't already been in prison before (and for that matter is currently on parole).
And apparently she has learned all she knows about life from TV (First 48) and just can't seem to reemmber what she said in her deposition. The best part was when, on cross, Zimmerman's attorney indicated they would have to continue tomorrow she said something like "I aint gona be here" with quite a little bit of attitude in her voice. Apparently "First 48: doesn't cover issues like that. :) ROTFLMAO
I am assuming you believe that "marriage" should be restricted to one man/one women and that you believe the government should enforce that limitation as a matter of law, correct? The problem with government involvement in social issues is that it can cut both ways. Tomorrow, the government could decide that there can be no such thing as "marriage" or the every one, if htey marry at all, are required to have a minimum of two spouses simultaneously. There is a difference, a significant difference I would suggest; between laws that seek to protect victims (i.e. laws against theft, murder, child pornography, adults engaging in sex with minor children, etc.) compared to laws that try to mold society into a currently defined "norm". As I understand the Constitution, it is not the proper role of government; especially the federal government, to engage in social engineering whether it's "engineering" some people like or not...whether it’s dictating who can marry each other or showing favoritism to married couples (tax treatment, etc) or even doing things such as subsidizing people buying homes, certain “ecologically friendly vehicles†and all the other things that government dose to “make us into the society it wantsâ€. All I'm suggesting is that government shoudl do only what it's supposed to do and engaging in social engineering is not one of government's proper roles.
I see said the blind man. :)
I can't figure out if Zimmerman's attorney is just really good at cross or if the prosecutors are incompetent (not preparing their wittnesses properly) of if tehse wittnesses are just that stupid/out to get Zimmerman but everyone except the professionals (LEOs, etc) seem completely incapable of eitehr telling the truth or sticking the stories they've told all along until sitting in the wittness chair.
I'm curious; why do you think the government at any level of government, should be involved at all? Frankly, who I marry, don't marry, live with, don't live with, love, don't love is not a roll that governmetn should be or needs to be involved in. I'm certainly in favor of hetrosexual marraige and belive it's the best overall structure for a successful society...but I don't see it as the proper roll of government to be involved in it.
Is hiding your morality behind a federal government proclamation a morally superior position? I fail to see how DOMA has/had any impact on anyone’s belief or what others think of them…I’m pretty sure that if others believe you are a homophobe because your religion is opposed to same-sex marriage it thought so both before DOMA, while DOMA was in effect and will continue to right on into the future.
How do you figure that? Everyone is supposed to be taken care of now, either with their own private insurance (if they can find it) or Obamacare...married or not, homosexual or not has not impact on that.
Some things are irreplaceable but is there anyting more irreplaceable than a human life? Especially, as is the case in this story, somr bored teenagers? I get what you are sying...I really do; but I'm not going to take anyone's life over "stuff" no matter how much "meaning" it has for me...doing so is against the law in TN but it's also against my God's law as I understand it and attempt (emphasis on "attempt") to follow it. ;)
You don't have the right to use deadly force to protect just property; not in TN anyway. But, I do agree, the age of the thug is not the issue. If a stranger who has not reasonable right to be ther shows up in my back hallway at 3AM he's going to meet the busines end of my SD weapons, I relly don't care if hes 16 or 26.
I think the danger to the church (all churcnes of any faith) is not DOMA being struck down but the federal government in general...I don't expect any help from them in protecting a religion's right to, for example, not marry homosexual couples etc...we've seen that with Obamacare and birth control. The only hope for religions will be to fight such oppression in the courts citing the constitutionally protected right for people to be able to freely practice their religion...I don't hold out much hope for that, however. That's part of my reason for saying that we need the government out of the whole "marriage" issue completely...no favortism...no special government benefitrs for being "married" not married be that taxes or health care insurance or anything else.
That is precisely the point that the defense made yesterday on cross. The prosecution is trying to paint Zimmerman as this hate-filled, frustrated, vigilantly cop-want-a-be who was looking for one of “them†that he could murder. Unfortunately for the prosecution; all their witnesses on cross painted the opposite picture; the picture of a man who was willing to help his community; who followed the guidelines of the NW program and a person so well thought of by the police that he was invited to become a member of the police’s citizen patrol (with an actual, unmarked police cruiser and uniform) yet this alleged cop-want-a-be turned that down.
I was not surprised. When it comes to the federal government, showing favortism (actually "punnishing" same-sex couples which is what DOMA was really about) is simply not going to pass Constitutional muster. I think Scalia (sp?) is a very strict Constitutionalist and I think that is precisely why he came down the way he did on this issue. Now...if we can just get the federal governmetn completely out of the marriage business we will have accomplished something.