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Everything posted by RobertNashville

  1. There really is no point in Republicans taking the Senate unless they are true conservatives and NOT politicians and I just don't see that happening.   A Republican majority? Possible   A Republican majority that will actually make a difference?  ZERO chance of that I think. One thing that the Republicans have proven is that, as a group, they have no core convictions that they will actually fight for and won't even follow their own platform. When the had control of both houses AND the Presidency they did NOTING of real substance and they will continue to do nothing of substance unless a majority of elected Republicans love liberty first, conservatives/[r]epublicans second and Republicans a distant third. We have have too many SQRLs (squirrals) Status Quo Republican Losers in the party who are willing to go along to get alone.
  2. Not much more worse before we are facing a total economic collapse of the country.
  3. I don't know very many people (other than stone-cold Republicans) who think W was a great president but I'd take 1,000 GWBs any day or 1 Obama.  I do think that W, at least, loved this country and didn't run for President for the purpose of destroying it.
  4. This isn't about understanding anything....it's purely about form over substance..."we've got to do SOMETHING" even if the something is completely immaterial and ineffective.   I'm not sure what concerns me more...that worthless, spineless, politicians passed an unconstitutional law or that so many people seem to have no problem "complying" with it. If these Connecticut gun owners are in any way representative of the overall gun-owing population then we are in BIG BIG trouble.
  5. Hope all turns out well with your Ernie...I know when they hurt you hurt.
  6. Sorry that I apparently misunderstood the point of your post. I can't agree that the Bible is "fluid"...there have been bad translations...there have been translations for sure and some people's interpretations vary; sometimes even the most leaned scholars disagree on specific points or words or how those words were used at the time of the writing but most of the difference in Christian denominations are often very minor distinctions; not significant elements of "truth" or that affect one's basic faith.   1. Some take communion every week, some take it once a month...some only a couple of times a year   2. Some denominations have a very structured/formal liturgy while others are very unstructured or at last not nearly so formal   3. Some Christian's believe that drinking alcohol is "sinful"; some believe that only overindulgence is sinful   4. Some Christian faiths baptize with full emersion into water; some sprinkle water on the person's head   5. Some believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit as described in Acts were "only for that time" while others believe they operate today, etc.   So yes, there are different Christian sects/denominations but that doesn't necessarily mean that one must be "wrong" and the other "right"...most points of disagreement are about relatively minor issues and most importantly; are not issues of "salvation".   Most of the "differences" are simply a reflection that people are different from one another; most "Christians" do agree on the the major issues...the major tenants of Christian faith which defined what a "Christian" is; the rest of it will get sorted out when this life is over.
  7. What good and what point would there be to following any religion if its foundational texts are fluid and/or just a matter of opinion? It doesn't matter if "Christians" are "right" or not...they have an absolute right to believe what they believe. Maybe the Constitution is "wrong" too and needs to be ignored when is says something that one particular person or group doesn't like!   Phil was not "screaming anything...he wasn't out on a street corner telling "gays" they are all going to go to hell". He was asked a direct question and gave a direct answer. What was Phil supposed to do; ignore a lifetime of following Christ and lie about what he actually believed? I guess he could have but had he done so people would be right to question whether his Christian faith really meant anything to him or not.
  8. I didn't say Phil was upset...I was responding to Batman's post that this 'won't end well for A&E"...I don't think it will either nor that it should for the reasons I stated above...their decisions have consequences (and should)....that's all I was saying.
  9. I wanted to let folks know about a new book (actually a series if I understand correctly) written by a family practice physician who lives here in Middle Tennessee (and the book is set here in Middle Tennessee).  The author is former Air Force and was, for part of his career, in charge of a medical unit tasked with "end of the world" disaster relief.  Since I haven't read it I've no idea how good or bad it might be but I'm going to pick up a copy and I'll let you know.   The book is called "The Carrington Effect: a novel of hope" by Andrew B. Dill Website is: http://www.thecarringtoneffect.com/   You can probably tell from the title that this books deals with a solar-generated EMP   The book is available on Amazon.
  10. I agree with your sentiments but...well...it IS just a commercial after all.   I'm not really sure but while TV drams and such can show gore all day long, I'm not sure that a commercial is as free to show someone being blown away. LOL Were I that red head I would have had a firearm already either on me or on the sofa with me...I'm never more than about a arm's length away from a defensive handgun regardless of what room I'm in and yes, the moment that door burst opened like that and some stranger crosses the threshold (especially after the actions that had preceded it) the guy would have had some uninvited lead donations heading his way.
  11. Phil has the absolute right to think what he thinks and the right to say what he thinks/express his opinion about homosexuals or speak on any subject.  But with "rights" come responsibilities including taking personal responsibility and the consequences for what you say which is this case appears to be removal from the show.   On the other side, A&E, as business, has the "right" to remove Phil from the show or cancel or show outright or do whatever it thinks it needs or wants to do. Of course, responsibilities and consequences apply to A&E as well so if their response to Phil's comments results in lost revenue and/or a lost audience for their network so be it.   I'm not really "mad" at A&E (although I wish networks would stop bowing to PC pressure) but I don't feel sorry for them if this mess costs them some lost revenue.
  12. If you hadn't said that maybe no one would have...now...I'll bet someone does!  ;)
  13. Well...I think you are applying a good deal more meaning to the word "the" than is really there...I'm not using it any differently than if I was talking about "the truck"..."the ball", etc. etc. If I was talking about a specific person who happened to be homosexual then I'd refer to the person's name...when speaking generally "the" is the correct term to use (at least as I understand the rules of English!). By the way..."jap" may correctly be determined as a derogatory term we were fighting the Japanese and the Germans and a few others as well! :)
  14. Sorry...I don't get it...if you are tying to make a joke it didn't register with me; sorry! LOL I use the word "homosexual" because it's the proper term for someone who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex (which is predominantly what we are taking about in this thread)...I see nothing stereotypical about it any more than I would using the word heterosexual to describe those who are sexually attracted to the opposite sex.
  15. Who woke you up?
  16. Wow...that's pretty incredible!   I'd hate to pay their electric bill (or the bill for all those lights, etc and likely to pay for putting it all up).   I'd also hate to live next to that house...imagine the traffic! LOL
  17. Wow...not only did I "like" your post but I have to agree with it...surely the world will be ending soon!   I have (or more likely had) Christian friends in Egypt before Mr. Socialist in Chief encouraged and helped the "Arab Spring" along...I've not been able to contact them since and given what they are doing to Christians in Egypt I suspect my next contact won't be on Earth.
  18.   Perhaps it was not your intent but it seems to me that you presented the quote in a manner that suggested that disagreeing with a lifestyle (and given the subject of the thread I would presume the homosexual lifestyle in particular) and fearing/hating them were mutually exclusive which they are not. Some disagree with the homosexual and do so without fear or hate...some disagree with the lifestyle AND fear and/or hate the homosexual as well which is why I said in my post (that you quoted) that one can do both concurrently.
  19. Very true but that doesn't mean that people don't both disagree with AND hate the homosexual and the lifestyle concurrently.
  20. What?  What is it?????  LOL
  21. Since you are unwilling to offer up examples to illustrate your assertions; why in the world should I spend time offering examples to illustrate my point?   :shrug:   Anyway, I'm sure you are as capable as I am in using the search function here!
  22. Actually, I wasn't offering to "help".  What I was suggesting was that, instead of just complaining about these alleged name calling incidents, that you actually DO something about them.
  23. Actually, one definition (per Websters) is "anyone who hates or fears homosexuals or treats them badly". I don't know of anyone here who has treated homosexuals badly nor have I read anything on TGO that would lead me to believe anyone here has "fear" of homosexuals but I've certainly read some posts where the words seem pretty hateful toward homosexuals. As such, there may well have been times were the term was properly used/applied.
  24. OIC...you just want to complain. LOL
  25. There is no definition that I know of - when I use the term I'm simply referring to those who engage in homosexual acts.   While some homosexuals are activists I would suggest they are a minority within a minority - most homosexuals, apart for what sex they find "attractive" live pretty much the same lifestyle and varieties of lifestyle as most of the rest of society to the extent that unless they tell you there would be no indication of what sex they find attractive.


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