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Everything posted by RobertNashville

  1. Thanks for the pertinent facts, ETP. They are disturbing, however.   Disturbing because this is a FB story going around referencing this story as some "great blow for 2A rights" when it obviously (now) has nothing to do with this sheriff supporting 2A rights.
  2. I'm really less concerned here with this particular law and this particular person who was carrying than I am with the concept of a single LEO deciding that a law that was properly passed by the state legislature is "unconstitutional". I suspect that this law in FL has been on the books for a while (maybe a long while) and has held up to scrutiny; probably in one or more state courts -   I'm no expert on what a Sheriff can or can't do in FL but if one man can decide not to enforce a law, passed by the state's legislature that he swore to uphold when he took office, to me, seems like a bad precedent and outside of his authority. 
  3. I'm not quite sure what to make of this. First of all, this is the first I heard of it and have no idea if this story is 100% accurate.   Second...while it's good to hear that a Sheriff is standing up for citizen's constitutional rights. On the other, it seems to me that he went much too far...this wasn't some unconstitutional federal law but the law of the state (that I suspect he swore an oath to uphold).
  4. "In a developing story, Sheriff Nick Finch was arrested, charged with a felony and and suspended without pay for supporting a citizen’s 2nd Amendment rights. It’s not a story you hear every day. It’s certainly not a story you’d expect out of a county named Liberty.   The events began when Floyd Eugene Parrish, a Florida resident, was arrested and detained by one of Finch’s deputies for carrying a firearm without a permit on March 8th, 2013. In the state of Florida, this lands you a 3rd degree felony charge. Finch released Parrish because, in his assessment, Parrish was not a violent criminal and was acting innocuously. Finch called the clerk and told her not to draw up arrest documents until he was there to assess the situation. Note, Parrish had not been officially booked into jail- only detained."   Entire Article Here: http://benswann.com/exclusive-fl-sheriff-arrested-charged-with-felony-suspended-for-protecting-citizens-2nd-amendment-rights/  
  5. Please read gun sane's post - I think people aren't understanding what is actually being proposed here.   Your signature says that the 2014 vote could be the most important this country has ever known...I say expecting anything to change at the federal level through the ballot box is a lost cause. Something as dramatic as what Mark Levin is proposing may be the very last thing that can be done before the socialist takeover of the country is complete except for the dust settling.
  6. Actually, I'm not an expert in such matters but I don't believe the federal government, has much and maybe nothing to say in such things...it woudl be each individual state that would have the power (but I would need to read up on it to be sure).
  7. A constitutional convention could be devestating but I'm wondering if we haven't already reached the point that even a devestating convention wouldn't be any wors than our current destination?  If something pretty radical isn't done and done very soon there won't be a constitution to reform/return to.  Whether it's a complete (or even a partial) economic meltdown or smply the continued deevolving of our society, this country will not survive the path it's currently traveling and I see little hope in any political process, party or candidate(s) that anything will change for the better.
  8. Well; I'm not sure that it can't be "stretched" much further and every negative incident hurts us all. In any case, very few legislative changes happen suddenly unless there is something really spectacular that happens (such as the laws passed shortyl after 9-11) or the push after the Sandy Hook shooting (which failed at the national level but the anti-gunners have certainly had success in a few states!0. You may be right, perhaps more people openly carrying will cause people to get used to the idea but it could also have the opposite affect and move the legislature to put more restrictions on us. Those who want to limit our rights to arms never stop trying and will use any excuse to push their agenda; patience often pays off handsomly whenit comes to matters of politics and public policy and it's in our own best interests to keep that in mind anytime we are in public regardless of our chosen method of carry. Frankly, I'm more concerned about those who carry openly for political purposes and/or ego purposes - those are the people that cam and often do cause the most harm.
  9. I guess it doesn't...did you join the forum this morning just so you could tweek my nose or is there a point here that I'm missing? ;)   If you'll note in rest of my post which you didn't quote; Tennessee (whcih is the state I'm mainly concerned with); the "open carry" that is allowed here is being stretched far beyond the orignial intent and sthings stretched too far have the often undesirable tendency to snap back and go too far in the other direction.
  10. I just had to take my basset to the vet this morning; had what, thankfully, turned out to be just a hotspot on her ear (which is an unusual place for a dog, especielly a basset sinc they can't lick it/etc)...anyway, while there we examined a coupld of subcutanious cysts to make sure thats all they were...she's been going to the same vet since I brought her home at eight weeks old; she'll be nine this August 30th.  The cysts, etc. are all signs of her advancing age (along with her muzzle getting grey) and I couldn't hlep but think of the future when I know I'll lose her.   These four legged furry creatures reall get to you, don't they.   Congragulations on the new addition...I had an aunt and uncle that alwasy had a boston terrier...very neat little dogs. :)
  11. I should have rememberd the one in Memphis...I ate at that one just a couple of months ago when I was at Rangemasters for the Massad Ayoob class!
  12. There is one (that I know of) in Tennessee; it's on Music Vally Drive near the Opryland Hotel...I go there evey now and then as it reminds me of "home". :)
  13. Most of you probably aren't familar with Bob Evan's restaurants but I've known them my whole life including the Bob himself.  Anyway, my sister used to laugh when I started orfering off the "senior menu" but not any more (don't know why that would be???) ;)  I've gotten in th habit of asking these days although I still don't do it every time; even when I know I qualify...makes me feel younger. :)   About a month ago, my sister got a call from my brother-in law (her husband) that "her brother had been taken to the hospital"...she immediately started packing and making arrangements to get to Nashville (they live in Ohio) because she assumed it was me!  Instead, it was my brother (younger by 10 years) who was in the hospital with, essentially, a panic attack (he hasn't been handling my Mother's passing very well; she passed in mid-May).  When your sister starts assuming it's "you" that's in the hospital itls just another sign of age I guess.   I've been noticing that more and more...just lost a friend a couple of days ago, younger than I am, who had retired from Metro Nashville PD just a couple of years ago...he had just married off his daughter this past Saturday.   There is a quote I've been thinking about more and more.... "The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present." - origin uncertain
  14. It's nice that they got back with you!   As long as they are charging their actual cost and not just jacking up the price, it seems fair to me.  :)
  15. I think carrying two firearms is prudent...on on your person and (I suggest) a duplicate (for same ammo/mag purposes) in the vehicle as getting to your holstered handgun can be problematic when in your vehicle, seat-belt on, etc. so having an interchangeable weapon on the passenger seat or somewhere else very handy is a good thing.   I've thought about carrying something like an FS2000 in my vehicle but haven't so far - I think I'd have to really feel I needed it before I'd carry a long gun which begs the question of if I feel I really need to have a long gun with me why am i ever going out/to that destination? ;)  I also, frankly, would be much more worried about someone breaking into my vehicle and steeling it...losing a $500 Glock is bad enough; losing a $2,500 rifle is quite another (not that losing any firearm isn't bad)!
  16. I really don't get what you are trying to say with the ND and concealed carry analogy but okay...I agree...someone prone to NDs are generally not told to not carry concealed. So what? If those prone to NDs aren't told not to carry concealed it's most likely because 9,999 times out of 10,000, "carrying" (open or concealed) has ZERO to do with NDs.. :screwy:   NDs are bad and should be avoided (and will be if all firearm safety rules are followed)...NDs are bad if your carrying openly, carrying concealed or happen (I would suggest most often) when "carrying" isn't even part of the equation.   Carrying openly and causing an incident is bad and should be avoided (and almost always can be if people just used the common sense God gave a walnut). And you know what, carrying concealed and causing an incident is also bad (it's just that such incidents don't happen often if someone is actually concealed).   I don't have to support ANY PARTICULAR METHOD OF CARRY to be supportive of your and everyone's firearm rights and I won't support any method of carry that tends to cause problems for me or other firearm owners.
  17. ND's/accidents on a weekly basis? Well, considering the millions of firearm owners in the U.S. I suppose there probably are NDs and accidents every week "somewhere". However, I very much doubt you know what kind or carry method was involved or even carrying had anything to do with it.  If you know that than you must have access to data most other people don't.  Care to cite your sources?     I don't see how there is a double standard because I don't see how the issues are even remotely the same. Further, if you've spent any time on this or any other gun board I'd suggest those who have NDs are excoriated by the members (as are people who OC and cause problems). So please explain this "double standard" you say exists?   I'll give you this, anyone who has shown him/herself to be prone to NDs shouldn't be carrying regardless of HOW they carry and perhaps should give up handling firearms at all...is that an equal enough standard for you?   While it can happen to anyone, ND's (or ADs) are generally the result of poor skills or poor training (which usually go hand in hand it seems) or perhaps the loss of fine motor skills during a time of high stress. I really doubt that many of the NDs that happen have anyting to do with carry method or carrying at all; I'd suggest that if you look into the issue of NDs you would find that most of them happen at gun ranges, training courses, and at home (cleaning/handling the weapon) and aren't being "carried" in public, concealed or unconcealed.   As I've shared on this forum before, I occasionally (although rarely) carry unconcealed; depending mostly on where I'm going to be, whom I'm going to be with/seen by and what I'm doing that day...99% of the time I carry concealed.  I don't really have a problem with those who carry unconcealed most or all of the time (although I think they should understand that they are severely stretching the line for legal carry per TN law). What I DO have a problem with are those who carry openly to tweak the noses of those who don't carry and/or to make some kind of political statement and/or because it makes them feel powerful. However, regardless of "why" someone is carrying openly, I especially have a problem with people carrying openly when it DOES cause a problem (especially if causing a problem was their reason to do it) because that affects me and every other person who has made the decision to carry a firearm.
  18. For the benefit of the OP (and everyone else I guess).... A prosecutor, if they decide to charge will use EVERYTHING against you, what kind of ammunition you used, what type of firearm, whether you altered your firearm (little skull end plate on your Glock, etc), what you were wearing, your training, your lack of training, how often you practice and how often you don't, and EVERYTHING you've ever posted to an internet forum/social media site. The prosecution will use all those things and more as weapons against your claim that your used of deadly force was justified. If you take training courses multiple times a year they'll say you were just a murderer honing your skill so you could go out and kill someone; if you don't train they'll say you were an accident looking for a place to happen because you didn't train sufficiently to use your weapon or how/when/why to use your weapon.   It will be YOU and YOUR ATTORNEY's responsibility, along with very expensive expert witnesses, to educate the jury and to counter everything the prosecution will throw against you and if you or your attorney or your experts screw up you'll go to jail even if the shoot was completely justified.   Hopefully, if you ever have to use deadly force you won't be charged but you might be even if you were totally justified in your actions and did everything exactly correct.  So, don't just be prepared to defend yourself, be prepared for the potential aftermath as well.
  19. You need an HCP in Tennessee to carry.
  20. I really don't care how many there are; I also don't judge how often there is a problem based on what makes it to YouTube or others' personal experiences; such are lousy sources for data on which to draw conclusions.   Every time there is an incident, it does NOTHING good for firearm owners who carry and gives reason for those who abhor the thought of private citizens carrying arms more reason to try and limit, no expand, our ability to carry legally..
  21. It is not the government's responsibility to educate children.  It also isn't my responsibility to educate anyone's children but my own. Educating children should fall first on the parents, then the family at large and/or the private sector (which would likely do a better job than government-run schools).   In fact in today's world, once a child learns how to do basic math, read and write English, and couple of other basic skills there is practically nothing they can learn at a school (private sector or government-run) that they can't learn from their own computer in their own home (or a library; I think we still have them) and there are ways to give children those basic skills that don not require a trillion$ government industry to do it and without forcing kids to stay in school until they are 16.   I'm sorry for children who are born to thug, dead-beat, drugged-out parents...that's sad...it really is...but it's not the government's responsibility to educate those children nor is it mine. I would ask, however, how likely is it that those children are actually being helped in today's system; even the best schools in that system? I would suggest the answer would be either litter or even not at all.   Schools exist to produce a produce, an educated person. For the most part, even the product they claim as successes are defective; they may know how to feel good about themselves and how to get along with weirdos and how to be sensitive but ask them to make correct change at a fast-food counter without the cash register telling them how much to give back (assuming of course they even bother to get a job). There is a word for continuing to spend money (a LOT of money) on production systems (schools) that keep producing lower and lower quality products...that word is STUPID.
  22. I'd love a good blaster but a light saber is a much cooler weapon...I'd settle for a good phaser 'cuse watching someone denigrate at the cellular level seems cleaner than just "blasting" them.   But, since I don't think we have those yet (that I know of), in a TEOTWAWKI scenario and having to bug out, I'm still in favor of say an a old army armored vehicle then I'd simply load ALL my weapons, ammo and food along with a couple of drums of diesel fuel.
  23. Get it back on topic?  You mean the "topic" that you've already said is absolutely meaningless to you?  That  Bovine Scatology-filles topic?    :koolaid:   I think the topic of this thread should be discussing the possible motivations behind a person who joins a forum and on the same day he joins and with their very fist post, on the forum, starts a thread proposes a ridiculous scenario to set-up a completely meaningless question and then gets his panties in a wad when people don't give the answers he wants to his completely meaningless question. 
  24.   The mere fact that you ask such a question tells everyone that you don't understand.
  25. Likely he's wasting everyone's time because he needed a break from COD and his mom is at work and not able to heat pizza for him. ;)


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